Saturday, 25 November 2017
Monday, 7 August 2017
Blogging To The Bank 2.0 - Honest Review
One guy who uses this to his advantage is Rob Benwell. Last year he dished the dirt on the tips and tricks to making a fortune using blogging. But as time passes the old systems become obsolete and new techniques are required. This is where his brand new, fresh off the press Blogging to the Bank 2.0 system comes into play.
For those who know who Rob Benwell is like me, you've probably made a killing using blogs.
For those who don't, here's the story:
Back in 2005 he was struggling to make any profit online, had dropped out of college and was getting deep into debt. He was trying all the techniques the gurus tell you and wasn't getting anywhere fast. All of that went in the bin and he started using his own techniques and started making more and more money using simple blogs. In early 2006 he shared this with the world and had a great ebook called "blogging to the bank". Tons of people got rich from using these techniques (including me). He then spoke at Online Marketing Legend Yanik Silver's underground Seminar where he revealed even more of his underground strategies.
But as I said earlier, the techniques used in that ebook are now showing there age. Some of them are not even working in the slightest! This is where Blogging to the Bank 2.0 comes into play.
It's full of great new techniques that work online right now! Everything's explained in plain English with all the fluff cut out. I got hold of an advanced copy of the book for a much higher price than what it actually sells for and it has been worth every single cent! I got it in the afternoon and by the evening I was creating new profitable blogs. Within a couple of hours of them being active I had made a nice little profit.
Blogging To The Bank 2.0 teaches you Robs new step by step blueprint to creating highly profitable long term niche blogs using the newest optimization techniques. There's even a section on advanced Search Engine Optimization. Most people think SEO is difficult but Rob explains this nice and simply so even the blogging newbie will understand it.
Blogging To The Bank 2.0 is a breath of fresh air and I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to make easy money online.
Wednesday, 21 June 2017
dropbox 1
Tina November 29, 2009 at 1:08 pm Roger, yes you can! There
are two possible shortcuts. One is + . Some keyboards have a dedicated
key for the context menu. You should find it between the and key on the
right side of the . Enjoy! Reply
Hey peops, just to let you know that if you’re using Less with the on Mac, it doesn’t accept the original ‘device-pixel-ratio’ of 1.5 or indeed the opera equivalent of 3/2. All device-pixel-ratios need to be 2 only. Just thought it might help someone out there! Peas and korn.

Another way to quickly open favored folders is, well, by adding them to the Favorites section at the top of File Explorer. The process for doing so isn't exactly obvious, however.

Ultimately, the only way to truly stay anonymous online is to never go online in the first place. If you’ve already used the internet, delete any and all accounts you’ve ever created, turn your computer off and smash it to pieces. You will still leave a digital footprint of some sort in your wake, but hopefully it’s not particularly significant. If you’re using this extreme method, you should also smash up your smart phone, your tablet and your smart TV (they’re listening to us now). Now that you have purged all connected technology from your life, you may wish to live in self-imposed exile, perhaps in a cave, so that you are not tempted to re-enter the online world. Don’t tell anyone about this and you will successfully have acquired complete anonymity. Probably.

Prior to El Capitan, OS X defaulted to grouping items in Notification Center by app. Since El Capitan, Apple switched things up and now groups them by date instead. For instance, all your notifications from today will show up together, which can be useful for seeing what you missed while you were stuck in that all-day meeting.
Anne Permalink to comment# October 29, 2015 Hi, I am new to programming. I have a survey that I want to launch and it is possible that my respondents will not have the same tablets. Can I combine all the scripts for the different tablets?
By cybergrannie November 5, 20140 found this helpfulAre you referring to the camera that lets other people see you when you are "talking" to them? In any case, computers are different so you will have to find this in your laptop manual.If you do not have a manual then research it on line. You will just have to have your laptop "name" and model number which is on your laptop. Usually you can find a manual to review on line or maybe print it out to keep for future reference.You can also just Google your question (include laptop name and model) and maybe find an answer that way.First - find the name and model number as this is necessary for anyone to be able to really answer your questions. Reply Was this helpful? Yes
On a computer, just click on any video while pressing Shift+Alt (Shift+Option+Click on a Mac), and under “Stream Manager” you can manually adjust the bandwidth usage. There is also an option to adjust how the audio and video synchronises, just in case the dialogue and actors’ mouth movements have parted company.
Best Notepad Tricks
Did you know that there is a secret "Send To" menu that you can access with the Shift key? Hold down Shift, right-click the folder and select the "Send To" menu. This lets you access a whole new set of file locations, so you can quickly re-locate a folder without the hassle.
One little known fact about Macs is that they use a different file system than Windows computers by default. That means, if you’re planning on sharing an external hard drive between both Microsoft’s and Apple’s operating systems, you have a few options. While you could format the hard drive to take advantage of the exFAT file system, you would thereby miss out on faster write times. Luckily, in the Disk Utility app featured in macOS, there’s the option to partition hard drives. In doing so, you can theoretically divide the hard drive in half, with one volume being dedicated to macOS and the other to Windows. Take the hard drive over to your PC and you can format one of those volumes for NTFS, making it the perfect little hybrid device.
Chances are, you’ve probably already found a few awesome tools and added them to your productivity arsenal, but most programs can be used for more than just their inteded purpose. Cloud storage tools like Dropbox, for example, are also great for monitoring your home computer, printing files from afar, and even downloading stuff with BitTorrent. Savvy folks can use Gmail to store files in the cloud or find out if someone’s stolen your laptop. Any tool can become multipurpose if you know its ins and outs.
Edward Snowden has called Dropbox - a cloud storage service - ‘hostile to privacy’. That’s pretty damning. If you’re worried about sharing your files through this system, there are a number of good alternatives out there which offer better privacy. Snowden himself recommends Spideroak, which describes itself as a zero-knowledge encrypted data backup, share, sync, access and storage service. You can use a limited version of this as part of their free trial, which can be found on their website. A fully featured subscription is available for $12 a month. However, if you’re just looking to quickly share small or large files anonymously for free, give OnionShare a go. It doesn’t have as many features as Spideroak, but it gets the job done.
The processor is a power hog, often using as much as half of the total power in a system. Smaller is better; as the size of the microscopic wires and electronic architecture within the chip shrinks with each generation, its power use declines.
Quickly launch a new instance of a program Those taskbar icons can also be used to quickly launch a second (or third, or fourth, or…) instance of a program—a fresh browser window alongside an already populated one, for instance, or another Windows Explorer window.Doing so is easy: Just hold down the Shift button, then open the program as you normally would, either via a left click of the mouse or the aforementioned quick-launch keyboard trick. Boom! A new, clean version of the software appears alongside the one you already have open.
Hi all, becareful with Media Queries! They are not pixel accurate. Some times they are off only 20 pixels but other time they are off up to 150 pixels… However, even few pixels is very bad when trying to target a certain mobile phone screen.
Tip: Storage Container Lid for LaptopBy Robyn 1 found this helpfulApril 2, 2017I am using a lid from a storage container to keep my laptop from overheating. I have found that it works very well. I don't want the ventilation area under the computer to be blocked. I love to repurpose items around the house for other things. Spring is a great time to recycle and repurpose! Ad Comment Was this helpful? 1By Karen April 11, 20170 found this helpfulWhat type of storage Containers? Not clear to me. Reply Was this helpful? YesRead More Comments
With loads of iMessage conversations happening at once, it can be easy to lose track of who said what, where, which is especially true if you regularly use multi-people chats and mix work and pleasure. Since Yosemite, though, you can name group chats by clicking Details at the top right then typing a name at the top.
David Englund Permalink to comment# March 7, 2015 I am using the Responsive Theme. What if I want to hide my sub-menu items on the desktop, but show them on the mobile? I use the “Responsive Menu” plugin for mobile, which provides a nice slider expand/collapse look for menus there. But, on the desktop I don’t want sub-menus to show. The main menu items (e.g., About) will take you to that section/page of the website, where a sidebar navigation will then be used from that point on for all the associated pages. Reply ↓
You missed some of my favorite ones, for moving around in text. These work in most text situations, including this comments box. I love not having to move my hand over to the mouse every time I want to reposition the cursor.
More secret right-click options Secret right-click options revealed by the Shift key don't end with file paths, though.The basic Send to tool that appears as an option when you right-click on a file or folder is handy enough indeed, allowing you to move the item quickly to a handful of locations on your PC, add it to a .zip archive, or send it off in an email or fax.But that's just the tip of the iceberg! Holding down the Shift key as you right-click a file or folder will add an absolute ton of new folder locations to the basic Send to menu.
Colin Daniel Lafferty Permalink to comment# May 7, 2013 This is an informative article however i would approach responsive design much the same as we currently do for fully fluid layouts. My personal approach is semi fluid in nature with responsive design only to enhance the content. If for example we apply a fixed width on the container (div as the most semantic selector) Then we can simply target that by simply applying a max width, minimum width and auto for backwards compatibility. Of course will work for semi modern browsers this is the best option in my opinion. We can scale this up or down based upon a percentage and change the width constrictions and there we have a complete fluid and responsive design. Of course other elements needs to be specifically styled, rearranged or sometimes hidden (i would not recommend) by using media queries. Reply ↓
The recently-revised tool allows you to see a film's Rotten Tomatoes score as well as its IMDb rating – not to mention access to other IMDb content as well as any trailers. Still indecisive? Try Netflix Roulette. Put in an actor, a genre, or another determining factor, and hey - who knows what you’ll end up watching.
If you prefer the old per-app grouping, though, go to System Preferences > Notifications, then change the sort order as you please: look for the pop-up menu labelled "Notification Center sort order." Play with the different options and see which one works for you.
This is so that, for example, you can quickly log into a website on your Mac having saved a password on your iPad, or enter your secure credit card details automatically on an iPhone having saved them on your Mac. It's a slightly complex setup, but worth a bit of pain up-front to make your life easier later on; start at this page on Apple's website to find out how.
It can be annoying having to wait for someone else to print out large documents when you're in a hurry, so use this tip to minimize the wait if you have access to more than one printer. In System Preferences > Print & Fax (or Printers & Scanners on recent versions of OS X), you can select multiple printers and create a Printer Pool.
I know article is from a while back, but has anyone had an issue with “max-device-width” and having rendering issue. My impression was that the “max-device-width” only rendered on phones, tablets, and mobile devices, not on desktop browsers. This happens when the browser is set and the initial load of the css file with the @Media query loads. So if I have
Rather than trying to track that missing file down or manually delete the legion of copies, whip out the universal Get Out of Jail Free card that, somewhat surprisingly, also works within Windows proper: Crtl + Z. The keyboard shortcut undoes your last action, restoring order when chaos suddenly appears. (Crtl + C and Crtl + V for copying and pasting, respectively, also work properly within Windows.)
The virus essentially prompts users to download and install a fake software update. It then proceeds to harvest the user Keychain and phish for usernames, passwords as well as any other credentials, before eventually relaying the recovered data back to the attacker.
If you want a file to open in an app other than its default, select the file and press Command+I, to show its information. In the "Open with:" section, use the drop-down menu to choose a new app.
With Mail since Yosemite, though (and in fact with the webmail version of Mail at, you can email files up to 5GB in size. What in fact happens is that the attachment really gets uploaded to iCloud, and then a link is sent to your recipient where they have 30 days from which to download it.
There are six components that are the major power users in a computing device. They are listed here roughly in order of power use, although that can vary based on the notebook itself. They have each been redesigned over the past decade for greater efficiency, but there's still work to be done.
Prior to El Capitan, OS X defaulted to grouping items in Notification Center by app. Since El Capitan, Apple switched things up and now groups them by date instead. For instance, all your notifications from today will show up together, which can be useful for seeing what you missed while you were stuck in that all-day meeting.If you prefer the old per-app grouping, though, go to System Preferences > Notifications, then change the sort order as you please: look for the pop-up menu labelled "Notification Center sort order." Play with the different options and see which one works for you.
Among the 18 tweaks it offers, Flixplus can hide potential spoiler images and text snippets, remove duplicate recommendations, disable that irritating Facebook integration prompt and even show IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes ratings. And it has just been updated to cope with the new Netflix menu system. Get it here.
Preview has some fantastic tools built into it for annotating images and PDFs. And, what's best of all is that the annotations it adds to a PDF are based on a standard that's compatible with Adobe's PDF app, Acrobat, which is used by Windows users and companies - so it's easy to share annotated documents with colleagues.Make sure the Edit Toolbar is visible (from the View menu) and you'll see you've got options for drawing shapes, arrows, speech and thought bubbles and more. There's also the option to highlight text in different colours, strikethrough some text, add notes and type some text into boxes.
However, by doing so, that also kills my iphone4+ styling where I *do* want the footer to display. The problem is that the iphone4+ and the normal *smartphone* min/max dimensions are targeting the same dimensions of 320 and 480 respectively and I am unable to get separate devices with same width/height ratios to be targeted differently without overriding each other. Any online articles that talk about this would be greatly appreciated!
Streaming from your laptop or computer? Let your fingers do the navigating for precise, easy control. Hit Spacebar or Enter keys to pause/play. ‘PgDn’ also pauses, while ‘PgUp’ plays. F enables full-screen viewing, while Esc takes you out of it. Hold Shift and the Left Arrow to rewind, while Shift and the Right Arrow fast-forwards. Up and Down Arrows change volume, while M toggles for mute.
Every program to the right of the Start button is assigned its own numerical shortcut, with the first program being "1," the second being "2," and so on, all the way to the 10th taskbar shortcut, which gets "0." Pressing the Windows key, plus the number of the program you want to open, launches it. For example, in the image at left, pressing Win + 3 launches the Chrome browser.
When you move your laptop from a cold to a warm environment, and vice versa, don't boot up until your system reaches room temperature. Sudden temperature changes can cause condensation to build up inside the notebook case; turn it on too quickly, and the moisture could damage your system's inner components.
Every operating system has hidden things lying under the hood, you just have to know where to look. Windows users should check out the hidden features of Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10, while Mac users should peruse the hidden features of OS X Lion, Mountain Lion, Yosemite, and Mavericks. If you want to find even more, you can often find them in Windows’ Registry or in OS X’s terminal. System tweakers like Ultimate Windows Tweaker, OnyX for Mac, and Ubuntu Tweak are also great places to find secret features.
The next power drain is your screen. While you obviously need to keep it up and running to use the laptop, you don't necessarily need it running at maximum brightness or resolution. Many laptops will have hotkeys for increasing and decreasing the screen brightness, but if not, it can be adjusted in the control panel. Reducing the display to 50 percent when you're running on battery power can add a significant amount of time.
Shut down unused and highly intense appsnhungboon/ShutterstockIf you’re not using an app, make sure that you exit out of it. If they are running, they will use up your battery. Also limit the use of highly intense apps such as games and editing software, they use up a lot of energy and will drain your battery much faster. Make sure you know the ways that computer hackers get into your computer.
It’s not the only option for getting your media files on your Sony gaming console. The ever-wonderful Plex app is one way of getting content from your computer to your PS4 (and it’s free), but if you want a slightly more complex route then you can set up a DLNA server and use this to beam music, video and photos over to the PlayStation box.
Word Count: 3022
Hey peops, just to let you know that if you’re using Less with the on Mac, it doesn’t accept the original ‘device-pixel-ratio’ of 1.5 or indeed the opera equivalent of 3/2. All device-pixel-ratios need to be 2 only. Just thought it might help someone out there! Peas and korn.

Another way to quickly open favored folders is, well, by adding them to the Favorites section at the top of File Explorer. The process for doing so isn't exactly obvious, however.
Ultimately, the only way to truly stay anonymous online is to never go online in the first place. If you’ve already used the internet, delete any and all accounts you’ve ever created, turn your computer off and smash it to pieces. You will still leave a digital footprint of some sort in your wake, but hopefully it’s not particularly significant. If you’re using this extreme method, you should also smash up your smart phone, your tablet and your smart TV (they’re listening to us now). Now that you have purged all connected technology from your life, you may wish to live in self-imposed exile, perhaps in a cave, so that you are not tempted to re-enter the online world. Don’t tell anyone about this and you will successfully have acquired complete anonymity. Probably.

Prior to El Capitan, OS X defaulted to grouping items in Notification Center by app. Since El Capitan, Apple switched things up and now groups them by date instead. For instance, all your notifications from today will show up together, which can be useful for seeing what you missed while you were stuck in that all-day meeting.
Anne Permalink to comment# October 29, 2015 Hi, I am new to programming. I have a survey that I want to launch and it is possible that my respondents will not have the same tablets. Can I combine all the scripts for the different tablets?
By cybergrannie November 5, 20140 found this helpfulAre you referring to the camera that lets other people see you when you are "talking" to them? In any case, computers are different so you will have to find this in your laptop manual.If you do not have a manual then research it on line. You will just have to have your laptop "name" and model number which is on your laptop. Usually you can find a manual to review on line or maybe print it out to keep for future reference.You can also just Google your question (include laptop name and model) and maybe find an answer that way.First - find the name and model number as this is necessary for anyone to be able to really answer your questions. Reply Was this helpful? Yes
On a computer, just click on any video while pressing Shift+Alt (Shift+Option+Click on a Mac), and under “Stream Manager” you can manually adjust the bandwidth usage. There is also an option to adjust how the audio and video synchronises, just in case the dialogue and actors’ mouth movements have parted company.
Best Notepad Tricks
Did you know that there is a secret "Send To" menu that you can access with the Shift key? Hold down Shift, right-click the folder and select the "Send To" menu. This lets you access a whole new set of file locations, so you can quickly re-locate a folder without the hassle.
One little known fact about Macs is that they use a different file system than Windows computers by default. That means, if you’re planning on sharing an external hard drive between both Microsoft’s and Apple’s operating systems, you have a few options. While you could format the hard drive to take advantage of the exFAT file system, you would thereby miss out on faster write times. Luckily, in the Disk Utility app featured in macOS, there’s the option to partition hard drives. In doing so, you can theoretically divide the hard drive in half, with one volume being dedicated to macOS and the other to Windows. Take the hard drive over to your PC and you can format one of those volumes for NTFS, making it the perfect little hybrid device.
Chances are, you’ve probably already found a few awesome tools and added them to your productivity arsenal, but most programs can be used for more than just their inteded purpose. Cloud storage tools like Dropbox, for example, are also great for monitoring your home computer, printing files from afar, and even downloading stuff with BitTorrent. Savvy folks can use Gmail to store files in the cloud or find out if someone’s stolen your laptop. Any tool can become multipurpose if you know its ins and outs.
Edward Snowden has called Dropbox - a cloud storage service - ‘hostile to privacy’. That’s pretty damning. If you’re worried about sharing your files through this system, there are a number of good alternatives out there which offer better privacy. Snowden himself recommends Spideroak, which describes itself as a zero-knowledge encrypted data backup, share, sync, access and storage service. You can use a limited version of this as part of their free trial, which can be found on their website. A fully featured subscription is available for $12 a month. However, if you’re just looking to quickly share small or large files anonymously for free, give OnionShare a go. It doesn’t have as many features as Spideroak, but it gets the job done.
The processor is a power hog, often using as much as half of the total power in a system. Smaller is better; as the size of the microscopic wires and electronic architecture within the chip shrinks with each generation, its power use declines.
Quickly launch a new instance of a program Those taskbar icons can also be used to quickly launch a second (or third, or fourth, or…) instance of a program—a fresh browser window alongside an already populated one, for instance, or another Windows Explorer window.Doing so is easy: Just hold down the Shift button, then open the program as you normally would, either via a left click of the mouse or the aforementioned quick-launch keyboard trick. Boom! A new, clean version of the software appears alongside the one you already have open.
Hi all, becareful with Media Queries! They are not pixel accurate. Some times they are off only 20 pixels but other time they are off up to 150 pixels… However, even few pixels is very bad when trying to target a certain mobile phone screen.
Tip: Storage Container Lid for LaptopBy Robyn 1 found this helpfulApril 2, 2017I am using a lid from a storage container to keep my laptop from overheating. I have found that it works very well. I don't want the ventilation area under the computer to be blocked. I love to repurpose items around the house for other things. Spring is a great time to recycle and repurpose! Ad Comment Was this helpful? 1By Karen April 11, 20170 found this helpfulWhat type of storage Containers? Not clear to me. Reply Was this helpful? YesRead More Comments
With loads of iMessage conversations happening at once, it can be easy to lose track of who said what, where, which is especially true if you regularly use multi-people chats and mix work and pleasure. Since Yosemite, though, you can name group chats by clicking Details at the top right then typing a name at the top.
David Englund Permalink to comment# March 7, 2015 I am using the Responsive Theme. What if I want to hide my sub-menu items on the desktop, but show them on the mobile? I use the “Responsive Menu” plugin for mobile, which provides a nice slider expand/collapse look for menus there. But, on the desktop I don’t want sub-menus to show. The main menu items (e.g., About) will take you to that section/page of the website, where a sidebar navigation will then be used from that point on for all the associated pages. Reply ↓
You missed some of my favorite ones, for moving around in text. These work in most text situations, including this comments box. I love not having to move my hand over to the mouse every time I want to reposition the cursor.
More secret right-click options Secret right-click options revealed by the Shift key don't end with file paths, though.The basic Send to tool that appears as an option when you right-click on a file or folder is handy enough indeed, allowing you to move the item quickly to a handful of locations on your PC, add it to a .zip archive, or send it off in an email or fax.But that's just the tip of the iceberg! Holding down the Shift key as you right-click a file or folder will add an absolute ton of new folder locations to the basic Send to menu.
Colin Daniel Lafferty Permalink to comment# May 7, 2013 This is an informative article however i would approach responsive design much the same as we currently do for fully fluid layouts. My personal approach is semi fluid in nature with responsive design only to enhance the content. If for example we apply a fixed width on the container (div as the most semantic selector) Then we can simply target that by simply applying a max width, minimum width and auto for backwards compatibility. Of course will work for semi modern browsers this is the best option in my opinion. We can scale this up or down based upon a percentage and change the width constrictions and there we have a complete fluid and responsive design. Of course other elements needs to be specifically styled, rearranged or sometimes hidden (i would not recommend) by using media queries. Reply ↓
The recently-revised tool allows you to see a film's Rotten Tomatoes score as well as its IMDb rating – not to mention access to other IMDb content as well as any trailers. Still indecisive? Try Netflix Roulette. Put in an actor, a genre, or another determining factor, and hey - who knows what you’ll end up watching.
If you prefer the old per-app grouping, though, go to System Preferences > Notifications, then change the sort order as you please: look for the pop-up menu labelled "Notification Center sort order." Play with the different options and see which one works for you.
This is so that, for example, you can quickly log into a website on your Mac having saved a password on your iPad, or enter your secure credit card details automatically on an iPhone having saved them on your Mac. It's a slightly complex setup, but worth a bit of pain up-front to make your life easier later on; start at this page on Apple's website to find out how.
It can be annoying having to wait for someone else to print out large documents when you're in a hurry, so use this tip to minimize the wait if you have access to more than one printer. In System Preferences > Print & Fax (or Printers & Scanners on recent versions of OS X), you can select multiple printers and create a Printer Pool.
I know article is from a while back, but has anyone had an issue with “max-device-width” and having rendering issue. My impression was that the “max-device-width” only rendered on phones, tablets, and mobile devices, not on desktop browsers. This happens when the browser is set and the initial load of the css file with the @Media query loads. So if I have
Rather than trying to track that missing file down or manually delete the legion of copies, whip out the universal Get Out of Jail Free card that, somewhat surprisingly, also works within Windows proper: Crtl + Z. The keyboard shortcut undoes your last action, restoring order when chaos suddenly appears. (Crtl + C and Crtl + V for copying and pasting, respectively, also work properly within Windows.)
The virus essentially prompts users to download and install a fake software update. It then proceeds to harvest the user Keychain and phish for usernames, passwords as well as any other credentials, before eventually relaying the recovered data back to the attacker.
If you want a file to open in an app other than its default, select the file and press Command+I, to show its information. In the "Open with:" section, use the drop-down menu to choose a new app.
With Mail since Yosemite, though (and in fact with the webmail version of Mail at, you can email files up to 5GB in size. What in fact happens is that the attachment really gets uploaded to iCloud, and then a link is sent to your recipient where they have 30 days from which to download it.
There are six components that are the major power users in a computing device. They are listed here roughly in order of power use, although that can vary based on the notebook itself. They have each been redesigned over the past decade for greater efficiency, but there's still work to be done.
Prior to El Capitan, OS X defaulted to grouping items in Notification Center by app. Since El Capitan, Apple switched things up and now groups them by date instead. For instance, all your notifications from today will show up together, which can be useful for seeing what you missed while you were stuck in that all-day meeting.If you prefer the old per-app grouping, though, go to System Preferences > Notifications, then change the sort order as you please: look for the pop-up menu labelled "Notification Center sort order." Play with the different options and see which one works for you.
Among the 18 tweaks it offers, Flixplus can hide potential spoiler images and text snippets, remove duplicate recommendations, disable that irritating Facebook integration prompt and even show IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes ratings. And it has just been updated to cope with the new Netflix menu system. Get it here.
Preview has some fantastic tools built into it for annotating images and PDFs. And, what's best of all is that the annotations it adds to a PDF are based on a standard that's compatible with Adobe's PDF app, Acrobat, which is used by Windows users and companies - so it's easy to share annotated documents with colleagues.Make sure the Edit Toolbar is visible (from the View menu) and you'll see you've got options for drawing shapes, arrows, speech and thought bubbles and more. There's also the option to highlight text in different colours, strikethrough some text, add notes and type some text into boxes.
However, by doing so, that also kills my iphone4+ styling where I *do* want the footer to display. The problem is that the iphone4+ and the normal *smartphone* min/max dimensions are targeting the same dimensions of 320 and 480 respectively and I am unable to get separate devices with same width/height ratios to be targeted differently without overriding each other. Any online articles that talk about this would be greatly appreciated!
Streaming from your laptop or computer? Let your fingers do the navigating for precise, easy control. Hit Spacebar or Enter keys to pause/play. ‘PgDn’ also pauses, while ‘PgUp’ plays. F enables full-screen viewing, while Esc takes you out of it. Hold Shift and the Left Arrow to rewind, while Shift and the Right Arrow fast-forwards. Up and Down Arrows change volume, while M toggles for mute.
Every program to the right of the Start button is assigned its own numerical shortcut, with the first program being "1," the second being "2," and so on, all the way to the 10th taskbar shortcut, which gets "0." Pressing the Windows key, plus the number of the program you want to open, launches it. For example, in the image at left, pressing Win + 3 launches the Chrome browser.
When you move your laptop from a cold to a warm environment, and vice versa, don't boot up until your system reaches room temperature. Sudden temperature changes can cause condensation to build up inside the notebook case; turn it on too quickly, and the moisture could damage your system's inner components.
Every operating system has hidden things lying under the hood, you just have to know where to look. Windows users should check out the hidden features of Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10, while Mac users should peruse the hidden features of OS X Lion, Mountain Lion, Yosemite, and Mavericks. If you want to find even more, you can often find them in Windows’ Registry or in OS X’s terminal. System tweakers like Ultimate Windows Tweaker, OnyX for Mac, and Ubuntu Tweak are also great places to find secret features.
The next power drain is your screen. While you obviously need to keep it up and running to use the laptop, you don't necessarily need it running at maximum brightness or resolution. Many laptops will have hotkeys for increasing and decreasing the screen brightness, but if not, it can be adjusted in the control panel. Reducing the display to 50 percent when you're running on battery power can add a significant amount of time.
Shut down unused and highly intense appsnhungboon/ShutterstockIf you’re not using an app, make sure that you exit out of it. If they are running, they will use up your battery. Also limit the use of highly intense apps such as games and editing software, they use up a lot of energy and will drain your battery much faster. Make sure you know the ways that computer hackers get into your computer.
It’s not the only option for getting your media files on your Sony gaming console. The ever-wonderful Plex app is one way of getting content from your computer to your PS4 (and it’s free), but if you want a slightly more complex route then you can set up a DLNA server and use this to beam music, video and photos over to the PlayStation box.
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Friday, 16 June 2017

“We do the basics wrong, we do the simple things wrong,” said Pakistan’s coach, Micky Arthur. “The only thing I can think of is the magnitude of the occasion got to them.” It should have been an influential toss that Pakistan won, but they could not make the most of bowling first at 10.30am in damp conditions because their fielding was so awful and their tactics so strange. Amir bowled line and length, very well too until his cramp, and that was about the extent of Pakistan’s maximising the conditions – because they opened the bowling at the City end with a spinner, and played two specialist spinners and a part-timer in all, while India dropped Ravi Ashwin and sufficed with one. Amir could not swing the new Kookaburra – neither could India’s pace bowlers when the time came – but he did pitch it up and give it a chance to deviate. In his first spell Hasan Ali did too, and that was it. Pakistan’s teenaged legspinner Shadab Khan bowled gamely and tied down Rohit Sharma for no more than singles at a stretch, but overall Pakistan’s attack made little of the conditions, most notably their most senior bowler, Wahab, who bowled short and wide to India’s batsmen.

“We do the basics wrong, we do the simple things wrong,” said Pakistan’s coach, Micky Arthur. “The only thing I can think of is the magnitude of the occasion got to them.” It should have been an influential toss that Pakistan won, but they could not make the most of bowling first at 10.30am in damp conditions because their fielding was so awful and their tactics so strange. Amir bowled line and length, very well too until his cramp, and that was about the extent of Pakistan’s maximising the conditions – because they opened the bowling at the City end with a spinner, and played two specialist spinners and a part-timer in all, while India dropped Ravi Ashwin and sufficed with one. Amir could not swing the new Kookaburra – neither could India’s pace bowlers when the time came – but he did pitch it up and give it a chance to deviate. In his first spell Hasan Ali did too, and that was it. Pakistan’s teenaged legspinner Shadab Khan bowled gamely and tied down Rohit Sharma for no more than singles at a stretch, but overall Pakistan’s attack made little of the conditions, most notably their most senior bowler, Wahab, who bowled short and wide to India’s batsmen.
There's some intrigue in the India camp Re the future of Anil Kumble, and rumours that there have been some issues between him and Virat Kohli. Cricket-Australian McDermott applies for India coach job - report NEW DELHI, June 4 (Reuters) - Former Australia fast bowler Craig McDermott has applied for the post of India head coach, which will become vacant after the ongoing Champions Trophy campaign. The Indian cricket board (BCCI) advertised the post last month, while maintaining that incumbent Anil Kumble would be considered for a contract extension after the team recorded just one defeat in 17 tests since he took over in June last year. McDermott, who played 71 tests for Australia between 1984 and 1996 and was his country's full-time bowling coach from the 2013-14 Ashes series to last year's World T20, said he had submitted an application. "I have had aspirations for a while to be a head coach," he told "I was away from cricket coaching for a year, and now, I want to come back to it. I have also enjoyed my time in India, and it would be nice to serve Indian cricket." According to media reports, his former team mate Tom Moody, former Pakistan coach Richard Pybus, ex-India opener Virender Sehwag and coach of the 2007 World T20 winning Indian team Lalchand Rajput have also applied for the job. Managing an Indian dressing room full of egos and diverse personalities is a Herculean task and former captain Kumble's impressive record will be difficult to ignore. The BCCI's Cricket Advisory Committee, which will make the decision, comprises his former team mates Sachin Tendulkar, Sourav Ganguly and VVS Laxman.

And we get off to yet another slow start. Rohit Sharma has certainly slowed down quite a bit, after that rain delay. Meanwhile, Virat Kohli seems to be taking the cautious approach, as India would benefit from having more wickets in hand, if the D/L method comes into play.
WICKET! Amir c Jadhav b Yadav 9 Amir gets two off the first ball of the over, but gives his wicket away the very next ball. Tries to hit Yadav on the up through cover which is more than a tad ambitious. Simple chance for Jadhav in the field, despite his shocking put-down earlier.
Shame. But that delay might come at a reasonable time for Pakistan. India just starting to tick, and some errors starting to creep in for the Pakistan boys. Imad tosses one up and Dhawan wallops it. Now a really irritating bit of cricket, the ball knocked into the deep for a single, a wild throw, keeper misses it, nobody is backing up. Oh, Pakistan. Three runs. Anyway, then a couple of singles and the umpires have the players off after the fifth ball of the over.
Mohammad Amir suddenly goes down to the ground, clutching his ankle, as the Pakistan team physio comes out onto the field, to inspect the paceman, who eventually walks off to the dressing room. Wahav Riaz comes in to bowl in Amir's place.
Yuvraj Singh, a bruising left-hander and India’s most experienced batsman, lit the blue touchpaper. To that point, their captain, Virat Kohli, had been earthbound, pushing his ones and twos, as if his reputation as the world’s best batsman had been much exaggerated. He then reached for the stars, scoring 37 runs off his last 12 balls, while Hardik Pandya weighed in by hitting the first three balls of India’s final over for six.
WICKET! Imad c Jadhav b Pandya 0 Sarfraz misses the chance to put Pandya away through the legside when he strays too straight, but only gets a single. Imad faces his first ball, and chips a drive straight to the grateful mitts of Jadhav at cover. It was a shorter length delivery than he thought, and as a result he was always hitting on the up.
10:16AM There's some intrigue in the India camp Re the future of Anil Kumble, and rumours that there have been some issues between him and Virat Kohli. Cricket-Australian McDermott applies for India coach job - report NEW DELHI, June 4 (Reuters) - Former Australia fast bowler Craig McDermott has applied for the post of India head coach, which will become vacant after the ongoing Champions Trophy campaign. The Indian cricket board (BCCI) advertised the post last month, while maintaining that incumbent Anil Kumble would be considered for a contract extension after the team recorded just one defeat in 17 tests since he took over in June last year. McDermott, who played 71 tests for Australia between 1984 and 1996 and was his country's full-time bowling coach from the 2013-14 Ashes series to last year's World T20, said he had submitted an application. "I have had aspirations for a while to be a head coach," he told "I was away from cricket coaching for a year, and now, I want to come back to it. I have also enjoyed my time in India, and it would be nice to serve Indian cricket." According to media reports, his former team mate Tom Moody, former Pakistan coach Richard Pybus, ex-India opener Virender Sehwag and coach of the 2007 World T20 winning Indian team Lalchand Rajput have also applied for the job. Managing an Indian dressing room full of egos and diverse personalities is a Herculean task and former captain Kumble's impressive record will be difficult to ignore. The BCCI's Cricket Advisory Committee, which will make the decision, comprises his former team mates Sachin Tendulkar, Sourav Ganguly and VVS Laxman.
OVER 8: PAK 38/0 (Azhar 24* Shehzad 11*) target 324 Azhar Ali with a perfect lofted straight down the ground for four, and then a suicidal run. Pandya has time to aim at all three from extra cover. Azhar gives up running, he knows that he's gone for all money. Ah, the batsman had actually collided with the bowler and stopped running, so Pandya had miles more time than he thought (although India would have had to decide whether to appeal or not). Well, it doesn't matter now.
Those two wickets have put a big cap on Pakistan's scoring rate, as the required run rate has now crept up to higher that 8 runs per over. However, Pakistan have targetted Pandya today, scoring 9 runs off his last over, to give some relief to the asking rate.
Rohit Sharma had played a few deliciously timed drives for boundary, while Dhawan slog swept Imad for a lofty boundary on the leg side. India picking up their pace also put the Pakistan fielders under some pressure, as they made a few mistakes in the field.
First bowling change, Hasan Ali comes on with his right-arm fast medium. Offers the merest hint of width and Rohit is at him, a lovely, clever, touchy shot behind square for four. Quality act, old RS. The days of 'Nohit Sharma' but a memory these days. Weather not looking too good.
Hasan again starts with three dots, before taking the pace off the ball with a wide-ish cutter. Rohit can only get it away for a single. Again Pakistan go short and Kohli cannot connect. Meanwhile, rain is again a concern. The umpires meet in the middle, but play resumes for now.
OUT! Nuwan Pradeep draws first blood. Fakhar was looking dangerous but Sri Lanka have managed to dismiss him. Pradeep bowls a bouncer and Zaman hooks it albeit straight to Asela Gunaratne at fine leg. But the rookie player has done his job; he scored a 50 off 35 balls. Babar Azam, Pakistan's No 3, arrives at the centre.
WICKET! Hassan fires in a perfect yorker, and traps Yuvraj plumb in front of the middle stump. The umpire hesitated, as there was some confusion whether it hit the bat, but Yuvraj was given out lbw after Pakistan called for a DRS referral.
Pakistan made a steady start to their own innings as well, scoring at over five runs per over. However, Bhuvneshwar Kumar, who has had a brilliant IPL season with Sunrisers Hyderabad, struck first, as he trapped the Pakistan opener plumb in front of the middle and off stump.
Rohit slog-sweeps the spinner, does not get it right and is lucky that his top edge lands safe. Ooh, but this is a poor ball from Shadab Khan, dragged-down long-hop. Rohit's eyes light up and this is six from the moment it makes a sweet, sweet sound off his bat. Launched over midwicket, and that's a most satisfactory way to bring up the fifty.
Dipps & Saima present a special four hour show with live inserts from India Vs Pakistan at Edgbaston. Our very own Noreen Khan soaks up the atmosphere from the pitch and reports back. It's the biggest cricketing fixture in the world and both Dipps and Saima have their celebrity friends dropping in on the show and giving us their live take on the match. Be it Dr Zeus or Falak, Raxstar or Rahim Pardesi. The biggest names from the world Pakistani and Punjabi entertainment will be on your airwaves. Both Dipps and Saima have prepared a playlist you just cannot miss. Think of the biggest sounds and musical vibes from both India and Pakistan coming together in one huge fusion of music to celebrate this historic cricket game in Birmingham. Plus Dipps will spin a special India vs Pakistan mix to celebrate the end of the game, the question is, which team will be celebrating and which team will be mourning during that mix. Show more / Show less Add Release date: 4 June 2017 18 days left to listen 3 hours, 57 minutes
WICKET! Jadeja's consistency with his line and length pays off finally. Azhar did steer the ball away for his FIFTY, but a couple of balls later he perished while trying to slog sweep Jadeja, but only managed to get a top edge, as Hardik Pandya took a smart catch in the deep.
The growth of large expatriate populations from India and Pakistan across the world led to neutral states like the United Arab Emirates and Canada hosting several bilateral and multilateral ODI series involving the two teams. Players in both teams routinely face intense pressure to win, and are threatened by extreme reactions in defeat. Extreme fan reactions to defeats in key matches such as in the ICC Cricket World Cup have been recorded, with a limited degree of violence and public disturbances.At the same time, India-Pakistan cricket matches have also offered opportunities for cricket diplomacy as a means to improve relations between the two countries by allowing heads of state to exchange visits and cricket followers from either country to travel to the other to watch the matches.
A month ago, Mallya had been arrested by the Scotland Yard in London on allegations of a fraud. However, he was released on bail soon after he provided a bail bond worth £650,000.
Pandya on strike for the last over, and he takes full advantage of his limited opportunity. To say the very least. Imad Wasim dishes up the first one on off stump. He gets the leg out of the way and heaves it for six. Now a flat, brutal slap over long off for another six. Slower ball on off now, Pandya mullers that over cow corner. Three sixes in three balls. He couldn't, could he?
However, the Mumbai batsman soon found himself short of his crease, as he tried to seal a run. Babar Azam showed great awareness to hurl it at Sarfraz, who swiftly whipped off the bails.
WICKET! What a throw by Jadeja. Hafeez steers be ball away, and looks to steal a single. However, Jadeja caught Shoaib Malik off-guard with a gem of a throw, on the turn, as he hits the stumps directly. He had only one stump to aim at. This is a very important wicket, as Shoaib Malik was scoring at a rather brisk pace, and was looking quite comfortable out there.
Dipps & Saima present a special four hour show with live inserts from India Vs Pakistan at Edgbaston. Our very own Noreen Khan soaks up the atmosphere from the pitch and reports back. It's the biggest cricketing fixture in the world and both Dipps and Saima have their celebrity friends dropping in on the show and giving us their live take on the match. Be it Dr Zeus or Falak, Raxstar or Rahim Pardesi. The biggest names from the world Pakistani and Punjabi entertainment will be on your airwaves. Both Dipps and Saima have prepared a playlist you just cannot miss. Think of the biggest sounds and musical vibes from both India and Pakistan coming together in one huge fusion of music to celebrate this historic cricket game in Birmingham. Plus Dipps will spin a special India vs Pakistan mix to celebrate the end of the game, the question is, which team will be celebrating and which team will be mourning during that mix. Show more / Show less Add
WICKET! Shadab Khan tosses the ball up, and Dhawan takes the bait, as he dances down the tract to smack it on the full towards the leg side. It was a simple catch for Azhar Ali at deep-midwicket.
India won very easily, by 124 runs. Their batting power has been the most significant opening bid in the first four matches of this tournament although England, provided they qualify, can avoid India in the semi-finals by meeting South Africa, whom they beat 2-1 in their recent series.
Metronomic line and length from Pandya, and he ties Hafeez down with three dot balls. The Pakistan batsman has a strike rate of 60 currently, which just won't do. Two more dots follow, and Hafeez nudges a single to mid-on off the final ball of the over. Pressure building.
OVER 33: IND 173/1 (Rohit 77* Kohli 24*) Hasan again starts with three dots, before taking the pace off the ball with a wide-ish cutter. Rohit can only get it away for a single. Again Pakistan go short and Kohli cannot connect. Meanwhile, rain is again a concern. The umpires meet in the middle, but play resumes for now.
Rohit and Dhawan got to their half-century mark, before launching into the overdrive mode. This aggression did Dhawan in, as he got caught in the deep, trying to slog spinner Shadab Khan.
Both batsmen living a little dangerously. The 'win predictor' has says India win this game 90% of the time from this position, and its another sound over from Pandya. Bangs one in short that rushes Hafeez, deceptively sharp stuff.
That's a real blow for Pakistan as Malik looked in excellent touch. Goes walkabout looking for a quick single, Hafeez sends him back but Jadeja at 45 finds the target with a flat left-arm throw. Fine piece of fielding, but an amateurish dismissal.
Virat Kohli brought his strike bowler Umesh Yadav in to bowl, as soon as the Pakistan tail was exposed, and the lanky Kolkata Knight Riders paceman wrapped-up the innings with some intelligent change of pace, removing Mohammad Amir and Hassan Ali. With Wahab Riaz already out injured, Pakistan ran out of batsmen, resulting in a massive 124-run win for India.
Come on Pakistan. Get your act together. India are putting their foot down and Pakistan are crumbling under pressure. A terrible over from Wahab, who really is old enough to know better. Short and wide outside off, leg stump half volley, short and wide outside off. Dhawan goes four, four, four. Next ball, Wahab produces a decent slower one, but Dhawan has seen that coming, and dabs it into the offside, where Shadab makes an amateurish misfield. That turns none into two and Pakistan are coming apart at the seams here.
One of the biggest sporting rivalries in the world, India vs Pakistan is always an epic battle of cricket. Both nations have a rich cricketing history, passionate fans and top-notch players. Therefore, India vs Pakistan match tickets are always hard to come by – especially to see them play for glory at the Cricket World Cup! Get your India vs Pakistan Cricket World Cup tickets on viagogo, the world’s largest ticket marketplace! All India vs Pakistan match tickets are 100% guaranteed by viagogo – you’ll get genuine tickets before the match or your money back. Tickets will be delivered electronically or via secure courier to more than a 100 countries in the world. viagogo has operations in nearly 50 countries and provides choice, convenience and consumer protection so you can buy your India vs Pakistan cricket match tickets with confidence.
What are they saying? India captain Virat Kohli: Indian skipper Virat Kohli has denied reports of a rift between himself and coach Anil Kumble on the eve of his team's Champions Trophy Group B opener against arch-rivals Pakistan at Edgbaston on Sunday. Reports of a falling out between Kohli and Kumble emerged after India's cricket board (BCCI) invited applications for the head coach's role last week, despite the team's excellent results since Kumble took over last June. Kumble has guided the team to just one defeat in 17 tests since taking charge, and the BCCI has made it clear that it will also consider extending his contract. "There are no issues whatsoever," Kohli told a news conference on Saturday. "There has been a lot of speculation and a lot of things written by people without actually being a part of the changing room, which is very strange. "There are no problems whatsoever. The team is totally focused on the Champions Trophy." What are the odds? India - 4/9 Pakistan - 7/4 What's our prediction? India should win here, but we're expecting a close match.
There's some intrigue in the India camp Re the future of Anil Kumble, and rumours that there have been some issues between him and Virat Kohli. Cricket-Australian McDermott applies for India coach job - report NEW DELHI, June 4 (Reuters) - Former Australia fast bowler Craig McDermott has applied for the post of India head coach, which will become vacant after the ongoing Champions Trophy campaign. The Indian cricket board (BCCI) advertised the post last month, while maintaining that incumbent Anil Kumble would be considered for a contract extension after the team recorded just one defeat in 17 tests since he took over in June last year. McDermott, who played 71 tests for Australia between 1984 and 1996 and was his country's full-time bowling coach from the 2013-14 Ashes series to last year's World T20, said he had submitted an application. "I have had aspirations for a while to be a head coach," he told "I was away from cricket coaching for a year, and now, I want to come back to it. I have also enjoyed my time in India, and it would be nice to serve Indian cricket." According to media reports, his former team mate Tom Moody, former Pakistan coach Richard Pybus, ex-India opener Virender Sehwag and coach of the 2007 World T20 winning Indian team Lalchand Rajput have also applied for the job. Managing an Indian dressing room full of egos and diverse personalities is a Herculean task and former captain Kumble's impressive record will be difficult to ignore. The BCCI's Cricket Advisory Committee, which will make the decision, comprises his former team mates Sachin Tendulkar, Sourav Ganguly and VVS Laxman.

And we get off to yet another slow start. Rohit Sharma has certainly slowed down quite a bit, after that rain delay. Meanwhile, Virat Kohli seems to be taking the cautious approach, as India would benefit from having more wickets in hand, if the D/L method comes into play.
WICKET! Amir c Jadhav b Yadav 9 Amir gets two off the first ball of the over, but gives his wicket away the very next ball. Tries to hit Yadav on the up through cover which is more than a tad ambitious. Simple chance for Jadhav in the field, despite his shocking put-down earlier.
Shame. But that delay might come at a reasonable time for Pakistan. India just starting to tick, and some errors starting to creep in for the Pakistan boys. Imad tosses one up and Dhawan wallops it. Now a really irritating bit of cricket, the ball knocked into the deep for a single, a wild throw, keeper misses it, nobody is backing up. Oh, Pakistan. Three runs. Anyway, then a couple of singles and the umpires have the players off after the fifth ball of the over.
Mohammad Amir suddenly goes down to the ground, clutching his ankle, as the Pakistan team physio comes out onto the field, to inspect the paceman, who eventually walks off to the dressing room. Wahav Riaz comes in to bowl in Amir's place.
Yuvraj Singh, a bruising left-hander and India’s most experienced batsman, lit the blue touchpaper. To that point, their captain, Virat Kohli, had been earthbound, pushing his ones and twos, as if his reputation as the world’s best batsman had been much exaggerated. He then reached for the stars, scoring 37 runs off his last 12 balls, while Hardik Pandya weighed in by hitting the first three balls of India’s final over for six.
WICKET! Imad c Jadhav b Pandya 0 Sarfraz misses the chance to put Pandya away through the legside when he strays too straight, but only gets a single. Imad faces his first ball, and chips a drive straight to the grateful mitts of Jadhav at cover. It was a shorter length delivery than he thought, and as a result he was always hitting on the up.
10:16AM There's some intrigue in the India camp Re the future of Anil Kumble, and rumours that there have been some issues between him and Virat Kohli. Cricket-Australian McDermott applies for India coach job - report NEW DELHI, June 4 (Reuters) - Former Australia fast bowler Craig McDermott has applied for the post of India head coach, which will become vacant after the ongoing Champions Trophy campaign. The Indian cricket board (BCCI) advertised the post last month, while maintaining that incumbent Anil Kumble would be considered for a contract extension after the team recorded just one defeat in 17 tests since he took over in June last year. McDermott, who played 71 tests for Australia between 1984 and 1996 and was his country's full-time bowling coach from the 2013-14 Ashes series to last year's World T20, said he had submitted an application. "I have had aspirations for a while to be a head coach," he told "I was away from cricket coaching for a year, and now, I want to come back to it. I have also enjoyed my time in India, and it would be nice to serve Indian cricket." According to media reports, his former team mate Tom Moody, former Pakistan coach Richard Pybus, ex-India opener Virender Sehwag and coach of the 2007 World T20 winning Indian team Lalchand Rajput have also applied for the job. Managing an Indian dressing room full of egos and diverse personalities is a Herculean task and former captain Kumble's impressive record will be difficult to ignore. The BCCI's Cricket Advisory Committee, which will make the decision, comprises his former team mates Sachin Tendulkar, Sourav Ganguly and VVS Laxman.
OVER 8: PAK 38/0 (Azhar 24* Shehzad 11*) target 324 Azhar Ali with a perfect lofted straight down the ground for four, and then a suicidal run. Pandya has time to aim at all three from extra cover. Azhar gives up running, he knows that he's gone for all money. Ah, the batsman had actually collided with the bowler and stopped running, so Pandya had miles more time than he thought (although India would have had to decide whether to appeal or not). Well, it doesn't matter now.
Those two wickets have put a big cap on Pakistan's scoring rate, as the required run rate has now crept up to higher that 8 runs per over. However, Pakistan have targetted Pandya today, scoring 9 runs off his last over, to give some relief to the asking rate.
Rohit Sharma had played a few deliciously timed drives for boundary, while Dhawan slog swept Imad for a lofty boundary on the leg side. India picking up their pace also put the Pakistan fielders under some pressure, as they made a few mistakes in the field.
First bowling change, Hasan Ali comes on with his right-arm fast medium. Offers the merest hint of width and Rohit is at him, a lovely, clever, touchy shot behind square for four. Quality act, old RS. The days of 'Nohit Sharma' but a memory these days. Weather not looking too good.
Hasan again starts with three dots, before taking the pace off the ball with a wide-ish cutter. Rohit can only get it away for a single. Again Pakistan go short and Kohli cannot connect. Meanwhile, rain is again a concern. The umpires meet in the middle, but play resumes for now.
OUT! Nuwan Pradeep draws first blood. Fakhar was looking dangerous but Sri Lanka have managed to dismiss him. Pradeep bowls a bouncer and Zaman hooks it albeit straight to Asela Gunaratne at fine leg. But the rookie player has done his job; he scored a 50 off 35 balls. Babar Azam, Pakistan's No 3, arrives at the centre.
WICKET! Hassan fires in a perfect yorker, and traps Yuvraj plumb in front of the middle stump. The umpire hesitated, as there was some confusion whether it hit the bat, but Yuvraj was given out lbw after Pakistan called for a DRS referral.
Pakistan made a steady start to their own innings as well, scoring at over five runs per over. However, Bhuvneshwar Kumar, who has had a brilliant IPL season with Sunrisers Hyderabad, struck first, as he trapped the Pakistan opener plumb in front of the middle and off stump.
Rohit slog-sweeps the spinner, does not get it right and is lucky that his top edge lands safe. Ooh, but this is a poor ball from Shadab Khan, dragged-down long-hop. Rohit's eyes light up and this is six from the moment it makes a sweet, sweet sound off his bat. Launched over midwicket, and that's a most satisfactory way to bring up the fifty.
Dipps & Saima present a special four hour show with live inserts from India Vs Pakistan at Edgbaston. Our very own Noreen Khan soaks up the atmosphere from the pitch and reports back. It's the biggest cricketing fixture in the world and both Dipps and Saima have their celebrity friends dropping in on the show and giving us their live take on the match. Be it Dr Zeus or Falak, Raxstar or Rahim Pardesi. The biggest names from the world Pakistani and Punjabi entertainment will be on your airwaves. Both Dipps and Saima have prepared a playlist you just cannot miss. Think of the biggest sounds and musical vibes from both India and Pakistan coming together in one huge fusion of music to celebrate this historic cricket game in Birmingham. Plus Dipps will spin a special India vs Pakistan mix to celebrate the end of the game, the question is, which team will be celebrating and which team will be mourning during that mix. Show more / Show less Add Release date: 4 June 2017 18 days left to listen 3 hours, 57 minutes
WICKET! Jadeja's consistency with his line and length pays off finally. Azhar did steer the ball away for his FIFTY, but a couple of balls later he perished while trying to slog sweep Jadeja, but only managed to get a top edge, as Hardik Pandya took a smart catch in the deep.
The growth of large expatriate populations from India and Pakistan across the world led to neutral states like the United Arab Emirates and Canada hosting several bilateral and multilateral ODI series involving the two teams. Players in both teams routinely face intense pressure to win, and are threatened by extreme reactions in defeat. Extreme fan reactions to defeats in key matches such as in the ICC Cricket World Cup have been recorded, with a limited degree of violence and public disturbances.At the same time, India-Pakistan cricket matches have also offered opportunities for cricket diplomacy as a means to improve relations between the two countries by allowing heads of state to exchange visits and cricket followers from either country to travel to the other to watch the matches.
A month ago, Mallya had been arrested by the Scotland Yard in London on allegations of a fraud. However, he was released on bail soon after he provided a bail bond worth £650,000.
Pandya on strike for the last over, and he takes full advantage of his limited opportunity. To say the very least. Imad Wasim dishes up the first one on off stump. He gets the leg out of the way and heaves it for six. Now a flat, brutal slap over long off for another six. Slower ball on off now, Pandya mullers that over cow corner. Three sixes in three balls. He couldn't, could he?
However, the Mumbai batsman soon found himself short of his crease, as he tried to seal a run. Babar Azam showed great awareness to hurl it at Sarfraz, who swiftly whipped off the bails.
WICKET! What a throw by Jadeja. Hafeez steers be ball away, and looks to steal a single. However, Jadeja caught Shoaib Malik off-guard with a gem of a throw, on the turn, as he hits the stumps directly. He had only one stump to aim at. This is a very important wicket, as Shoaib Malik was scoring at a rather brisk pace, and was looking quite comfortable out there.
Dipps & Saima present a special four hour show with live inserts from India Vs Pakistan at Edgbaston. Our very own Noreen Khan soaks up the atmosphere from the pitch and reports back. It's the biggest cricketing fixture in the world and both Dipps and Saima have their celebrity friends dropping in on the show and giving us their live take on the match. Be it Dr Zeus or Falak, Raxstar or Rahim Pardesi. The biggest names from the world Pakistani and Punjabi entertainment will be on your airwaves. Both Dipps and Saima have prepared a playlist you just cannot miss. Think of the biggest sounds and musical vibes from both India and Pakistan coming together in one huge fusion of music to celebrate this historic cricket game in Birmingham. Plus Dipps will spin a special India vs Pakistan mix to celebrate the end of the game, the question is, which team will be celebrating and which team will be mourning during that mix. Show more / Show less Add
WICKET! Shadab Khan tosses the ball up, and Dhawan takes the bait, as he dances down the tract to smack it on the full towards the leg side. It was a simple catch for Azhar Ali at deep-midwicket.
India won very easily, by 124 runs. Their batting power has been the most significant opening bid in the first four matches of this tournament although England, provided they qualify, can avoid India in the semi-finals by meeting South Africa, whom they beat 2-1 in their recent series.
Metronomic line and length from Pandya, and he ties Hafeez down with three dot balls. The Pakistan batsman has a strike rate of 60 currently, which just won't do. Two more dots follow, and Hafeez nudges a single to mid-on off the final ball of the over. Pressure building.
OVER 33: IND 173/1 (Rohit 77* Kohli 24*) Hasan again starts with three dots, before taking the pace off the ball with a wide-ish cutter. Rohit can only get it away for a single. Again Pakistan go short and Kohli cannot connect. Meanwhile, rain is again a concern. The umpires meet in the middle, but play resumes for now.
Rohit and Dhawan got to their half-century mark, before launching into the overdrive mode. This aggression did Dhawan in, as he got caught in the deep, trying to slog spinner Shadab Khan.
Both batsmen living a little dangerously. The 'win predictor' has says India win this game 90% of the time from this position, and its another sound over from Pandya. Bangs one in short that rushes Hafeez, deceptively sharp stuff.
That's a real blow for Pakistan as Malik looked in excellent touch. Goes walkabout looking for a quick single, Hafeez sends him back but Jadeja at 45 finds the target with a flat left-arm throw. Fine piece of fielding, but an amateurish dismissal.
Virat Kohli brought his strike bowler Umesh Yadav in to bowl, as soon as the Pakistan tail was exposed, and the lanky Kolkata Knight Riders paceman wrapped-up the innings with some intelligent change of pace, removing Mohammad Amir and Hassan Ali. With Wahab Riaz already out injured, Pakistan ran out of batsmen, resulting in a massive 124-run win for India.
Come on Pakistan. Get your act together. India are putting their foot down and Pakistan are crumbling under pressure. A terrible over from Wahab, who really is old enough to know better. Short and wide outside off, leg stump half volley, short and wide outside off. Dhawan goes four, four, four. Next ball, Wahab produces a decent slower one, but Dhawan has seen that coming, and dabs it into the offside, where Shadab makes an amateurish misfield. That turns none into two and Pakistan are coming apart at the seams here.
One of the biggest sporting rivalries in the world, India vs Pakistan is always an epic battle of cricket. Both nations have a rich cricketing history, passionate fans and top-notch players. Therefore, India vs Pakistan match tickets are always hard to come by – especially to see them play for glory at the Cricket World Cup! Get your India vs Pakistan Cricket World Cup tickets on viagogo, the world’s largest ticket marketplace! All India vs Pakistan match tickets are 100% guaranteed by viagogo – you’ll get genuine tickets before the match or your money back. Tickets will be delivered electronically or via secure courier to more than a 100 countries in the world. viagogo has operations in nearly 50 countries and provides choice, convenience and consumer protection so you can buy your India vs Pakistan cricket match tickets with confidence.
What are they saying? India captain Virat Kohli: Indian skipper Virat Kohli has denied reports of a rift between himself and coach Anil Kumble on the eve of his team's Champions Trophy Group B opener against arch-rivals Pakistan at Edgbaston on Sunday. Reports of a falling out between Kohli and Kumble emerged after India's cricket board (BCCI) invited applications for the head coach's role last week, despite the team's excellent results since Kumble took over last June. Kumble has guided the team to just one defeat in 17 tests since taking charge, and the BCCI has made it clear that it will also consider extending his contract. "There are no issues whatsoever," Kohli told a news conference on Saturday. "There has been a lot of speculation and a lot of things written by people without actually being a part of the changing room, which is very strange. "There are no problems whatsoever. The team is totally focused on the Champions Trophy." What are the odds? India - 4/9 Pakistan - 7/4 What's our prediction? India should win here, but we're expecting a close match.
Tuesday, 13 June 2017
Guest blogging remains a valid white hat method
On the same domain you can also publish web-based SEO reports where your clients can log on with read-only access rights and view live SEO reports at any time. WildShark White Label SEOWhether you are a design agency, you provide hosting, or you develop SEO leads through your own lead capture website and need a reliable and reputable service to provide services for your clients, contact WildShark for a confidential discussion about your requirements and goals. This means that you might pay £500 a month to us, but charge £600 to clients – a profit of £100 a month for little or no additional work.

If I am not mistaken, Brian was wondering how to find contextual broken links on websites other than his own? Check My Links only verifies pages that you open in your browser. Read More Charity Inbound marketing has given charities and non-profits a great opportunity to reach out to a greater number of people quickly and build potential support for their cause. Learn more
If you’d like to get to know us better, you can read our blog posts and have a look at our profiles on Facebook and Twitter. We help customers with inbound marketing by providing lead nurturing and demand generation services, content marketing and marketing strategy. This means that you begin guest posting on sites that are of a similar Domain Authority to your own. Web content providers also manipulated some attributes within the HTML source of a page in an attempt to rank well in search engines.

Black hat SEO attempts to improve rankings in ways that are disapproved of by the search engines, or involve deception. We will sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement, which means that your customers never need to know that another company is working on their contract. Contact Us Request a Free Quote Extend Your Service OfferingsOne of the greatest benefits of using white label SEO services is that you can extend the range of products that you offer to clients. The first is that it allows our partners to add margin to our services and therefore profit from what we do. We provide regular updates and extensive reports that incorporate your branding, can provide ad hoc feedback so that you can update your contacts, and we use reliable and ethical SEO methods so that your customers won’t suffer a penalty.Effectively, we do the work while you reap the potential rewards. There are many advantages to white label services. This development, along with the introduction of colour, enabled an expansive transformation of his practice while continuing the quest for emptiness though reduction.

Guest Posting Ethical guest posting remains one of the most effective means of building long-term links. They work in a similar way to links, in that they show Google that a local business exists and is popular with its customers and clients. Request a B2B DEMO Sign Up
What is White Label? White label simply means that you offer our services under your own brand. We locate relevant blogs, negotiate with blog owners to determine topic and format requirements, and write the content and source images and other content. Using meta data to index pages was found to be less than reliable, however, because the webmaster's choice of keywords in the meta tag could potentially be an inaccurate representation of the site's actual content. If you suddenly appear to have a lot of very high quality links to your site, then this appears to Google as if they have been purchased.
What Is A White Label Service?Becoming a reseller of SEO services means that you can offer ethical and high quality content creation, link building, and full SEO packages. In this Whiteboard Friday, Rand explains why expert roundups aren't the best use of your time and effort, and how to pivot your strategy to create similar content that'll make the juice worth the squeeze.
However, keywords do still have their place for use with site content, including blogs, images and video and PPC/Adwords. Also a published author, Kerry is co-founder of digital content agency markITwrite, adores the written word and all things tech and internet related.
Lead Generation For Your B2B Businesses An Inbound Marketing Agency Driven By Results Whitehat is an Inbound Marketing agency in London and a Hubspot certified partner, providing performance based marketing strategies to optimise our client profits. We will sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement, which means that your customers never need to know that another company is working on their contract. This is important because it further cements the relationship you have with the client.We currently work with several web designers, PR companies, marketing and media agencies and many other business types who outsource their SEO to us.
Thinking of publishing an expert roundup? Don't—there's a better way. This means that you can retain clients, remain in constant communication, and ensure that yours is the name that they think of when they need related services again in the future.You Profit From Our WorkBecoming a reseller of WildShark services means that you can expand the range of services you provide to clients, and you can add your own margin to the products. For 404 discovery you would need to use tools such as that was mentioned by Brian, right?
Early versions of search algorithms relied on webmaster-provided information such as the keyword meta tag or index files in engines like ALIWEB. In the early works, Park used repeated pencil lines incised into a still-wet monochromatic painted surface, and the later works expand upon this language through the introduction of hanji, a traditional Korean paper hand-made from mulberry bark, which is adhered to the canvas surface. The most notable example markets are China, Japan, South Korea, Russia and the Czech Republic where respectively Baidu, Yahoo! Japan, Naver, Yandex and Seznam are market leaders. Another method gives a different page depending on whether the page is being requested by a human visitor or a search engine, a technique known as cloaking.
A prolific technology writer, Kerry is an authority in her field and produces content for a variety of high profile sites in her niche. These days, it’s better practice to use similar words throughout a piece of writing as well as the main keyword. This means that you might pay £500 a month to us, but charge £600 to clients – a profit of £100 a month for little or no additional work. However, Google do say that if you're going to do this, then you should make sure that the advertisement doesn't pass PageRank to your website. Read More
Park’s work draws on the history of Western abstraction in painting, as well as the tradition of Korean calligraphy, enabled by an introspective methodology that has its origins in Taoist and Buddhist philosophy. We provide regular updates and extensive reports that incorporate your branding, can provide ad hoc feedback so that you can update your contacts, and we use reliable and ethical SEO methods so that your customers won’t suffer a penalty.Effectively, we do the work while you reap the potential rewards.
More importantly, I suspect the conversational search/rich answers technology is being applied to voice search. Read More Software & Technology You understand the digital world, but we understand digital marketing. We always welcome any discussions or feedback.
As of 2009, there are only a few large markets where Google is not the leading search engine. We have a range of traditional digital marketing packages, as well as our core Inbound Marketing service. Using our white label SEO services you can show your client content assets and guest posts from relevant blogs, and provide them with a regular source of links. We can bring your marketing efforts up to date for a maximum ROI, help you launch a new product or break into a new market. It’s also important that these are used in Titles and sub-headers as well as throughout the text.
Buying advertising that links through to your website is fine and can be a great practice for building awareness of your business. Inaccurate, incomplete, and inconsistent data in meta tags could and did cause pages to rank for irrelevant searches. First begun in the late 1960s, the ‘Ecriture’ series embrace this spiritual approach and are inextricably linked to notions of time, space and material, concepts which underpin all of the artist’s work. We also design and build effective marketing websites using a growth driven design methodology. We can create your plan, raise awareness, capture and nurture leads by executing an effective marketing strategy. There are a few ways you can do this:
Extend Your Service OfferingsOne of the greatest benefits of using white label SEO services is that you can extend the range of products that you offer to clients. We can offer one off citation building or provide a regular and ongoing package that will serve to bolster and diversify your clients’ link profiles Learn more
What Is A White Label Service?Becoming a reseller of SEO services means that you can offer ethical and high quality content creation, link building, and full SEO packages. One black hat technique uses text that is hidden, either as text colored similar to the background, in an invisible div, or positioned off screen. Key phrases are also good practice and should be used. The read-only users have no access to settings and scanning triggers. Citation Building Citations are an essential facet of local SEO. In most cases, when Google is not leading in a given market, it is lagging behind a local player. In doing so, introducers receive a nice commission for doing little, if no work. This means that you can retain clients, remain in constant communication, and ensure that yours is the name that they think of when they need related services again in the future.You Profit From Our WorkBecoming a reseller of WildShark services means that you can expand the range of services you provide to clients, and you can add your own margin to the products. There you will find all sorts of news, reviews and fascinating insights into our agency – and everything else that matters to us. As devices like Amazon Echo and Google Home gain market share, I would expect the pace of voice search to grow exponentially.
The White Label Domain feature allows WebCEO users to configure a custom domain (or a sub-domain like that will host the cloud-based SEO tools labeled with a private logo, header, footer and custom design. If a local client is introduced to us for a contract size of £500 per month, our white label partners may decide to add £100 margin to the contract and so the customers pays £600. Your clients and coworkers will be able to log on to collaborate on projects or operate the SEO tools for their own projects themselves. We have expertise across multiple industries but have specialist experience in three core areas. Voice is the fastest growing type of search; 55% of teens and 41% of adults already use voice search daily. You can configure the scope of service they will have, including who can add projects and how many keywords they can scan for, etc. We can help increase your profit, improve your customer retention, and reduce your workload.
Guest blogging remains a valid white hat technique, but it’s vital that this is approached naturally. Life Science Marketing Our team talks the languages of science and business. Building citations is a repetitive and long-winded task, but WildShark has experience in developing high-quality and long-lasting citations. Everything we do is to help you capture qualified leads.Are you looking to drive growth? Or perhaps to support your busy internal team? Maybe you need an agency to act as your entire marketing department. The second important benefit of white labeling is that you maintain the customer under your own brand. So, as far as the customer is concerned they are dealing with your company, when actually it us that is delivering the service. Meta tags provide a guide to each page's content.
If I am not mistaken, Brian was wondering how to find contextual broken links on websites other than his own? Check My Links only verifies pages that you open in your browser. Read More Charity Inbound marketing has given charities and non-profits a great opportunity to reach out to a greater number of people quickly and build potential support for their cause. Learn more
If you’d like to get to know us better, you can read our blog posts and have a look at our profiles on Facebook and Twitter. We help customers with inbound marketing by providing lead nurturing and demand generation services, content marketing and marketing strategy. This means that you begin guest posting on sites that are of a similar Domain Authority to your own. Web content providers also manipulated some attributes within the HTML source of a page in an attempt to rank well in search engines.
Black hat SEO attempts to improve rankings in ways that are disapproved of by the search engines, or involve deception. We will sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement, which means that your customers never need to know that another company is working on their contract. Contact Us Request a Free Quote Extend Your Service OfferingsOne of the greatest benefits of using white label SEO services is that you can extend the range of products that you offer to clients. The first is that it allows our partners to add margin to our services and therefore profit from what we do. We provide regular updates and extensive reports that incorporate your branding, can provide ad hoc feedback so that you can update your contacts, and we use reliable and ethical SEO methods so that your customers won’t suffer a penalty.Effectively, we do the work while you reap the potential rewards. There are many advantages to white label services. This development, along with the introduction of colour, enabled an expansive transformation of his practice while continuing the quest for emptiness though reduction.
Guest Posting Ethical guest posting remains one of the most effective means of building long-term links. They work in a similar way to links, in that they show Google that a local business exists and is popular with its customers and clients. Request a B2B DEMO Sign Up
What is White Label? White label simply means that you offer our services under your own brand. We locate relevant blogs, negotiate with blog owners to determine topic and format requirements, and write the content and source images and other content. Using meta data to index pages was found to be less than reliable, however, because the webmaster's choice of keywords in the meta tag could potentially be an inaccurate representation of the site's actual content. If you suddenly appear to have a lot of very high quality links to your site, then this appears to Google as if they have been purchased.
What Is A White Label Service?Becoming a reseller of SEO services means that you can offer ethical and high quality content creation, link building, and full SEO packages. In this Whiteboard Friday, Rand explains why expert roundups aren't the best use of your time and effort, and how to pivot your strategy to create similar content that'll make the juice worth the squeeze.
However, keywords do still have their place for use with site content, including blogs, images and video and PPC/Adwords. Also a published author, Kerry is co-founder of digital content agency markITwrite, adores the written word and all things tech and internet related.
Lead Generation For Your B2B Businesses An Inbound Marketing Agency Driven By Results Whitehat is an Inbound Marketing agency in London and a Hubspot certified partner, providing performance based marketing strategies to optimise our client profits. We will sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement, which means that your customers never need to know that another company is working on their contract. This is important because it further cements the relationship you have with the client.We currently work with several web designers, PR companies, marketing and media agencies and many other business types who outsource their SEO to us.
Thinking of publishing an expert roundup? Don't—there's a better way. This means that you can retain clients, remain in constant communication, and ensure that yours is the name that they think of when they need related services again in the future.You Profit From Our WorkBecoming a reseller of WildShark services means that you can expand the range of services you provide to clients, and you can add your own margin to the products. For 404 discovery you would need to use tools such as that was mentioned by Brian, right?
Early versions of search algorithms relied on webmaster-provided information such as the keyword meta tag or index files in engines like ALIWEB. In the early works, Park used repeated pencil lines incised into a still-wet monochromatic painted surface, and the later works expand upon this language through the introduction of hanji, a traditional Korean paper hand-made from mulberry bark, which is adhered to the canvas surface. The most notable example markets are China, Japan, South Korea, Russia and the Czech Republic where respectively Baidu, Yahoo! Japan, Naver, Yandex and Seznam are market leaders. Another method gives a different page depending on whether the page is being requested by a human visitor or a search engine, a technique known as cloaking.
A prolific technology writer, Kerry is an authority in her field and produces content for a variety of high profile sites in her niche. These days, it’s better practice to use similar words throughout a piece of writing as well as the main keyword. This means that you might pay £500 a month to us, but charge £600 to clients – a profit of £100 a month for little or no additional work. However, Google do say that if you're going to do this, then you should make sure that the advertisement doesn't pass PageRank to your website. Read More
Park’s work draws on the history of Western abstraction in painting, as well as the tradition of Korean calligraphy, enabled by an introspective methodology that has its origins in Taoist and Buddhist philosophy. We provide regular updates and extensive reports that incorporate your branding, can provide ad hoc feedback so that you can update your contacts, and we use reliable and ethical SEO methods so that your customers won’t suffer a penalty.Effectively, we do the work while you reap the potential rewards.
More importantly, I suspect the conversational search/rich answers technology is being applied to voice search. Read More Software & Technology You understand the digital world, but we understand digital marketing. We always welcome any discussions or feedback.
As of 2009, there are only a few large markets where Google is not the leading search engine. We have a range of traditional digital marketing packages, as well as our core Inbound Marketing service. Using our white label SEO services you can show your client content assets and guest posts from relevant blogs, and provide them with a regular source of links. We can bring your marketing efforts up to date for a maximum ROI, help you launch a new product or break into a new market. It’s also important that these are used in Titles and sub-headers as well as throughout the text.
Buying advertising that links through to your website is fine and can be a great practice for building awareness of your business. Inaccurate, incomplete, and inconsistent data in meta tags could and did cause pages to rank for irrelevant searches. First begun in the late 1960s, the ‘Ecriture’ series embrace this spiritual approach and are inextricably linked to notions of time, space and material, concepts which underpin all of the artist’s work. We also design and build effective marketing websites using a growth driven design methodology. We can create your plan, raise awareness, capture and nurture leads by executing an effective marketing strategy. There are a few ways you can do this:
Extend Your Service OfferingsOne of the greatest benefits of using white label SEO services is that you can extend the range of products that you offer to clients. We can offer one off citation building or provide a regular and ongoing package that will serve to bolster and diversify your clients’ link profiles Learn more
What Is A White Label Service?Becoming a reseller of SEO services means that you can offer ethical and high quality content creation, link building, and full SEO packages. One black hat technique uses text that is hidden, either as text colored similar to the background, in an invisible div, or positioned off screen. Key phrases are also good practice and should be used. The read-only users have no access to settings and scanning triggers. Citation Building Citations are an essential facet of local SEO. In most cases, when Google is not leading in a given market, it is lagging behind a local player. In doing so, introducers receive a nice commission for doing little, if no work. This means that you can retain clients, remain in constant communication, and ensure that yours is the name that they think of when they need related services again in the future.You Profit From Our WorkBecoming a reseller of WildShark services means that you can expand the range of services you provide to clients, and you can add your own margin to the products. There you will find all sorts of news, reviews and fascinating insights into our agency – and everything else that matters to us. As devices like Amazon Echo and Google Home gain market share, I would expect the pace of voice search to grow exponentially.
The White Label Domain feature allows WebCEO users to configure a custom domain (or a sub-domain like that will host the cloud-based SEO tools labeled with a private logo, header, footer and custom design. If a local client is introduced to us for a contract size of £500 per month, our white label partners may decide to add £100 margin to the contract and so the customers pays £600. Your clients and coworkers will be able to log on to collaborate on projects or operate the SEO tools for their own projects themselves. We have expertise across multiple industries but have specialist experience in three core areas. Voice is the fastest growing type of search; 55% of teens and 41% of adults already use voice search daily. You can configure the scope of service they will have, including who can add projects and how many keywords they can scan for, etc. We can help increase your profit, improve your customer retention, and reduce your workload.
Guest blogging remains a valid white hat technique, but it’s vital that this is approached naturally. Life Science Marketing Our team talks the languages of science and business. Building citations is a repetitive and long-winded task, but WildShark has experience in developing high-quality and long-lasting citations. Everything we do is to help you capture qualified leads.Are you looking to drive growth? Or perhaps to support your busy internal team? Maybe you need an agency to act as your entire marketing department. The second important benefit of white labeling is that you maintain the customer under your own brand. So, as far as the customer is concerned they are dealing with your company, when actually it us that is delivering the service. Meta tags provide a guide to each page's content.
7 White Hat SEO Techniques to Double Traffic in 2017 | SEJ 1970, Viewed 14 June 2017, <>.
A Guide to White Hat SEO Techniques | Unamo Blog 1970, Viewed 14 June 2017, <>.
Search engine optimization 1970, Viewed 14 June 2017, <>.
The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly of Link Building 1970, Viewed 14 June 2017, <>.
WebCEO White Label SEO Tools 1970, Viewed 14 June 2017, <>.
White Cube 1970, Park Seo, Viewed 14 June 2017, <>.
White Hat SEO Case Study: How To Get a #1 Ranking 1970, Viewed 14 June 2017, <>.
White Label SEO: Become an SEO Reseller of WildShark Ltd 1970, Viewed 14 June 2017, <>.
White Label Seo – Serpify 1970, Viewed 14 June 2017, <>.
White SEO: White Label SEO & SEM Reseller in Australia 1970, Viewed 14 June 2017, <>.
Whiteboard Friday 1970, Viewed 14 June 2017, <>.
Whitehat 1970, Whitehat: Inbound Marketing Agency in London, Viewed 14 June 2017, <>.
Word Count: 2016
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least one php file
Your WordPress Plugin must have at least one PHP file; it could also contain JavaScript files, CSS files, image files and language files. If your Plugin needs to add some information to the printed title, it can register a special function which is called when the "the_title" filter is called.

Go crazy with social media. An install running 37 plugins is borderline bloated. Not only that, but making sure you have all the tools you need to run a successful online store is also a must.

Uploading custom plugins is not supported on our service, but if there is one whose features that you feel would benefit users on, then please let us know in the ideas forum! Tell us what plugin you want, where it can be downloaded and most importantly, why you think it should be included on When was the last time you used a search feature inside a site? Cool plugin, about a million miles from essential. If so, the title text is passed in turn through each registered function and the final output is the end result of any and all of these registered functions. You can choose to have your clients book an appointment for free, pay a deposit or pay in full. No special coding is necessary as table data can be entered directly into a spreadsheet interface.

Membership 2 Pro can do it all. Put all your Plugin's files into the directory you've created and tell your Plugin users to upload the whole directory to wp-content/plugins/.
To create a Plugin List, click the button from the left of the page; a popup box will appear. WordPress plugins Yoast offers several WordPress plugins to improve your SEO and plugins to extend the functionality of your WP site. Learn how we can help you improve your SEO »
This plugin also lets users book and even pay for appointments themselves. Same for 22 Theme Check So we’re down to 26.
WordPress is world’s best free platform to build websites. Then click the "Create List" button to create the list.
For instance, before WordPress adds the title of a post to browser output, it first checks to see if any Plugin has registered a function for the "filter" hook called "the_title". So, what is that? 20 essential-ish plugins.
W3 Total Cache works great till it doesn’t, then your completely fu&#d. This is way too long a comment, and no one will read this far anyway. You can also fully customize this plugin’s styles and how appointments are booked with shortcodes, widgets and over 20 add-ons.
With TablePress, you can easily create tables that can be embedded into posts, pages, or text widgets by using a Shortcode. Yoast offers various products to make your WordPress site even more awesome: free and premium WordPress plugins; eBooks on WordPress; several WordPress courses; consultancy tailored to WordPress. That sounds like a maddening game of whack-a-mole when an update comes out and things stop working 100%. No more extra coding is required to create multiple sidebars for different scenarios on your site.
By default, WordPress keeps all your deleted posts, pages, comments and all your post revisions, spam comments, unused tags and the like. You can even add your branding to even more places than that. In order to keep the core Boilerplate as light as possible, these features have been removed and will be introduced in other editions, and will be listed and maintained on the project homepage
MyThemeShop provides these templates and designs ‘as is’, with no guarantee that they will work exactly according to your wishes or with any or all 3rd party components and plugins. Shared hosting like GoDaddy wont even allow it to be installed because of conflicting with server side caching. I’ve had problems there. Updates are already easy in WordPress. All of the feedback is read, and we’re collecting the most numerous requests for implementation.
Speaking of 21, Relevanssi. So 20.
While WordPress offers a ton of features and flexibility, there is still a lot of functionality missing from the core software. Try enabling Forms on JP and running Contact Form 7 at the same time and see how well they play together. In the Description field, put a few words describing the List. For instance, if your Plugin is going to be called "Fabulous Functionality", you might call your PHP file fabulous-functionality.php. And then, of course, there’s social sidebars and buttons of all sorts. In addition, we do not offer support through any means for installation, customization or administration of WordPress itself.
When trying to sell products on your site, it’s important to choose the right solution since you want the shopping experience to be easy and delightful for your customers, while also being easy for you to manage. Check out the Social Networking plugins collection and have fun.
If your site takes longer than that, then your visitors are likely going to leave before they even have a chance to check out one element on your site. If you do not want others to see the List, select "Private" from the dropdown list. I’ve had PLENTY of conflicts with Jetpack and plugins that duplicate one of its functionalities. eg: Best Seo plugins for your site. I also don’t know that I’d ever recommend to a client running a theme with 37 plugins going. This information has to be saved in the WordPress database, in order to be persistent between sessions. By default, lists are automatically published as public, which is visible to everyone. You can also use Pro Sites to create a network of sites like or that have paid upgrades for blogging and creating sites.
You can completely customize the admin bar, login page, footer, dashboard and everywhere else WordPress logos and branding appears. Plus, you don’t have to touch any code.
And I’m quitting here. Be careful with this one or just use one of the other solid cache plugins out there.
25 Regenerate Thumbnails is great, but you only need to use it when you change things, so install then disable. The point is, not even half of these plugins qualify as “essential” by even extremely loose criteria.
Display Widgets enables you to change your sidebar content for different pages, categories, and more. You can even integrate the ability to add Facebook reactions to your site. These are all fantastic tools, but not everyone uses them. If there are multiple files, pick a unique name for a directory and a name of your choice for the main PHP file. Did you think that “Having social media sharing buttons and links” in your website was all there is to it? Wrong! A “share-to-unlock” plugin places your content behind a message that asks users to share the page on social media before accessing it. These are essential purchases, if you want your website to perform as good as possible!
The next step is to create a PHP file with a name derived from your chosen Plugin name. Image descriptions and tags can also be added through this tool.
To define a custom template tag, simply write a PHP function and document it for Plugin users on your Plugin's home page and/or in the Plugin's main PHP file. The best way to fill in the missing pieces, of course, is to get yourself the right plugins.
Excellent round-up, but agreed on W3 Total Cache and GoDaddy/others. There are four methods for saving Plugin data in the database:
The same is true of using tools like Grunt, Composer, etc. You can also customize or assign the default user roles and use shortcodes to protect anything else including only parts of a page or post. Check out our courses » Yoast consultancy Not sure how to improve your site? We offer different services to make your site rank higher. Backups can also be scheduled so you don’t have to lift a finger to help save your site the next time disaster strikes.
26, Easy Updates Manager, you don’t need, unless you’ve got a sprawling multisite. You can offer free or paid memberships, present content over time, offer free trials, customize the registration form or protect anything on your site from posts and media to plugins and categories. (This file name is often, but not essentially, the same as the directory name.) Example directory and file names could be mycompanyname-fabulous-functionality and mycompanyname-fabulous-functionality.php respectively. These are essential purchases, if you want your website to perform as good as possible! Check out our WordPress and SEO eBooks » SEO courses If you’d like to learn the basics of SEO, all the ins and outs of our Yoast SEO plugin or how to write great copy for SEO, you should definitely sign up for our courses! Learn at your own speed using video, texts, and quizzes. Literally, click-of-a-button. It does a better job at allowing every single page to be indexed than any other CMS. When I had conflicts it was brutal, only after the fact I found out that W3 Total Cache never completely uninstalls. A good solution is to use your name or the name of your company as a prefix, without spaces or special characters –for example, mycompanyname-fabulous-functionality.php.
The plugin can also make it easy to rename, upload, remove, and copy images in just a few steps. Yoast SEO plugin and Premium extensions Several other plugins 30 day money back guarantee Go to our plugin overview » eBooks We write a lot about SEO, publishing good content and optimizing every part of your site. Its a mess. That’s why we decided to bundle our knowledge in eBooks. Plus, Google won’t be keen on ranking you higher in search results.
Your Plugin filename should also be unique so that your Plugin will not conflict with another in the Plugin Repository. Until you manually flush your site from all of these excess items, they stick around, bloating and slowing down your site.
Most WordPress Plugins will need to get some input from the site owner or blog users and save it between sessions, for use in its filter functions, action functions, and template functions. That’s why we decided to bundle our knowledge in eBooks. It's a good idea when documenting the function to give an example of exactly what needs to be added to the theme file to use the function, including the .
We write a lot about SEO, publishing good content and optimizing every part of your site. “Tweet this” plugins allow you to make any sentence tweetable. Certainly, this doesn’t represent a list of plugins every site needs (for example, I don’t need a shop or an appointment service on any of mine), which is, you know, what essential means, as a word. We offer Yoast SEO configuration, in which we’ll configure our plugin; we offer Yoast SEO Care, in which we’ll help you find the SEO flaws of your site and solve them for you; and last but not least we offer a full consultancy package. People who install your Plugin will be putting this PHP file into the WordPress Plugins directory in their installation – usually wp-content/plugins/ – so no two Plugins in that directory can have the same PHP file name.
Pro Sites is a powerful plugin that we developed and use ourselves to help us manage subscriptions, capabilities, and memberships. Also, this list is not very good, by any standard, because it’s full of duplication.
This plugin can backup your site, but you can also save your backups to multiple locations such as Dropbox, Amazon S3, Google Drive, your computer and more. I love great plugins, and there are several on this list I’d rank as great, but the more you can build into the theme WITHOUT needing plugins, the happier your update process will be as the months and years go by :)
That said, I don’t think there is any such thing as “37 Essential Plugins”. In the "List Name" field, put the name of the List.
Go crazy with social media. An install running 37 plugins is borderline bloated. Not only that, but making sure you have all the tools you need to run a successful online store is also a must.
Uploading custom plugins is not supported on our service, but if there is one whose features that you feel would benefit users on, then please let us know in the ideas forum! Tell us what plugin you want, where it can be downloaded and most importantly, why you think it should be included on When was the last time you used a search feature inside a site? Cool plugin, about a million miles from essential. If so, the title text is passed in turn through each registered function and the final output is the end result of any and all of these registered functions. You can choose to have your clients book an appointment for free, pay a deposit or pay in full. No special coding is necessary as table data can be entered directly into a spreadsheet interface.

Membership 2 Pro can do it all. Put all your Plugin's files into the directory you've created and tell your Plugin users to upload the whole directory to wp-content/plugins/.
To create a Plugin List, click the button from the left of the page; a popup box will appear. WordPress plugins Yoast offers several WordPress plugins to improve your SEO and plugins to extend the functionality of your WP site. Learn how we can help you improve your SEO »
This plugin also lets users book and even pay for appointments themselves. Same for 22 Theme Check So we’re down to 26.
WordPress is world’s best free platform to build websites. Then click the "Create List" button to create the list.
For instance, before WordPress adds the title of a post to browser output, it first checks to see if any Plugin has registered a function for the "filter" hook called "the_title". So, what is that? 20 essential-ish plugins.
W3 Total Cache works great till it doesn’t, then your completely fu&#d. This is way too long a comment, and no one will read this far anyway. You can also fully customize this plugin’s styles and how appointments are booked with shortcodes, widgets and over 20 add-ons.
With TablePress, you can easily create tables that can be embedded into posts, pages, or text widgets by using a Shortcode. Yoast offers various products to make your WordPress site even more awesome: free and premium WordPress plugins; eBooks on WordPress; several WordPress courses; consultancy tailored to WordPress. That sounds like a maddening game of whack-a-mole when an update comes out and things stop working 100%. No more extra coding is required to create multiple sidebars for different scenarios on your site.
By default, WordPress keeps all your deleted posts, pages, comments and all your post revisions, spam comments, unused tags and the like. You can even add your branding to even more places than that. In order to keep the core Boilerplate as light as possible, these features have been removed and will be introduced in other editions, and will be listed and maintained on the project homepage
MyThemeShop provides these templates and designs ‘as is’, with no guarantee that they will work exactly according to your wishes or with any or all 3rd party components and plugins. Shared hosting like GoDaddy wont even allow it to be installed because of conflicting with server side caching. I’ve had problems there. Updates are already easy in WordPress. All of the feedback is read, and we’re collecting the most numerous requests for implementation.
Speaking of 21, Relevanssi. So 20.
While WordPress offers a ton of features and flexibility, there is still a lot of functionality missing from the core software. Try enabling Forms on JP and running Contact Form 7 at the same time and see how well they play together. In the Description field, put a few words describing the List. For instance, if your Plugin is going to be called "Fabulous Functionality", you might call your PHP file fabulous-functionality.php. And then, of course, there’s social sidebars and buttons of all sorts. In addition, we do not offer support through any means for installation, customization or administration of WordPress itself.
When trying to sell products on your site, it’s important to choose the right solution since you want the shopping experience to be easy and delightful for your customers, while also being easy for you to manage. Check out the Social Networking plugins collection and have fun.
If your site takes longer than that, then your visitors are likely going to leave before they even have a chance to check out one element on your site. If you do not want others to see the List, select "Private" from the dropdown list. I’ve had PLENTY of conflicts with Jetpack and plugins that duplicate one of its functionalities. eg: Best Seo plugins for your site. I also don’t know that I’d ever recommend to a client running a theme with 37 plugins going. This information has to be saved in the WordPress database, in order to be persistent between sessions. By default, lists are automatically published as public, which is visible to everyone. You can also use Pro Sites to create a network of sites like or that have paid upgrades for blogging and creating sites.
You can completely customize the admin bar, login page, footer, dashboard and everywhere else WordPress logos and branding appears. Plus, you don’t have to touch any code.
And I’m quitting here. Be careful with this one or just use one of the other solid cache plugins out there.
25 Regenerate Thumbnails is great, but you only need to use it when you change things, so install then disable. The point is, not even half of these plugins qualify as “essential” by even extremely loose criteria.
Display Widgets enables you to change your sidebar content for different pages, categories, and more. You can even integrate the ability to add Facebook reactions to your site. These are all fantastic tools, but not everyone uses them. If there are multiple files, pick a unique name for a directory and a name of your choice for the main PHP file. Did you think that “Having social media sharing buttons and links” in your website was all there is to it? Wrong! A “share-to-unlock” plugin places your content behind a message that asks users to share the page on social media before accessing it. These are essential purchases, if you want your website to perform as good as possible!
The next step is to create a PHP file with a name derived from your chosen Plugin name. Image descriptions and tags can also be added through this tool.
To define a custom template tag, simply write a PHP function and document it for Plugin users on your Plugin's home page and/or in the Plugin's main PHP file. The best way to fill in the missing pieces, of course, is to get yourself the right plugins.
Excellent round-up, but agreed on W3 Total Cache and GoDaddy/others. There are four methods for saving Plugin data in the database:
The same is true of using tools like Grunt, Composer, etc. You can also customize or assign the default user roles and use shortcodes to protect anything else including only parts of a page or post. Check out our courses » Yoast consultancy Not sure how to improve your site? We offer different services to make your site rank higher. Backups can also be scheduled so you don’t have to lift a finger to help save your site the next time disaster strikes.
26, Easy Updates Manager, you don’t need, unless you’ve got a sprawling multisite. You can offer free or paid memberships, present content over time, offer free trials, customize the registration form or protect anything on your site from posts and media to plugins and categories. (This file name is often, but not essentially, the same as the directory name.) Example directory and file names could be mycompanyname-fabulous-functionality and mycompanyname-fabulous-functionality.php respectively. These are essential purchases, if you want your website to perform as good as possible! Check out our WordPress and SEO eBooks » SEO courses If you’d like to learn the basics of SEO, all the ins and outs of our Yoast SEO plugin or how to write great copy for SEO, you should definitely sign up for our courses! Learn at your own speed using video, texts, and quizzes. Literally, click-of-a-button. It does a better job at allowing every single page to be indexed than any other CMS. When I had conflicts it was brutal, only after the fact I found out that W3 Total Cache never completely uninstalls. A good solution is to use your name or the name of your company as a prefix, without spaces or special characters –for example, mycompanyname-fabulous-functionality.php.
The plugin can also make it easy to rename, upload, remove, and copy images in just a few steps. Yoast SEO plugin and Premium extensions Several other plugins 30 day money back guarantee Go to our plugin overview » eBooks We write a lot about SEO, publishing good content and optimizing every part of your site. Its a mess. That’s why we decided to bundle our knowledge in eBooks. Plus, Google won’t be keen on ranking you higher in search results.
Your Plugin filename should also be unique so that your Plugin will not conflict with another in the Plugin Repository. Until you manually flush your site from all of these excess items, they stick around, bloating and slowing down your site.
Most WordPress Plugins will need to get some input from the site owner or blog users and save it between sessions, for use in its filter functions, action functions, and template functions. That’s why we decided to bundle our knowledge in eBooks. It's a good idea when documenting the function to give an example of exactly what needs to be added to the theme file to use the function, including the .
We write a lot about SEO, publishing good content and optimizing every part of your site. “Tweet this” plugins allow you to make any sentence tweetable. Certainly, this doesn’t represent a list of plugins every site needs (for example, I don’t need a shop or an appointment service on any of mine), which is, you know, what essential means, as a word. We offer Yoast SEO configuration, in which we’ll configure our plugin; we offer Yoast SEO Care, in which we’ll help you find the SEO flaws of your site and solve them for you; and last but not least we offer a full consultancy package. People who install your Plugin will be putting this PHP file into the WordPress Plugins directory in their installation – usually wp-content/plugins/ – so no two Plugins in that directory can have the same PHP file name.
Pro Sites is a powerful plugin that we developed and use ourselves to help us manage subscriptions, capabilities, and memberships. Also, this list is not very good, by any standard, because it’s full of duplication.
This plugin can backup your site, but you can also save your backups to multiple locations such as Dropbox, Amazon S3, Google Drive, your computer and more. I love great plugins, and there are several on this list I’d rank as great, but the more you can build into the theme WITHOUT needing plugins, the happier your update process will be as the months and years go by :)
That said, I don’t think there is any such thing as “37 Essential Plugins”. In the "List Name" field, put the name of the List.
After 1868 reformers set Japan on a rapid course of modernization, with a public education system like that of Western Europe. Missions like the Iwakura mission were sent abroad to study the education systems of leading Western countries. They returned with the ideas of decentralization, local school boards, and teacher autonomy. Elementary school enrollments climbed from about 40 or 50 percent of the school-age population in the 1870s to more than 90 percent by 1900, despite strong public protest, especially against school fees.

Further Information Within the History modules you will cover a wide range of material, which will provide you with useful historical topics that are part of the school curriculum at both GCSE and A Level. In addition, you may also wish to undertake modules with a more practical focus such as the Community History Project. The course has strong elements of local, national and international history. Students can take the Community History Project, which involves them working to a project brief devised by a real client, undertaking relevant research and feeding back their findings through a display, exhibition, teaching pack, archive guide or town trail. All final year students will undertake a dissertation in either Education or History.

Graduates of this programme are currently working across a broad range of areas: for example, as a senior archivist, a professor of education, a senior journalist and a policy adviser. Employability Students gain vital experience in critically analysing arguments and historical sources such as written, visual and oral documents. Applying a historical perspective to contemporary policy and practice is a crucial skills that also aids career development.

Who can apply? This programme is suited to people with a strong interest in social history, including graduates and those established in careers: teachers and those working in education; policy makers; as well as people working in the field of history of education, such as archaeologists, museum curators and archivists. Application deadlines All applicants 28 July 2017 For more information see our Applications page. Apply now
Key debates in the history of education, the analysis of arguments, concepts and historical sources. The dissertation enables detailed research on a topic in the history of education within an international perspective. Focusing on wider themes, collaborating with museums and archives and connecting to policy and practice, is encouraged. A wide range of optional modules is available.
Two epic poems formed part of ancient Indian education. The Mahabharata, part of which may date back to the 8th century BC, discusses human goals (purpose, pleasure, duty, and liberation), attempting to explain the relationship of the individual to society and the world (the nature of the 'Self') and the workings of karma. The other epic poem, Ramayana, is shorter, although it has 24,000 verses. It is thought to have been compiled between about 400 BC and 200 AD. The epic explores themes of human existence and the concept of dharma.
Find out what it's like to be here. Explore our timeline, read profiles of our students, browse our photo gallery and find out more about our academic staff.
The major in Ancient History allows students to study a wide range of modules covering not only fascinating figures like Alexander the Great, but also basic aspects of everyday life, such as ancient myths, politics, warfare (both on land and at sea) and the economic and trading networks of Ancient Greece. Students can explore broader questions about how Rome grew into an empire, how Sparta became the legend that it is today and how religion shaped everyday life two thousand years ago. In the first year of study, modules can be taken on a wide range of periods and themes; in the second and third years, the School offers specialised modules on all aspects of Greco-Roman history so that you can gain in-depth knowledge in areas of particular interest to you. Options are also available to study select modules in ancient Chinese History, Classical Archaeology or Theology. The culmination of the degree is the dissertation, where you are free to pursue a topic of your choice in line with the research interests of your tutor.
You will have the opportunity to combine the study of the human past in one or both of the modern and medieval periods with the study of educational practices, processes and applications in a range of contexts and settings. As a Joint Honours student, you will work at exactly the same level and to the same academic standard as students taking that subject as a Single Honours programme.
The Elementary Education Act 1880 insisted on compulsory attendance from 5 to 10 years. For poorer families, ensuring their children attended school proved difficult, as it was more tempting to send them working if the opportunity to earn an extra income was available. Attendance officers often visited the homes of children who failed to attend school, which often proved to be ineffective. Children under the age of 13 who were employed were required to have a certificate to show they had reached the educational standard. Employers of these children who weren't able to show this were penalised. An act brought into force thirteen years later went under the name of the "Elementary Education (School Attendance) Act 1893", which stated a raised minimum leaving age to 11. Later the same year, the act was also extended for blind and deaf children, who previously had no means of an official education. This act was later amended in 1899 to raise the school leaving age up to 12 years of age.
This class examines means by which states conduct informal activities to promote their domestic and foreign objectives during wartime. In particular, it analyses the role of propaganda throughout the twentieth century, focusing on the use of modern mass communication and technology by states involved in conflicts.
Historiography had tended to isolate Highland history from Scottish political development during the late medieval and early modern periods. This class will re-address this trend, emphasising the Highlands as an integral part of Scottish society, at the same time exploring the division within Scotland between the ‘barbaric’ Highlands and the ‘civil’ Lowlands. Students will study the nature and structure of clan society and place Highland events within the wider context of national and British politics during the sixteenth century. While relations between the Scottish crown and its Highland subjects is the key theme of this class, students will analyse the extent to which such relations changed through time, and why. The class will also highlight divergent policies within clan society itself, a factor which warns against treating the Highlands as a homogenous whole, instead taking into consideration regional, local and personal biases.
‘Learning journeys’ are conceptualised, within this module, in terms of the meanings that learners attribute to their prior and current experiences of learning and how these individual and collective experiences may mediate their learning in the future. The module is designed to enable students to develop their capacity to critically examine concepts of ‘learning journey’, ‘learning career’, critical events and turning points. These concepts are compared with notions of aspiration raising, barriers and transition as a series of problems or events to be rationally overcome. The overall purpose of the module is to enable students to review their own learning careers and journeys and develop their analysis of their experiences.
The Education Studies component of this major/minor degree comprises two modules of study per year over the three years of your degree. Modules within the Education Studies part of the degree will cover a range of themes including, for example, the historical development of education, learning cultures and approaches to learning, the philosophy of learning and education, and the legal frameworks within which education operates today.
Uploading individual chapters as I revise them would cause confusion both for me and for my readers, so the new version will not be available online until it is complete. However, several readers have asked if they could see the chapter on the coalition government, so I have uploaded the draft of this (chapter 13).
The purpose of this special subject is to introduce students to the study of peace and conflict, broadly defined, and to encourage them to write and think about these subjects in a critical and engaged manner informed first and foremost by history-based discourse, but also borrowing from political science, anthropology, and related disciplines. The module will focus on the case study of Rwanda, with individual classes proceeding chronologically. The first semester will cover the pre-colonial period to the start of the second Hutu Republic in 1973, while the second semester will cover 1973 to present. Throughout, students will analyse relevant primary and secondary sources to explore the benefits of applying a historical lens to understanding a nation whose recent history includes both periods of peace and political stability, and several manifestations of state-sanctioned violence, including colonialism, small-scale ethnic, regional, and political conflicts, civil war, genocide, and authoritarianism. Students seeking careers in human rights advocacy, international law, diplomacy, and journalism will also find this course particularly relevant.
The History programme will enhance your knowledge and understanding of historical events and processes, as well as to develop your analytical and critical capacities to a high order. Though the programme concentrates on medieval and modern Europe including Britain and Ireland (c.400-c.2000), considerable attention is also paid to global history, particularly that of Asia, Africa and North America. By studying history as a joint degree you will have the opportunity to study the full range of periods and areas on offer by the Department of History.
In addressing these issues, the module draws upon themes such as justice and fairness in education as well as inequalities relating to class, gender, race and disability. A range of primary historical sources will be utilised, for example, documents and archives, literary, biographical, archival, visual and material evidence. History of education has a long research tradition which connects to both the study of history and education as well as drawing upon other humanities and social sciences.
The sessions aim to further develop an awareness of appropriate research methodologies and methods in relation to the research proposal including understanding of data and information collection techniques of observation, interviews, focus groups, survey design and use of secondary data. Management, analysis, interpretation and presentation of data will be explored in the context of ethical codes and practices.
In the first year there are three compulsory modules in Education which introduce, and induct you into the world of education studies. Specifically, each module draws from different perspectives on education, which could be historical, sociological, philosophical, psychological, cultural and/or political; these different lenses allow you to begin to consider ‘big’ questions about education and the world. You will also spend time studying three modules in your partner department.
You will study a wide range of topics that, after the first year, can be tailored to suit your own individual interests. Students will be immersed in examining the range of disciplines associated with their chosen subjects including the psychology, sociology, philosophy and history of education. Students will also explore the social, cultural and political development of the 15th century to the present day while also focusing on British, European and American history.
The second part of a documentary telling the story of 400 years of Deaf education in the UK. Following the 1880 Milan conference, a policy of oralism was adopted, later encouraged by new technology such as audiograms. But a 1970s report showing that Deaf children were leaving school at 16 with a reading age of less than 10, led to more Deaf children being given a mainstream education. The documentary explores how communication in mainstream classes works and whether parents are making an informed choice about how they educate their child. Presented by Louise Harte.
Today, there is some form of compulsory education in most countries. Due to population growth and the proliferation of compulsory education, UNESCO has calculated that in the next 30 years more people will receive formal education than in all of human history thus far.
In the 15th and 16th centuries, the town of Timbuktu in the West African nation of Mali became an Islamic centre of learning with students coming from as far away as the Middle East. The town was home to the prestigious Sankore University and other madrasas. The primary focus of these schools was the teaching of the Qur'an, although broader instruction in fields such as logic, astronomy, and history also took place. Over time, there was a great accumulation of manuscripts in the area and an estimated 100,000 or more manuscripts, some of them dated from pre-Islamic times and 12th century, are kept by the great families from the town. Their contents are didactic, especially in the subjects of astronomy, music, and botany. More than 18,000 manuscripts have been collected by the Ahmed Baba centre.
Education in England: a brief history explores the development of education in England from the earliest schools in the sixth century, through the establishment of the state education system in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, to current concerns about government policies. It aims to explain how we got where we are now.
In 1986, National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) were introduced, in an attempt to revitalise vocational training. Still, by 1990, apprenticeship took up only two-thirds of one percent of total employment.
The History of Education MA critically analyses the experience of education and learning from the 18th century to the present day. You will engage with oral, written and visual sources in an exciting intellectual atmosphere. The knowledge, skills and understanding you gain will provide a solid foundation for career development.
As a profoundly deaf English teacher, this strikes a chord with me. Communication was absolutely vital in my childhood. My school in Scotland incorporated the total communication method, then I was placed in a mainstream school. It was certainly effective as I had the benefit of sign language and integration into the mainstream community which prepared me more for the real world. It will be interesting to see how education for the deaf develops in the future. I can say for certain that I'll be throwing in my contribution to any debate on this! Posted on 11th Mar 2016 160311
Pre-application open days are the best way to discover all you need to know about Durham University. With representatives from all relevant academic and support service departments, and opportunities to explore college options, the open days provide our prospective undergraduates with the full experience of Durham University.
In 1997, Norway established a new curriculum for elementary schools and middle schools. The plan is based on ideological nationalism, child-orientation, and community-orientation along with the effort to publish new ways of teaching.
The modern era of French education begins in the 1790s. The Revolution in the 1790s abolished the traditional universities Napoleon sought to replace them with new institutions, the Polytechnique, focused on technology. The elementary schools received little attention until 1830, when France copied the Prussian system.
We're one of Europe's most vibrant cities. Voted the ‘friendliest city in the world’ in a recent Rough Guide poll, we're also named a must-visit destination in the New York Times, The Guardian and Wanderlust.
Discover Durham tours offer a brief introduction to the University. The tour begins at one of our undergraduate colleges, where you will receive an introductory talk from a member of college staff, followed by a tour of the college by current students.
Scholarships The University of Birmingham Undergraduate Research Experience scheme offers financial support for undergraduates to undertake work experience or a research placement in the summer vacation. The scheme is open to all first-, second- and penultimate-year undergraduate students. It is also open to final-year undergraduate students who are in the process of applying for, or who have already applied for, a place on a postgraduate programme at the University of Birmingham.
This class will explore the plantations that took place in Ulster during the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. Students will examine the emergence of the idea for plantation in Ireland, why Ulster was regarded as suitable for plantation, and the various endeavours by English and Scots to settle in the north of Ireland, whether by private enterprise or by the state. This will culminate in the official Plantation of Ulster, a 'British' project initiated by James VI and I in the early years of his reign as king of England, Ireland and Scotland. Students will also look at a couple of cases studies of individuals who were involved in plantation, enabling a detailed study of the political, social, economic and confessional reasons why they chose to migrate to and settle in Ireland at this time.
Search Discovery, our catalogue, to find records from over 2,500 archives across the UK, as well as from The National Archives itself. Your search results will include details of which archives currently hold the records.
Vedic education included: proper pronunciation and recitation of the Veda, the rules of sacrifice, grammar and derivation, composition, versification and meter, understanding of secrets of nature, reasoning including logic, the sciences, and the skills necessary for an occupation. Some medical knowledge existed and was taught. There is mention in the Veda of herbal medicines for various conditions or diseases, including fever, cough, baldness, snake bite and others.
I’m sure the Course Director will tell you about the course and the low cost housing in halls so I’ll leave that to him. As for the History department itself, it's very friendly. We had Christmas socials and formals, mixers and acted more like a little family really. There's a great range of modules for all interests, and you can even pick to study modules from other subjects. The staff are easy to get hold of and some of the teaching is in small groups so you don’t feel weird talking in front of others. The best thing about the department is the opportunity to study abroad. You can get to study at a European or American university on either a full year or semester trip. I went to Kent State University in Ohio, one of our 'partner' universities in the USA. It was such great fun and an incredible learning experience - I met friends for life over there. Everyone in History has the chance to go to America and I'd really recommend that you go too!

Further Information Within the History modules you will cover a wide range of material, which will provide you with useful historical topics that are part of the school curriculum at both GCSE and A Level. In addition, you may also wish to undertake modules with a more practical focus such as the Community History Project. The course has strong elements of local, national and international history. Students can take the Community History Project, which involves them working to a project brief devised by a real client, undertaking relevant research and feeding back their findings through a display, exhibition, teaching pack, archive guide or town trail. All final year students will undertake a dissertation in either Education or History.

Graduates of this programme are currently working across a broad range of areas: for example, as a senior archivist, a professor of education, a senior journalist and a policy adviser. Employability Students gain vital experience in critically analysing arguments and historical sources such as written, visual and oral documents. Applying a historical perspective to contemporary policy and practice is a crucial skills that also aids career development.
Who can apply? This programme is suited to people with a strong interest in social history, including graduates and those established in careers: teachers and those working in education; policy makers; as well as people working in the field of history of education, such as archaeologists, museum curators and archivists. Application deadlines All applicants 28 July 2017 For more information see our Applications page. Apply now
Key debates in the history of education, the analysis of arguments, concepts and historical sources. The dissertation enables detailed research on a topic in the history of education within an international perspective. Focusing on wider themes, collaborating with museums and archives and connecting to policy and practice, is encouraged. A wide range of optional modules is available.
Two epic poems formed part of ancient Indian education. The Mahabharata, part of which may date back to the 8th century BC, discusses human goals (purpose, pleasure, duty, and liberation), attempting to explain the relationship of the individual to society and the world (the nature of the 'Self') and the workings of karma. The other epic poem, Ramayana, is shorter, although it has 24,000 verses. It is thought to have been compiled between about 400 BC and 200 AD. The epic explores themes of human existence and the concept of dharma.
Find out what it's like to be here. Explore our timeline, read profiles of our students, browse our photo gallery and find out more about our academic staff.
The major in Ancient History allows students to study a wide range of modules covering not only fascinating figures like Alexander the Great, but also basic aspects of everyday life, such as ancient myths, politics, warfare (both on land and at sea) and the economic and trading networks of Ancient Greece. Students can explore broader questions about how Rome grew into an empire, how Sparta became the legend that it is today and how religion shaped everyday life two thousand years ago. In the first year of study, modules can be taken on a wide range of periods and themes; in the second and third years, the School offers specialised modules on all aspects of Greco-Roman history so that you can gain in-depth knowledge in areas of particular interest to you. Options are also available to study select modules in ancient Chinese History, Classical Archaeology or Theology. The culmination of the degree is the dissertation, where you are free to pursue a topic of your choice in line with the research interests of your tutor.
You will have the opportunity to combine the study of the human past in one or both of the modern and medieval periods with the study of educational practices, processes and applications in a range of contexts and settings. As a Joint Honours student, you will work at exactly the same level and to the same academic standard as students taking that subject as a Single Honours programme.
The Elementary Education Act 1880 insisted on compulsory attendance from 5 to 10 years. For poorer families, ensuring their children attended school proved difficult, as it was more tempting to send them working if the opportunity to earn an extra income was available. Attendance officers often visited the homes of children who failed to attend school, which often proved to be ineffective. Children under the age of 13 who were employed were required to have a certificate to show they had reached the educational standard. Employers of these children who weren't able to show this were penalised. An act brought into force thirteen years later went under the name of the "Elementary Education (School Attendance) Act 1893", which stated a raised minimum leaving age to 11. Later the same year, the act was also extended for blind and deaf children, who previously had no means of an official education. This act was later amended in 1899 to raise the school leaving age up to 12 years of age.
This class examines means by which states conduct informal activities to promote their domestic and foreign objectives during wartime. In particular, it analyses the role of propaganda throughout the twentieth century, focusing on the use of modern mass communication and technology by states involved in conflicts.
Historiography had tended to isolate Highland history from Scottish political development during the late medieval and early modern periods. This class will re-address this trend, emphasising the Highlands as an integral part of Scottish society, at the same time exploring the division within Scotland between the ‘barbaric’ Highlands and the ‘civil’ Lowlands. Students will study the nature and structure of clan society and place Highland events within the wider context of national and British politics during the sixteenth century. While relations between the Scottish crown and its Highland subjects is the key theme of this class, students will analyse the extent to which such relations changed through time, and why. The class will also highlight divergent policies within clan society itself, a factor which warns against treating the Highlands as a homogenous whole, instead taking into consideration regional, local and personal biases.
‘Learning journeys’ are conceptualised, within this module, in terms of the meanings that learners attribute to their prior and current experiences of learning and how these individual and collective experiences may mediate their learning in the future. The module is designed to enable students to develop their capacity to critically examine concepts of ‘learning journey’, ‘learning career’, critical events and turning points. These concepts are compared with notions of aspiration raising, barriers and transition as a series of problems or events to be rationally overcome. The overall purpose of the module is to enable students to review their own learning careers and journeys and develop their analysis of their experiences.
The Education Studies component of this major/minor degree comprises two modules of study per year over the three years of your degree. Modules within the Education Studies part of the degree will cover a range of themes including, for example, the historical development of education, learning cultures and approaches to learning, the philosophy of learning and education, and the legal frameworks within which education operates today.
Uploading individual chapters as I revise them would cause confusion both for me and for my readers, so the new version will not be available online until it is complete. However, several readers have asked if they could see the chapter on the coalition government, so I have uploaded the draft of this (chapter 13).
The purpose of this special subject is to introduce students to the study of peace and conflict, broadly defined, and to encourage them to write and think about these subjects in a critical and engaged manner informed first and foremost by history-based discourse, but also borrowing from political science, anthropology, and related disciplines. The module will focus on the case study of Rwanda, with individual classes proceeding chronologically. The first semester will cover the pre-colonial period to the start of the second Hutu Republic in 1973, while the second semester will cover 1973 to present. Throughout, students will analyse relevant primary and secondary sources to explore the benefits of applying a historical lens to understanding a nation whose recent history includes both periods of peace and political stability, and several manifestations of state-sanctioned violence, including colonialism, small-scale ethnic, regional, and political conflicts, civil war, genocide, and authoritarianism. Students seeking careers in human rights advocacy, international law, diplomacy, and journalism will also find this course particularly relevant.
The History programme will enhance your knowledge and understanding of historical events and processes, as well as to develop your analytical and critical capacities to a high order. Though the programme concentrates on medieval and modern Europe including Britain and Ireland (c.400-c.2000), considerable attention is also paid to global history, particularly that of Asia, Africa and North America. By studying history as a joint degree you will have the opportunity to study the full range of periods and areas on offer by the Department of History.
In addressing these issues, the module draws upon themes such as justice and fairness in education as well as inequalities relating to class, gender, race and disability. A range of primary historical sources will be utilised, for example, documents and archives, literary, biographical, archival, visual and material evidence. History of education has a long research tradition which connects to both the study of history and education as well as drawing upon other humanities and social sciences.
The sessions aim to further develop an awareness of appropriate research methodologies and methods in relation to the research proposal including understanding of data and information collection techniques of observation, interviews, focus groups, survey design and use of secondary data. Management, analysis, interpretation and presentation of data will be explored in the context of ethical codes and practices.
In the first year there are three compulsory modules in Education which introduce, and induct you into the world of education studies. Specifically, each module draws from different perspectives on education, which could be historical, sociological, philosophical, psychological, cultural and/or political; these different lenses allow you to begin to consider ‘big’ questions about education and the world. You will also spend time studying three modules in your partner department.
You will study a wide range of topics that, after the first year, can be tailored to suit your own individual interests. Students will be immersed in examining the range of disciplines associated with their chosen subjects including the psychology, sociology, philosophy and history of education. Students will also explore the social, cultural and political development of the 15th century to the present day while also focusing on British, European and American history.
The second part of a documentary telling the story of 400 years of Deaf education in the UK. Following the 1880 Milan conference, a policy of oralism was adopted, later encouraged by new technology such as audiograms. But a 1970s report showing that Deaf children were leaving school at 16 with a reading age of less than 10, led to more Deaf children being given a mainstream education. The documentary explores how communication in mainstream classes works and whether parents are making an informed choice about how they educate their child. Presented by Louise Harte.
Today, there is some form of compulsory education in most countries. Due to population growth and the proliferation of compulsory education, UNESCO has calculated that in the next 30 years more people will receive formal education than in all of human history thus far.
In the 15th and 16th centuries, the town of Timbuktu in the West African nation of Mali became an Islamic centre of learning with students coming from as far away as the Middle East. The town was home to the prestigious Sankore University and other madrasas. The primary focus of these schools was the teaching of the Qur'an, although broader instruction in fields such as logic, astronomy, and history also took place. Over time, there was a great accumulation of manuscripts in the area and an estimated 100,000 or more manuscripts, some of them dated from pre-Islamic times and 12th century, are kept by the great families from the town. Their contents are didactic, especially in the subjects of astronomy, music, and botany. More than 18,000 manuscripts have been collected by the Ahmed Baba centre.
Education in England: a brief history explores the development of education in England from the earliest schools in the sixth century, through the establishment of the state education system in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, to current concerns about government policies. It aims to explain how we got where we are now.
In 1986, National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) were introduced, in an attempt to revitalise vocational training. Still, by 1990, apprenticeship took up only two-thirds of one percent of total employment.
The History of Education MA critically analyses the experience of education and learning from the 18th century to the present day. You will engage with oral, written and visual sources in an exciting intellectual atmosphere. The knowledge, skills and understanding you gain will provide a solid foundation for career development.
As a profoundly deaf English teacher, this strikes a chord with me. Communication was absolutely vital in my childhood. My school in Scotland incorporated the total communication method, then I was placed in a mainstream school. It was certainly effective as I had the benefit of sign language and integration into the mainstream community which prepared me more for the real world. It will be interesting to see how education for the deaf develops in the future. I can say for certain that I'll be throwing in my contribution to any debate on this! Posted on 11th Mar 2016 160311
Pre-application open days are the best way to discover all you need to know about Durham University. With representatives from all relevant academic and support service departments, and opportunities to explore college options, the open days provide our prospective undergraduates with the full experience of Durham University.
In 1997, Norway established a new curriculum for elementary schools and middle schools. The plan is based on ideological nationalism, child-orientation, and community-orientation along with the effort to publish new ways of teaching.
The modern era of French education begins in the 1790s. The Revolution in the 1790s abolished the traditional universities Napoleon sought to replace them with new institutions, the Polytechnique, focused on technology. The elementary schools received little attention until 1830, when France copied the Prussian system.
We're one of Europe's most vibrant cities. Voted the ‘friendliest city in the world’ in a recent Rough Guide poll, we're also named a must-visit destination in the New York Times, The Guardian and Wanderlust.
Discover Durham tours offer a brief introduction to the University. The tour begins at one of our undergraduate colleges, where you will receive an introductory talk from a member of college staff, followed by a tour of the college by current students.
Scholarships The University of Birmingham Undergraduate Research Experience scheme offers financial support for undergraduates to undertake work experience or a research placement in the summer vacation. The scheme is open to all first-, second- and penultimate-year undergraduate students. It is also open to final-year undergraduate students who are in the process of applying for, or who have already applied for, a place on a postgraduate programme at the University of Birmingham.
This class will explore the plantations that took place in Ulster during the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. Students will examine the emergence of the idea for plantation in Ireland, why Ulster was regarded as suitable for plantation, and the various endeavours by English and Scots to settle in the north of Ireland, whether by private enterprise or by the state. This will culminate in the official Plantation of Ulster, a 'British' project initiated by James VI and I in the early years of his reign as king of England, Ireland and Scotland. Students will also look at a couple of cases studies of individuals who were involved in plantation, enabling a detailed study of the political, social, economic and confessional reasons why they chose to migrate to and settle in Ireland at this time.
Search Discovery, our catalogue, to find records from over 2,500 archives across the UK, as well as from The National Archives itself. Your search results will include details of which archives currently hold the records.
Vedic education included: proper pronunciation and recitation of the Veda, the rules of sacrifice, grammar and derivation, composition, versification and meter, understanding of secrets of nature, reasoning including logic, the sciences, and the skills necessary for an occupation. Some medical knowledge existed and was taught. There is mention in the Veda of herbal medicines for various conditions or diseases, including fever, cough, baldness, snake bite and others.
I’m sure the Course Director will tell you about the course and the low cost housing in halls so I’ll leave that to him. As for the History department itself, it's very friendly. We had Christmas socials and formals, mixers and acted more like a little family really. There's a great range of modules for all interests, and you can even pick to study modules from other subjects. The staff are easy to get hold of and some of the teaching is in small groups so you don’t feel weird talking in front of others. The best thing about the department is the opportunity to study abroad. You can get to study at a European or American university on either a full year or semester trip. I went to Kent State University in Ohio, one of our 'partner' universities in the USA. It was such great fun and an incredible learning experience - I met friends for life over there. Everyone in History has the chance to go to America and I'd really recommend that you go too!
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