Tina November 29, 2009 at 1:08 pm Roger, yes you can! There
are two possible shortcuts. One is + . Some keyboards have a dedicated
key for the context menu. You should find it between the and key on the
right side of the . Enjoy! Reply
Hey peops, just to let you know that if you’re using Less with the Less.app on Mac, it doesn’t accept the original ‘device-pixel-ratio’ of 1.5 or indeed the opera equivalent of 3/2. All device-pixel-ratios need to be 2 only. Just thought it might help someone out there! Peas and korn.

Another way to quickly open favored folders is, well, by adding them to the Favorites section at the top of File Explorer. The process for doing so isn't exactly obvious, however.

Ultimately, the only way to truly stay anonymous online is to never go online in the first place. If you’ve already used the internet, delete any and all accounts you’ve ever created, turn your computer off and smash it to pieces. You will still leave a digital footprint of some sort in your wake, but hopefully it’s not particularly significant. If you’re using this extreme method, you should also smash up your smart phone, your tablet and your smart TV (they’re listening to us now). Now that you have purged all connected technology from your life, you may wish to live in self-imposed exile, perhaps in a cave, so that you are not tempted to re-enter the online world. Don’t tell anyone about this and you will successfully have acquired complete anonymity. Probably.

Prior to El Capitan, OS X defaulted to grouping items in Notification Center by app. Since El Capitan, Apple switched things up and now groups them by date instead. For instance, all your notifications from today will show up together, which can be useful for seeing what you missed while you were stuck in that all-day meeting.
Anne Permalink to comment# October 29, 2015 Hi, I am new to programming. I have a survey that I want to launch and it is possible that my respondents will not have the same tablets. Can I combine all the scripts for the different tablets?
By cybergrannie November 5, 20140 found this helpfulAre you referring to the camera that lets other people see you when you are "talking" to them? In any case, computers are different so you will have to find this in your laptop manual.If you do not have a manual then research it on line. You will just have to have your laptop "name" and model number which is on your laptop. Usually you can find a manual to review on line or maybe print it out to keep for future reference.You can also just Google your question (include laptop name and model) and maybe find an answer that way.First - find the name and model number as this is necessary for anyone to be able to really answer your questions. Reply Was this helpful? Yes
On a computer, just click on any video while pressing Shift+Alt (Shift+Option+Click on a Mac), and under “Stream Manager” you can manually adjust the bandwidth usage. There is also an option to adjust how the audio and video synchronises, just in case the dialogue and actors’ mouth movements have parted company.
Best Notepad Tricks
Did you know that there is a secret "Send To" menu that you can access with the Shift key? Hold down Shift, right-click the folder and select the "Send To" menu. This lets you access a whole new set of file locations, so you can quickly re-locate a folder without the hassle.
One little known fact about Macs is that they use a different file system than Windows computers by default. That means, if you’re planning on sharing an external hard drive between both Microsoft’s and Apple’s operating systems, you have a few options. While you could format the hard drive to take advantage of the exFAT file system, you would thereby miss out on faster write times. Luckily, in the Disk Utility app featured in macOS, there’s the option to partition hard drives. In doing so, you can theoretically divide the hard drive in half, with one volume being dedicated to macOS and the other to Windows. Take the hard drive over to your PC and you can format one of those volumes for NTFS, making it the perfect little hybrid device.
Chances are, you’ve probably already found a few awesome tools and added them to your productivity arsenal, but most programs can be used for more than just their inteded purpose. Cloud storage tools like Dropbox, for example, are also great for monitoring your home computer, printing files from afar, and even downloading stuff with BitTorrent. Savvy folks can use Gmail to store files in the cloud or find out if someone’s stolen your laptop. Any tool can become multipurpose if you know its ins and outs.
Edward Snowden has called Dropbox - a cloud storage service - ‘hostile to privacy’. That’s pretty damning. If you’re worried about sharing your files through this system, there are a number of good alternatives out there which offer better privacy. Snowden himself recommends Spideroak, which describes itself as a zero-knowledge encrypted data backup, share, sync, access and storage service. You can use a limited version of this as part of their free trial, which can be found on their website. A fully featured subscription is available for $12 a month. However, if you’re just looking to quickly share small or large files anonymously for free, give OnionShare a go. It doesn’t have as many features as Spideroak, but it gets the job done.
The processor is a power hog, often using as much as half of the total power in a system. Smaller is better; as the size of the microscopic wires and electronic architecture within the chip shrinks with each generation, its power use declines.
Quickly launch a new instance of a program Those taskbar icons can also be used to quickly launch a second (or third, or fourth, or…) instance of a program—a fresh browser window alongside an already populated one, for instance, or another Windows Explorer window.Doing so is easy: Just hold down the Shift button, then open the program as you normally would, either via a left click of the mouse or the aforementioned quick-launch keyboard trick. Boom! A new, clean version of the software appears alongside the one you already have open.
Hi all, becareful with Media Queries! They are not pixel accurate. Some times they are off only 20 pixels but other time they are off up to 150 pixels… However, even few pixels is very bad when trying to target a certain mobile phone screen.
Tip: Storage Container Lid for LaptopBy Robyn 1 found this helpfulApril 2, 2017I am using a lid from a storage container to keep my laptop from overheating. I have found that it works very well. I don't want the ventilation area under the computer to be blocked. I love to repurpose items around the house for other things. Spring is a great time to recycle and repurpose! Ad Comment Was this helpful? 1By Karen April 11, 20170 found this helpfulWhat type of storage Containers? Not clear to me. Reply Was this helpful? YesRead More Comments
With loads of iMessage conversations happening at once, it can be easy to lose track of who said what, where, which is especially true if you regularly use multi-people chats and mix work and pleasure. Since Yosemite, though, you can name group chats by clicking Details at the top right then typing a name at the top.
David Englund Permalink to comment# March 7, 2015 I am using the Responsive Theme. What if I want to hide my sub-menu items on the desktop, but show them on the mobile? I use the “Responsive Menu” plugin for mobile, which provides a nice slider expand/collapse look for menus there. But, on the desktop I don’t want sub-menus to show. The main menu items (e.g., About) will take you to that section/page of the website, where a sidebar navigation will then be used from that point on for all the associated pages. Reply ↓
You missed some of my favorite ones, for moving around in text. These work in most text situations, including this comments box. I love not having to move my hand over to the mouse every time I want to reposition the cursor.
More secret right-click options Secret right-click options revealed by the Shift key don't end with file paths, though.The basic Send to tool that appears as an option when you right-click on a file or folder is handy enough indeed, allowing you to move the item quickly to a handful of locations on your PC, add it to a .zip archive, or send it off in an email or fax.But that's just the tip of the iceberg! Holding down the Shift key as you right-click a file or folder will add an absolute ton of new folder locations to the basic Send to menu.
Colin Daniel Lafferty Permalink to comment# May 7, 2013 This is an informative article however i would approach responsive design much the same as we currently do for fully fluid layouts. My personal approach is semi fluid in nature with responsive design only to enhance the content. If for example we apply a fixed width on the container (div as the most semantic selector) Then we can simply target that by simply applying a max width, minimum width and auto for backwards compatibility. Of course will work for semi modern browsers this is the best option in my opinion. We can scale this up or down based upon a percentage and change the width constrictions and there we have a complete fluid and responsive design. Of course other elements needs to be specifically styled, rearranged or sometimes hidden (i would not recommend) by using media queries. Reply ↓
The recently-revised tool allows you to see a film's Rotten Tomatoes score as well as its IMDb rating – not to mention access to other IMDb content as well as any trailers. Still indecisive? Try Netflix Roulette. Put in an actor, a genre, or another determining factor, and hey - who knows what you’ll end up watching.
If you prefer the old per-app grouping, though, go to System Preferences > Notifications, then change the sort order as you please: look for the pop-up menu labelled "Notification Center sort order." Play with the different options and see which one works for you.
This is so that, for example, you can quickly log into a website on your Mac having saved a password on your iPad, or enter your secure credit card details automatically on an iPhone having saved them on your Mac. It's a slightly complex setup, but worth a bit of pain up-front to make your life easier later on; start at this page on Apple's website to find out how.
It can be annoying having to wait for someone else to print out large documents when you're in a hurry, so use this tip to minimize the wait if you have access to more than one printer. In System Preferences > Print & Fax (or Printers & Scanners on recent versions of OS X), you can select multiple printers and create a Printer Pool.
I know article is from a while back, but has anyone had an issue with “max-device-width” and having rendering issue. My impression was that the “max-device-width” only rendered on phones, tablets, and mobile devices, not on desktop browsers. This happens when the browser is set and the initial load of the css file with the @Media query loads. So if I have
Rather than trying to track that missing file down or manually delete the legion of copies, whip out the universal Get Out of Jail Free card that, somewhat surprisingly, also works within Windows proper: Crtl + Z. The keyboard shortcut undoes your last action, restoring order when chaos suddenly appears. (Crtl + C and Crtl + V for copying and pasting, respectively, also work properly within Windows.)
The virus essentially prompts users to download and install a fake software update. It then proceeds to harvest the user Keychain and phish for usernames, passwords as well as any other credentials, before eventually relaying the recovered data back to the attacker.
If you want a file to open in an app other than its default, select the file and press Command+I, to show its information. In the "Open with:" section, use the drop-down menu to choose a new app.
With Mail since Yosemite, though (and in fact with the webmail version of Mail at icloud.com), you can email files up to 5GB in size. What in fact happens is that the attachment really gets uploaded to iCloud, and then a link is sent to your recipient where they have 30 days from which to download it.
There are six components that are the major power users in a computing device. They are listed here roughly in order of power use, although that can vary based on the notebook itself. They have each been redesigned over the past decade for greater efficiency, but there's still work to be done.
Prior to El Capitan, OS X defaulted to grouping items in Notification Center by app. Since El Capitan, Apple switched things up and now groups them by date instead. For instance, all your notifications from today will show up together, which can be useful for seeing what you missed while you were stuck in that all-day meeting.If you prefer the old per-app grouping, though, go to System Preferences > Notifications, then change the sort order as you please: look for the pop-up menu labelled "Notification Center sort order." Play with the different options and see which one works for you.
Among the 18 tweaks it offers, Flixplus can hide potential spoiler images and text snippets, remove duplicate recommendations, disable that irritating Facebook integration prompt and even show IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes ratings. And it has just been updated to cope with the new Netflix menu system. Get it here.
Preview has some fantastic tools built into it for annotating images and PDFs. And, what's best of all is that the annotations it adds to a PDF are based on a standard that's compatible with Adobe's PDF app, Acrobat, which is used by Windows users and companies - so it's easy to share annotated documents with colleagues.Make sure the Edit Toolbar is visible (from the View menu) and you'll see you've got options for drawing shapes, arrows, speech and thought bubbles and more. There's also the option to highlight text in different colours, strikethrough some text, add notes and type some text into boxes.
However, by doing so, that also kills my iphone4+ styling where I *do* want the footer to display. The problem is that the iphone4+ and the normal *smartphone* min/max dimensions are targeting the same dimensions of 320 and 480 respectively and I am unable to get separate devices with same width/height ratios to be targeted differently without overriding each other. Any online articles that talk about this would be greatly appreciated!
Streaming from your laptop or computer? Let your fingers do the navigating for precise, easy control. Hit Spacebar or Enter keys to pause/play. ‘PgDn’ also pauses, while ‘PgUp’ plays. F enables full-screen viewing, while Esc takes you out of it. Hold Shift and the Left Arrow to rewind, while Shift and the Right Arrow fast-forwards. Up and Down Arrows change volume, while M toggles for mute.
Every program to the right of the Start button is assigned its own numerical shortcut, with the first program being "1," the second being "2," and so on, all the way to the 10th taskbar shortcut, which gets "0." Pressing the Windows key, plus the number of the program you want to open, launches it. For example, in the image at left, pressing Win + 3 launches the Chrome browser.
When you move your laptop from a cold to a warm environment, and vice versa, don't boot up until your system reaches room temperature. Sudden temperature changes can cause condensation to build up inside the notebook case; turn it on too quickly, and the moisture could damage your system's inner components.
Every operating system has hidden things lying under the hood, you just have to know where to look. Windows users should check out the hidden features of Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10, while Mac users should peruse the hidden features of OS X Lion, Mountain Lion, Yosemite, and Mavericks. If you want to find even more, you can often find them in Windows’ Registry or in OS X’s terminal. System tweakers like Ultimate Windows Tweaker, OnyX for Mac, and Ubuntu Tweak are also great places to find secret features.
The next power drain is your screen. While you obviously need to keep it up and running to use the laptop, you don't necessarily need it running at maximum brightness or resolution. Many laptops will have hotkeys for increasing and decreasing the screen brightness, but if not, it can be adjusted in the control panel. Reducing the display to 50 percent when you're running on battery power can add a significant amount of time.
Shut down unused and highly intense appsnhungboon/ShutterstockIf you’re not using an app, make sure that you exit out of it. If they are running, they will use up your battery. Also limit the use of highly intense apps such as games and editing software, they use up a lot of energy and will drain your battery much faster. Make sure you know the ways that computer hackers get into your computer.
It’s not the only option for getting your media files on your Sony gaming console. The ever-wonderful Plex app is one way of getting content from your computer to your PS4 (and it’s free), but if you want a slightly more complex route then you can set up a DLNA server and use this to beam music, video and photos over to the PlayStation box.
Word Count: 3022
Hey peops, just to let you know that if you’re using Less with the Less.app on Mac, it doesn’t accept the original ‘device-pixel-ratio’ of 1.5 or indeed the opera equivalent of 3/2. All device-pixel-ratios need to be 2 only. Just thought it might help someone out there! Peas and korn.

Another way to quickly open favored folders is, well, by adding them to the Favorites section at the top of File Explorer. The process for doing so isn't exactly obvious, however.
Ultimately, the only way to truly stay anonymous online is to never go online in the first place. If you’ve already used the internet, delete any and all accounts you’ve ever created, turn your computer off and smash it to pieces. You will still leave a digital footprint of some sort in your wake, but hopefully it’s not particularly significant. If you’re using this extreme method, you should also smash up your smart phone, your tablet and your smart TV (they’re listening to us now). Now that you have purged all connected technology from your life, you may wish to live in self-imposed exile, perhaps in a cave, so that you are not tempted to re-enter the online world. Don’t tell anyone about this and you will successfully have acquired complete anonymity. Probably.

Prior to El Capitan, OS X defaulted to grouping items in Notification Center by app. Since El Capitan, Apple switched things up and now groups them by date instead. For instance, all your notifications from today will show up together, which can be useful for seeing what you missed while you were stuck in that all-day meeting.
Anne Permalink to comment# October 29, 2015 Hi, I am new to programming. I have a survey that I want to launch and it is possible that my respondents will not have the same tablets. Can I combine all the scripts for the different tablets?
By cybergrannie November 5, 20140 found this helpfulAre you referring to the camera that lets other people see you when you are "talking" to them? In any case, computers are different so you will have to find this in your laptop manual.If you do not have a manual then research it on line. You will just have to have your laptop "name" and model number which is on your laptop. Usually you can find a manual to review on line or maybe print it out to keep for future reference.You can also just Google your question (include laptop name and model) and maybe find an answer that way.First - find the name and model number as this is necessary for anyone to be able to really answer your questions. Reply Was this helpful? Yes
On a computer, just click on any video while pressing Shift+Alt (Shift+Option+Click on a Mac), and under “Stream Manager” you can manually adjust the bandwidth usage. There is also an option to adjust how the audio and video synchronises, just in case the dialogue and actors’ mouth movements have parted company.
Best Notepad Tricks
Did you know that there is a secret "Send To" menu that you can access with the Shift key? Hold down Shift, right-click the folder and select the "Send To" menu. This lets you access a whole new set of file locations, so you can quickly re-locate a folder without the hassle.
One little known fact about Macs is that they use a different file system than Windows computers by default. That means, if you’re planning on sharing an external hard drive between both Microsoft’s and Apple’s operating systems, you have a few options. While you could format the hard drive to take advantage of the exFAT file system, you would thereby miss out on faster write times. Luckily, in the Disk Utility app featured in macOS, there’s the option to partition hard drives. In doing so, you can theoretically divide the hard drive in half, with one volume being dedicated to macOS and the other to Windows. Take the hard drive over to your PC and you can format one of those volumes for NTFS, making it the perfect little hybrid device.
Chances are, you’ve probably already found a few awesome tools and added them to your productivity arsenal, but most programs can be used for more than just their inteded purpose. Cloud storage tools like Dropbox, for example, are also great for monitoring your home computer, printing files from afar, and even downloading stuff with BitTorrent. Savvy folks can use Gmail to store files in the cloud or find out if someone’s stolen your laptop. Any tool can become multipurpose if you know its ins and outs.
Edward Snowden has called Dropbox - a cloud storage service - ‘hostile to privacy’. That’s pretty damning. If you’re worried about sharing your files through this system, there are a number of good alternatives out there which offer better privacy. Snowden himself recommends Spideroak, which describes itself as a zero-knowledge encrypted data backup, share, sync, access and storage service. You can use a limited version of this as part of their free trial, which can be found on their website. A fully featured subscription is available for $12 a month. However, if you’re just looking to quickly share small or large files anonymously for free, give OnionShare a go. It doesn’t have as many features as Spideroak, but it gets the job done.
The processor is a power hog, often using as much as half of the total power in a system. Smaller is better; as the size of the microscopic wires and electronic architecture within the chip shrinks with each generation, its power use declines.
Quickly launch a new instance of a program Those taskbar icons can also be used to quickly launch a second (or third, or fourth, or…) instance of a program—a fresh browser window alongside an already populated one, for instance, or another Windows Explorer window.Doing so is easy: Just hold down the Shift button, then open the program as you normally would, either via a left click of the mouse or the aforementioned quick-launch keyboard trick. Boom! A new, clean version of the software appears alongside the one you already have open.
Hi all, becareful with Media Queries! They are not pixel accurate. Some times they are off only 20 pixels but other time they are off up to 150 pixels… However, even few pixels is very bad when trying to target a certain mobile phone screen.
Tip: Storage Container Lid for LaptopBy Robyn 1 found this helpfulApril 2, 2017I am using a lid from a storage container to keep my laptop from overheating. I have found that it works very well. I don't want the ventilation area under the computer to be blocked. I love to repurpose items around the house for other things. Spring is a great time to recycle and repurpose! Ad Comment Was this helpful? 1By Karen April 11, 20170 found this helpfulWhat type of storage Containers? Not clear to me. Reply Was this helpful? YesRead More Comments
With loads of iMessage conversations happening at once, it can be easy to lose track of who said what, where, which is especially true if you regularly use multi-people chats and mix work and pleasure. Since Yosemite, though, you can name group chats by clicking Details at the top right then typing a name at the top.
David Englund Permalink to comment# March 7, 2015 I am using the Responsive Theme. What if I want to hide my sub-menu items on the desktop, but show them on the mobile? I use the “Responsive Menu” plugin for mobile, which provides a nice slider expand/collapse look for menus there. But, on the desktop I don’t want sub-menus to show. The main menu items (e.g., About) will take you to that section/page of the website, where a sidebar navigation will then be used from that point on for all the associated pages. Reply ↓
You missed some of my favorite ones, for moving around in text. These work in most text situations, including this comments box. I love not having to move my hand over to the mouse every time I want to reposition the cursor.
More secret right-click options Secret right-click options revealed by the Shift key don't end with file paths, though.The basic Send to tool that appears as an option when you right-click on a file or folder is handy enough indeed, allowing you to move the item quickly to a handful of locations on your PC, add it to a .zip archive, or send it off in an email or fax.But that's just the tip of the iceberg! Holding down the Shift key as you right-click a file or folder will add an absolute ton of new folder locations to the basic Send to menu.
Colin Daniel Lafferty Permalink to comment# May 7, 2013 This is an informative article however i would approach responsive design much the same as we currently do for fully fluid layouts. My personal approach is semi fluid in nature with responsive design only to enhance the content. If for example we apply a fixed width on the container (div as the most semantic selector) Then we can simply target that by simply applying a max width, minimum width and auto for backwards compatibility. Of course will work for semi modern browsers this is the best option in my opinion. We can scale this up or down based upon a percentage and change the width constrictions and there we have a complete fluid and responsive design. Of course other elements needs to be specifically styled, rearranged or sometimes hidden (i would not recommend) by using media queries. Reply ↓
The recently-revised tool allows you to see a film's Rotten Tomatoes score as well as its IMDb rating – not to mention access to other IMDb content as well as any trailers. Still indecisive? Try Netflix Roulette. Put in an actor, a genre, or another determining factor, and hey - who knows what you’ll end up watching.
If you prefer the old per-app grouping, though, go to System Preferences > Notifications, then change the sort order as you please: look for the pop-up menu labelled "Notification Center sort order." Play with the different options and see which one works for you.
This is so that, for example, you can quickly log into a website on your Mac having saved a password on your iPad, or enter your secure credit card details automatically on an iPhone having saved them on your Mac. It's a slightly complex setup, but worth a bit of pain up-front to make your life easier later on; start at this page on Apple's website to find out how.
It can be annoying having to wait for someone else to print out large documents when you're in a hurry, so use this tip to minimize the wait if you have access to more than one printer. In System Preferences > Print & Fax (or Printers & Scanners on recent versions of OS X), you can select multiple printers and create a Printer Pool.
I know article is from a while back, but has anyone had an issue with “max-device-width” and having rendering issue. My impression was that the “max-device-width” only rendered on phones, tablets, and mobile devices, not on desktop browsers. This happens when the browser is set and the initial load of the css file with the @Media query loads. So if I have
Rather than trying to track that missing file down or manually delete the legion of copies, whip out the universal Get Out of Jail Free card that, somewhat surprisingly, also works within Windows proper: Crtl + Z. The keyboard shortcut undoes your last action, restoring order when chaos suddenly appears. (Crtl + C and Crtl + V for copying and pasting, respectively, also work properly within Windows.)
The virus essentially prompts users to download and install a fake software update. It then proceeds to harvest the user Keychain and phish for usernames, passwords as well as any other credentials, before eventually relaying the recovered data back to the attacker.
If you want a file to open in an app other than its default, select the file and press Command+I, to show its information. In the "Open with:" section, use the drop-down menu to choose a new app.
With Mail since Yosemite, though (and in fact with the webmail version of Mail at icloud.com), you can email files up to 5GB in size. What in fact happens is that the attachment really gets uploaded to iCloud, and then a link is sent to your recipient where they have 30 days from which to download it.
There are six components that are the major power users in a computing device. They are listed here roughly in order of power use, although that can vary based on the notebook itself. They have each been redesigned over the past decade for greater efficiency, but there's still work to be done.
Prior to El Capitan, OS X defaulted to grouping items in Notification Center by app. Since El Capitan, Apple switched things up and now groups them by date instead. For instance, all your notifications from today will show up together, which can be useful for seeing what you missed while you were stuck in that all-day meeting.If you prefer the old per-app grouping, though, go to System Preferences > Notifications, then change the sort order as you please: look for the pop-up menu labelled "Notification Center sort order." Play with the different options and see which one works for you.
Among the 18 tweaks it offers, Flixplus can hide potential spoiler images and text snippets, remove duplicate recommendations, disable that irritating Facebook integration prompt and even show IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes ratings. And it has just been updated to cope with the new Netflix menu system. Get it here.
Preview has some fantastic tools built into it for annotating images and PDFs. And, what's best of all is that the annotations it adds to a PDF are based on a standard that's compatible with Adobe's PDF app, Acrobat, which is used by Windows users and companies - so it's easy to share annotated documents with colleagues.Make sure the Edit Toolbar is visible (from the View menu) and you'll see you've got options for drawing shapes, arrows, speech and thought bubbles and more. There's also the option to highlight text in different colours, strikethrough some text, add notes and type some text into boxes.
However, by doing so, that also kills my iphone4+ styling where I *do* want the footer to display. The problem is that the iphone4+ and the normal *smartphone* min/max dimensions are targeting the same dimensions of 320 and 480 respectively and I am unable to get separate devices with same width/height ratios to be targeted differently without overriding each other. Any online articles that talk about this would be greatly appreciated!
Streaming from your laptop or computer? Let your fingers do the navigating for precise, easy control. Hit Spacebar or Enter keys to pause/play. ‘PgDn’ also pauses, while ‘PgUp’ plays. F enables full-screen viewing, while Esc takes you out of it. Hold Shift and the Left Arrow to rewind, while Shift and the Right Arrow fast-forwards. Up and Down Arrows change volume, while M toggles for mute.
Every program to the right of the Start button is assigned its own numerical shortcut, with the first program being "1," the second being "2," and so on, all the way to the 10th taskbar shortcut, which gets "0." Pressing the Windows key, plus the number of the program you want to open, launches it. For example, in the image at left, pressing Win + 3 launches the Chrome browser.
When you move your laptop from a cold to a warm environment, and vice versa, don't boot up until your system reaches room temperature. Sudden temperature changes can cause condensation to build up inside the notebook case; turn it on too quickly, and the moisture could damage your system's inner components.
Every operating system has hidden things lying under the hood, you just have to know where to look. Windows users should check out the hidden features of Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10, while Mac users should peruse the hidden features of OS X Lion, Mountain Lion, Yosemite, and Mavericks. If you want to find even more, you can often find them in Windows’ Registry or in OS X’s terminal. System tweakers like Ultimate Windows Tweaker, OnyX for Mac, and Ubuntu Tweak are also great places to find secret features.
The next power drain is your screen. While you obviously need to keep it up and running to use the laptop, you don't necessarily need it running at maximum brightness or resolution. Many laptops will have hotkeys for increasing and decreasing the screen brightness, but if not, it can be adjusted in the control panel. Reducing the display to 50 percent when you're running on battery power can add a significant amount of time.
Shut down unused and highly intense appsnhungboon/ShutterstockIf you’re not using an app, make sure that you exit out of it. If they are running, they will use up your battery. Also limit the use of highly intense apps such as games and editing software, they use up a lot of energy and will drain your battery much faster. Make sure you know the ways that computer hackers get into your computer.
It’s not the only option for getting your media files on your Sony gaming console. The ever-wonderful Plex app is one way of getting content from your computer to your PS4 (and it’s free), but if you want a slightly more complex route then you can set up a DLNA server and use this to beam music, video and photos over to the PlayStation box.
Word Count: 3022
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