Worst yet, it’s a pain having to implement standards and always having to remember to follow them. But if you like working along with written tutorials, of course there are many places to find them. It’s an interesting article. Next we style the basic unordered list by just making sure that no bullets are shown with our links. You need to automate the checking of your coding standards. WP-Dev-Lib includes the WPCS project mentioned above but goes a step further by including tools and scripts for unit testing, deployment and additional standards checking. Doing so will eliminate the need to always be thinking about it (although after a while it really becomes second nature), will save you the pain of having to tell your colleagues they coded something wrong (the build process will do that for you) and best of all, catch any missed security issues that may have been introduced. setting anegative value won’t work with this happening. I had to give it a negative top margin. That’s also not to mention shipping code with other issues such as incorrect sanitisation, no docblock comments, forms without nonce values etc. Mistakes can be costly though and especially as we work on WordPress and open source software, it’s even more vital that we take care and automate the checking of our code style and security – or as I’ll refer to them from now on, our WordPress coding standards. I can set a negative value, but I see that the value of the top space changes… Sometimes its 64 pixels, then sometimes its 36 pixels. Thanks in advance. I have never learned programming languages, but I am going through learning process. We have created a shortcode you can wrap around source code that preserves its formatting and even provides syntax highlighting for certain languages, like so:
At the end of this article, you’ll find links to some excellent tutorial sites. Why you should automatically check your WordPress coding standards As we know, WordPress has a number of defined coding standards that have been laid out and enforced on core development. Thanks in advance. In the HTML, the code for the sidebar is written beneath the content. Documented code is much easier to read and understand. WordPress can handle multiple sidebars pretty easily if you want more than one, but for the sake of keeping this already-long tutorial relatively short, we’ll let Google answer the question on how to do that for you.

As an example, let’s take a look at the sidebar from the illustration above. Your code standards should enforce documentation of classes, methods, variables etc. If there are no standards applied to your code, then it can quickly become a big mess. Let’s look at some of them. The first is the WPCS project. Rosyidi, July 3, 2011 / Reply This tutorial is really what I need … just thanks for this great tutorial that helps me to start design my own theme… Thanks
Methew Costner, October 15, 2014 / Reply Thanks for sharing your knowledge with viewers. one use is that it wont shift the sidebar far below when in mobile view. If they’re not kept in check, things escalate fast and code becomes messy. However recently, we’re transitioning over to use PSR. one use is that it wont shift the sidebar far below when in mobile view. If this page didn't answer your question or left you wanting more, let us know! We love hearing your feedback. I got to know about TemplateToaster about a month back, since then I am making themes for my acquaint ones with this software. To get you started with WPCS, here is a video I’ve recorded to help you get setup on your own project. You should use basic for, for/in, while loops in Javascript for iterating over other collections.

Applying WordPress Coding Standards I’ve always found myself to be slightly OCD when it comes to writing code. Here’s how that happens:
We're always looking to improve our documentation. But apparently the way comments were handled is out of date. I’m doing a new theme — can you tell me specifically what steps are needed to enable comments to work? What templates are needed? What code is needed in the functions.php (if any)? I’m (like so many) an HTML/CSS person, not a php programmer. Avoid your codebase becoming a big mess. So step 1 is to include blog stuff in the loop in the index.php template. Follows industry best practices. It’s getting the commenting functionality to work that I’m struggling with. The simple solution is to automate. Unfortunately when it comes to themes and plugins, it is not as easy to enforce these standards since the control lies with the theme plugin or author. Yet in the actual layout that displays on the screen, it shows up to the right of the content. I’ve done that successfully and that’s what your sample code includes. Where I am getting lost is in understanding the relationship between the index.php template, the comments.php template, the single.php template, and what goes in the functions.php (if anything) that relates to the comments. In addition, the Embedding content page lists the various types of embeds that are allowed.

Jon BrownI just follow you.hehe, that’s true, but it’s also what I was doing before I started following you.I’m way more familiar with WPCS and it’s what I use by default and try to enforce internally at 9seeds. Can anyone offer some help?
Annie, March 27, 2011 / Reply Thanks for this tutorial, it is very helpful :)! But how do I get the wrapper to be at the very top of the page? Setting margins to 0 didn’t seem to work. I use to make WordPress themes, but without writing code. Nice work. (And the category.php.) I am using the single.php as the template for the full blog entries. While I would consider the first 2 essential learning, the 3rd (PHP) is optional. This page should describe how to install the Plugin, what it does, what versions of WordPress it is compatible with, what has changed from version to version of your Plugin, and how to use the Plugin.
Paula, May 25, 2011 / Reply Hi: Thank you for this very helpful tutorial! I just started doing my own themes last Fall and at that time I used WordPress 2.8 Theme Design as a guide, which was great. If you’re in the last 10% of your project and you’ve just discovered that you’ve been using the incorrect naming convention for classes, don’t switch mid-way. Keep reading to find out why.
I am using the single.php as the template for the full blog entries. Because of TemplateToaster, I love theme making. Show your beautiful photographs.
It is very useful for users of the Plugin if you create a web page to act as a source of information for your WordPress Plugin. How to implement automated checking of WordPress code standards The really good news is that there are a number of open source projects written to automate the checking of WordPress coding standards. (This file name is often, but not essentially, the same as the directory name.) Example directory and file names could be mycompanyname-fabulous-functionality and mycompanyname-fabulous-functionality.php respectively. Makes sure your code is secure. Thanks!
Pieter Carette, March 9, 2011 / Reply That’s a great start for any wordpress developer. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.
Extended License Selected $3000 Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users can be charged for. So right now I have a site with the capability for the client to create and post blog posts. WordPress coding standards define how to write secure code and should be strictly enforced. Here is a video which goes through how to setup WP-Dev-Lib. Though I am still interested in learning programming, I am not going to drop TemplateToaster if become learned.
Your WordPress Plugin must have at least one PHP file; it could also contain JavaScript files, CSS files, image files and language files. You will need to register an account to receive an API key, which is however very quick to do. Cheers!
The code just tells WordPress to register a sidebar which we called in our sidebar.php. Never mind having to tell a colleague that what they’ve coded is incorrect. In my personal opinion, I would rather read something consistently incorrect than something which is sometimes correct and sometimes not. Is that literally all that appears on a comments.php template? Does it go above, below, between something? Is it something I must have? What happens if I don’t have a category.php template? Must I have one? Could you nutshell the steps that relate specifically to getting comments to work in the new 3.0 way? Thanks, thanks, thanks!
While WordPress.com doesn’t allow you to use potentially dangerous code on your blog, there is a way to post source code for viewing. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.
Darren EthierHere at Event Espresso, we started off by following the WP coding standards for all the code we produced. A good solution is to use your name or the name of your company as a prefix, without spaces or special characters –for example, mycompanyname-fabulous-functionality.php.
M.S. But for now, to help get you started on your own learning curve, let’s take a quick look at each of those 3 code languages, and see what they’re used for. Reply October 26, 2016 at 12:24 pm
Lee, January 17, 2012 / Reply Thank you for this theme! I had a question though. Refactoring for a code standard change doesn’t seem so onerous. Each developer has his/her own quirks and way of doing things. Is it necessary to have one though? And, if yes, how does it differ from index.php? Thanks again for this precious knowledge, especially for “starters”. What I’m gathering from your example is that this template also contains a loop, the same loop as the index.php, with some additional code for the comments to work, right? So am I right in assuming that to get comments to work I MUST have a single.php template with the appropriate loop? Then, you have the comments.php with one line of code. Maybe that can happen in conjunction with dropping PHP 5.2 support… because some day we have to drop back compat and move forward. It’s easy to forget a nonce on a form or to output a variable that is not escaped. What I’m gathering from your example is that this template also contains a loop, the same loop as the index.php, with some additional code for the comments to work, right? So am I right in assuming that to get comments to work I MUST have a single.php template with the appropriate loop?
Your Plugin filename should also be unique so that your Plugin will not conflict with another in the Plugin Repository. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s see why you might want to dabble a bit in PHP.
According to the standards jQuery iteration (jQuery.each()) should only be used on jQuery objects. Do let me know how to control it.
Akash, January 20, 2013 / Reply How to control the number of posts that will be shown on homepage, for example, I want to show only 3 recent posts. There are exceptions.I’d honestly have no problem with adopting PSR on specific projects the way Alain suggests though. This is a whole package of tools to facilitate the development of WordPress themes, plugins and sites. I specify this because I’m using WP for it’s CMS functionality and don’t have blogs as the home pages – I have “static” homepages and blogs are part of some of, but not the primary purposes of, the sites I’ve built. I’ve come a long way but there’s always holes in my understanding when something new comes up… This is my understanding. :) Keep up the good work.
How to control the number of posts that will be shown on homepage, for example, I want to show only 3 recent posts. After that, it is necessary to navigate to the bottom of the settings page and copy the API key to your clipboard.
So I’m guessing that somewhere in the theme, probably in the functions.php or the header, there is a parameter to tell it what the default home page link text should be.
As you can see in our .nav we have made some basic declarations, such as the width of the navigation, background, where it will align, as well as the display value. By adopting an industry best practice, your code is written in the same way and the right way. The WordPress Coding Standards project is a whole set of PHPCS rules to make sure your code written for WordPress follows the outlined conventions. What is setting the top margin of the theme? The margin is set to 0, but there is still significant space up top. Here are a few sources for tips that are 100% trustworthy:
dimitrisleon, March 15, 2013 / Reply For sure this is one of the most straightforward, comprehensive & useful tutorials (along with 2 or 3 more out there..). This might be as small as forgetting a space before a closing bracket or as dangerous as outputting non-escaped text. If there are multiple files, pick a unique name for a directory and a name of your choice for the main PHP file. Consistency over anal retentiveness. You can always write a script to change things in one go, or read through your code at the end.
This plugin is basically a code pasting/sharing site on the surface. And even though I always try my best to make sure my code is squeaky clean, the truth is that I’ve often shipped code with the very annoyances that irritate me the most. Many of the better plugins and themes however have adopted these coding standards. We’re all human and prone to making mistakes in our code every now and then. Code standards should include checks to make sure that the code is securely written. Ok, maybe not just when writing code, I insist that my cars digital volume display sits on an even number at all times… Anyway, extra spaces, lack of new lines and proper white spacing in a codebase really bugs me to no end. It’ll reduce the amount of work needed to make sure of that and let you focus on writing your best code.
You can either follow video courses on Treehouse/Tuts+ if you, like me, mostly prefer the video format over text. Just like all the other top plugins, themes and applications. Like mentioned earlier on in this piece, it can be easy to simply forget to follow a standard. This is clearly beneficial to the community as a whole as everyone is adopting the same practices when writing code. One reason for this is because we’re finding that more and more developers from outside the WP community are starting to interact with our code and we want to make it easier to encourage this with something they are already familiar with (especially when it comes to IDE setup/code sniffing etc that they may already have in place).There is definitely a challenge transitioning our codebase but in the long run I think it will work better for our codebase.With that said, on our saas platform, since we still interact with a lot of WP work outside of our direct control (third party plugins/themes etc) we follow WP code standards for any development we do on those things. Importantly though, automated checking of code standards will not catch everything and it’s still important to make sure you’re coding diligently. For support, please use the forums or contact support form. Then the next project that is worth looking at is WP-Dev-Lib. These videos will give you a good head start into making sure your code is developed the right way. Now let’s make the theme more advanced in a next tutorial. Really helped a lot! Just one question: you did not create an archives.php file. For our list we float the items to the left, as well as position it relative.
Keenan Payne, March 12, 2011 / Reply Hey, thanks for your comment, and I’m making changes to the comments.php to make that WordPress 3.0 compatible and with that will mean that everything is done so that it’s completely 3.0 compatible.
I know, it should be HPP instead of PHP, but here’s why it’s not. Put all your Plugin's files into the directory you've created and tell your Plugin users to upload the whole directory to wp-content/plugins/.
Now that we have coded up our header.php with our basic information and our blog’s name, we can add our custom navigation menu, a feature that was introduced in WordPress 3.0. The loop needs to contain the appropriate code to generate the blog functionality. And one more question – how can I get a link to Home in the navigation bar? Thank you!
LandScape is our latest WordPress theme for photographers, bloggers, creative artists, and those in need of a solid digital portfolio solution. Reply October 27, 2016 at 11:13 am. Having documented code is again a win for everyone as the code becomes much clearer when trying to add to it or refactor it. Especially when there is more than 1 developer working on the same code. I think having, declaring and following a standard within a code set (and I mean core vs theme vs plugin, not “all the things”) is more important than what that standard is.I’m also very in favor of updating WPCS to follow or at least better mesh with PSRs. Why you need to apply WordPress coding standards to your codebase There are many different reasons for being really strict when it comes writing WordPress code and implementing coding standards. Before we actually add the code to our header.php though, we have to first open up the functions.php, and add the necessary code to enable the custom menus.
Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for. Do let me know how to control it.
There are several safe ways to post Videos, Audio, and other items to your WordPress.com blog. There are two specific projects that you should initially look at.
At the end of this article, you’ll find links to some excellent tutorial sites. Why you should automatically check your WordPress coding standards As we know, WordPress has a number of defined coding standards that have been laid out and enforced on core development. Thanks in advance. In the HTML, the code for the sidebar is written beneath the content. Documented code is much easier to read and understand. WordPress can handle multiple sidebars pretty easily if you want more than one, but for the sake of keeping this already-long tutorial relatively short, we’ll let Google answer the question on how to do that for you.

As an example, let’s take a look at the sidebar from the illustration above. Your code standards should enforce documentation of classes, methods, variables etc. If there are no standards applied to your code, then it can quickly become a big mess. Let’s look at some of them. The first is the WPCS project. Rosyidi, July 3, 2011 / Reply This tutorial is really what I need … just thanks for this great tutorial that helps me to start design my own theme… Thanks
Methew Costner, October 15, 2014 / Reply Thanks for sharing your knowledge with viewers. one use is that it wont shift the sidebar far below when in mobile view. If they’re not kept in check, things escalate fast and code becomes messy. However recently, we’re transitioning over to use PSR. one use is that it wont shift the sidebar far below when in mobile view. If this page didn't answer your question or left you wanting more, let us know! We love hearing your feedback. I got to know about TemplateToaster about a month back, since then I am making themes for my acquaint ones with this software. To get you started with WPCS, here is a video I’ve recorded to help you get setup on your own project. You should use basic for, for/in, while loops in Javascript for iterating over other collections.

Applying WordPress Coding Standards I’ve always found myself to be slightly OCD when it comes to writing code. Here’s how that happens:
We're always looking to improve our documentation. But apparently the way comments were handled is out of date. I’m doing a new theme — can you tell me specifically what steps are needed to enable comments to work? What templates are needed? What code is needed in the functions.php (if any)? I’m (like so many) an HTML/CSS person, not a php programmer. Avoid your codebase becoming a big mess. So step 1 is to include blog stuff in the loop in the index.php template. Follows industry best practices. It’s getting the commenting functionality to work that I’m struggling with. The simple solution is to automate. Unfortunately when it comes to themes and plugins, it is not as easy to enforce these standards since the control lies with the theme plugin or author. Yet in the actual layout that displays on the screen, it shows up to the right of the content. I’ve done that successfully and that’s what your sample code includes. Where I am getting lost is in understanding the relationship between the index.php template, the comments.php template, the single.php template, and what goes in the functions.php (if anything) that relates to the comments. In addition, the Embedding content page lists the various types of embeds that are allowed.

Jon BrownI just follow you.hehe, that’s true, but it’s also what I was doing before I started following you.I’m way more familiar with WPCS and it’s what I use by default and try to enforce internally at 9seeds. Can anyone offer some help?
Annie, March 27, 2011 / Reply Thanks for this tutorial, it is very helpful :)! But how do I get the wrapper to be at the very top of the page? Setting margins to 0 didn’t seem to work. I use to make WordPress themes, but without writing code. Nice work. (And the category.php.) I am using the single.php as the template for the full blog entries. While I would consider the first 2 essential learning, the 3rd (PHP) is optional. This page should describe how to install the Plugin, what it does, what versions of WordPress it is compatible with, what has changed from version to version of your Plugin, and how to use the Plugin.
Paula, May 25, 2011 / Reply Hi: Thank you for this very helpful tutorial! I just started doing my own themes last Fall and at that time I used WordPress 2.8 Theme Design as a guide, which was great. If you’re in the last 10% of your project and you’ve just discovered that you’ve been using the incorrect naming convention for classes, don’t switch mid-way. Keep reading to find out why.
I am using the single.php as the template for the full blog entries. Because of TemplateToaster, I love theme making. Show your beautiful photographs.
It is very useful for users of the Plugin if you create a web page to act as a source of information for your WordPress Plugin. How to implement automated checking of WordPress code standards The really good news is that there are a number of open source projects written to automate the checking of WordPress coding standards. (This file name is often, but not essentially, the same as the directory name.) Example directory and file names could be mycompanyname-fabulous-functionality and mycompanyname-fabulous-functionality.php respectively. Makes sure your code is secure. Thanks!
Pieter Carette, March 9, 2011 / Reply That’s a great start for any wordpress developer. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.
Extended License Selected $3000 Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users can be charged for. So right now I have a site with the capability for the client to create and post blog posts. WordPress coding standards define how to write secure code and should be strictly enforced. Here is a video which goes through how to setup WP-Dev-Lib. Though I am still interested in learning programming, I am not going to drop TemplateToaster if become learned.
Your WordPress Plugin must have at least one PHP file; it could also contain JavaScript files, CSS files, image files and language files. You will need to register an account to receive an API key, which is however very quick to do. Cheers!
The code just tells WordPress to register a sidebar which we called in our sidebar.php. Never mind having to tell a colleague that what they’ve coded is incorrect. In my personal opinion, I would rather read something consistently incorrect than something which is sometimes correct and sometimes not. Is that literally all that appears on a comments.php template? Does it go above, below, between something? Is it something I must have? What happens if I don’t have a category.php template? Must I have one? Could you nutshell the steps that relate specifically to getting comments to work in the new 3.0 way? Thanks, thanks, thanks!
While WordPress.com doesn’t allow you to use potentially dangerous code on your blog, there is a way to post source code for viewing. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.
Darren EthierHere at Event Espresso, we started off by following the WP coding standards for all the code we produced. A good solution is to use your name or the name of your company as a prefix, without spaces or special characters –for example, mycompanyname-fabulous-functionality.php.
M.S. But for now, to help get you started on your own learning curve, let’s take a quick look at each of those 3 code languages, and see what they’re used for. Reply October 26, 2016 at 12:24 pm
Lee, January 17, 2012 / Reply Thank you for this theme! I had a question though. Refactoring for a code standard change doesn’t seem so onerous. Each developer has his/her own quirks and way of doing things. Is it necessary to have one though? And, if yes, how does it differ from index.php? Thanks again for this precious knowledge, especially for “starters”. What I’m gathering from your example is that this template also contains a loop, the same loop as the index.php, with some additional code for the comments to work, right? So am I right in assuming that to get comments to work I MUST have a single.php template with the appropriate loop? Then, you have the comments.php with one line of code. Maybe that can happen in conjunction with dropping PHP 5.2 support… because some day we have to drop back compat and move forward. It’s easy to forget a nonce on a form or to output a variable that is not escaped. What I’m gathering from your example is that this template also contains a loop, the same loop as the index.php, with some additional code for the comments to work, right? So am I right in assuming that to get comments to work I MUST have a single.php template with the appropriate loop?
Your Plugin filename should also be unique so that your Plugin will not conflict with another in the Plugin Repository. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s see why you might want to dabble a bit in PHP.
According to the standards jQuery iteration (jQuery.each()) should only be used on jQuery objects. Do let me know how to control it.
Akash, January 20, 2013 / Reply How to control the number of posts that will be shown on homepage, for example, I want to show only 3 recent posts. There are exceptions.I’d honestly have no problem with adopting PSR on specific projects the way Alain suggests though. This is a whole package of tools to facilitate the development of WordPress themes, plugins and sites. I specify this because I’m using WP for it’s CMS functionality and don’t have blogs as the home pages – I have “static” homepages and blogs are part of some of, but not the primary purposes of, the sites I’ve built. I’ve come a long way but there’s always holes in my understanding when something new comes up… This is my understanding. :) Keep up the good work.
How to control the number of posts that will be shown on homepage, for example, I want to show only 3 recent posts. After that, it is necessary to navigate to the bottom of the settings page and copy the API key to your clipboard.
So I’m guessing that somewhere in the theme, probably in the functions.php or the header, there is a parameter to tell it what the default home page link text should be.
As you can see in our .nav we have made some basic declarations, such as the width of the navigation, background, where it will align, as well as the display value. By adopting an industry best practice, your code is written in the same way and the right way. The WordPress Coding Standards project is a whole set of PHPCS rules to make sure your code written for WordPress follows the outlined conventions. What is setting the top margin of the theme? The margin is set to 0, but there is still significant space up top. Here are a few sources for tips that are 100% trustworthy:
dimitrisleon, March 15, 2013 / Reply For sure this is one of the most straightforward, comprehensive & useful tutorials (along with 2 or 3 more out there..). This might be as small as forgetting a space before a closing bracket or as dangerous as outputting non-escaped text. If there are multiple files, pick a unique name for a directory and a name of your choice for the main PHP file. Consistency over anal retentiveness. You can always write a script to change things in one go, or read through your code at the end.
This plugin is basically a code pasting/sharing site on the surface. And even though I always try my best to make sure my code is squeaky clean, the truth is that I’ve often shipped code with the very annoyances that irritate me the most. Many of the better plugins and themes however have adopted these coding standards. We’re all human and prone to making mistakes in our code every now and then. Code standards should include checks to make sure that the code is securely written. Ok, maybe not just when writing code, I insist that my cars digital volume display sits on an even number at all times… Anyway, extra spaces, lack of new lines and proper white spacing in a codebase really bugs me to no end. It’ll reduce the amount of work needed to make sure of that and let you focus on writing your best code.
You can either follow video courses on Treehouse/Tuts+ if you, like me, mostly prefer the video format over text. Just like all the other top plugins, themes and applications. Like mentioned earlier on in this piece, it can be easy to simply forget to follow a standard. This is clearly beneficial to the community as a whole as everyone is adopting the same practices when writing code. One reason for this is because we’re finding that more and more developers from outside the WP community are starting to interact with our code and we want to make it easier to encourage this with something they are already familiar with (especially when it comes to IDE setup/code sniffing etc that they may already have in place).There is definitely a challenge transitioning our codebase but in the long run I think it will work better for our codebase.With that said, on our saas platform, since we still interact with a lot of WP work outside of our direct control (third party plugins/themes etc) we follow WP code standards for any development we do on those things. Importantly though, automated checking of code standards will not catch everything and it’s still important to make sure you’re coding diligently. For support, please use the forums or contact support form. Then the next project that is worth looking at is WP-Dev-Lib. These videos will give you a good head start into making sure your code is developed the right way. Now let’s make the theme more advanced in a next tutorial. Really helped a lot! Just one question: you did not create an archives.php file. For our list we float the items to the left, as well as position it relative.
Keenan Payne, March 12, 2011 / Reply Hey, thanks for your comment, and I’m making changes to the comments.php to make that WordPress 3.0 compatible and with that will mean that everything is done so that it’s completely 3.0 compatible.
I know, it should be HPP instead of PHP, but here’s why it’s not. Put all your Plugin's files into the directory you've created and tell your Plugin users to upload the whole directory to wp-content/plugins/.
Now that we have coded up our header.php with our basic information and our blog’s name, we can add our custom navigation menu, a feature that was introduced in WordPress 3.0. The loop needs to contain the appropriate code to generate the blog functionality. And one more question – how can I get a link to Home in the navigation bar? Thank you!
LandScape is our latest WordPress theme for photographers, bloggers, creative artists, and those in need of a solid digital portfolio solution. Reply October 27, 2016 at 11:13 am. Having documented code is again a win for everyone as the code becomes much clearer when trying to add to it or refactor it. Especially when there is more than 1 developer working on the same code. I think having, declaring and following a standard within a code set (and I mean core vs theme vs plugin, not “all the things”) is more important than what that standard is.I’m also very in favor of updating WPCS to follow or at least better mesh with PSRs. Why you need to apply WordPress coding standards to your codebase There are many different reasons for being really strict when it comes writing WordPress code and implementing coding standards. Before we actually add the code to our header.php though, we have to first open up the functions.php, and add the necessary code to enable the custom menus.
Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for. Do let me know how to control it.
There are several safe ways to post Videos, Audio, and other items to your WordPress.com blog. There are two specific projects that you should initially look at.
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