Glad to see posts on Link Building, still. It seems people just keep replying with “content is king” when people ask about Link Building tactics. That answer is fine, but you still need to market your content and get traffic to it!
It's not just the number of the backlinks used, but the value of the links--link equity--that matters. The more connected your web page is to its integrated backlinks, the higher your page is viewed in the eyes of Google.
Aivar Magin March 7, 2015 at 5:19 pm / Reply Hi Felix, its 2015 but here I am reading your post. That’s very true what you said about trusting no one. I was once in a stagnated stage trying to adapt all the guides and tips that there is provided online. It is true that to be successful, one has to find his own way to find a strategy that works for you. Cheers, thank you for sharing this to us!
Tip 5: Pitch your best content to websites. Another strategy to obtain backlinks is to email the webmasters on your target list with a pitch to link into your content. If the content is good enough or relevant enough to their sites' target audience, they may consider your request. Provide them with anchor keyword phrases you’d like to have linking into your site, and be patient. They may take weeks to respond.

I recommend making a post with at least 50 experts. When emailing these experts, make sure you give them a deadline to respond by. In addition, make sure you email at least twice the number of experts you need to complete your post as about half of them will not respond.

A few months back, I started blogging, and I have been struggling to rank my posts. After few weeks I came to know about backlinks. How backlinks are important to get better rank in google search results. But then I was confused and worried about spam and penalty. But here, I came to know about some ways to get backlinks easily. Thanks Sir.

Our network comprises of real blogs and websites which are maintained by real people, and are strictly private. Each site has a unique design, and focuses exclusively on its own niche. We always post images with alt tags, and links to authority sites in order to strengthen the SEO value of all the pages we create within our network.
Hello friend, You forget to mentioned the forum posting in your points. I highly recommend forum posting. It give us traffic plus High Quality link. Regards, Anup
Find their backlinks –,, and are on this list – and then contact those sites and offer them your new, improved content to link to instead.
The downside of using citation flow as your benchmark is that it doesn’t measure the quality of inbound links, but their quantity. The more inbound links a site has, the better their citation flow. But this doesn’t necessarily mean a high PR. On its own, citation flow isn’t very useful, because quality is more important than quantity with link building.
When building links that scale, it’s all about providing relevant content, so that people will keep linking to it. Keyword targeting is an important aspect of that. By selecting a huge number of keywords across several ad groups, Alan Mitchell was able to increase a clients’ click-through rates by 461% and their return on investment (ROI) grew to 231% in 3 months.
Historically, links were how Google figured out which websites were good: a link was a recommendation, so websites with more links ranked higher. Google let the web decide how good each page was. Since then, Google updates have largely been about getting ahead of efforts to game this process by acquiring unearned links.
What is it with affiliate product reviews? They're so good for your site. But they're just so damn hard to write. And, it's frustrating. Because they should be so straightforward, shouldn't they? You're just giving your thoughts on a product. But then your inner marketer climbs out of the woodwork. Should you say this? Should
Hello Richard, Great article to read for creating quality backlinks for the website, all the tips are great specially the 6. Find Competitors’ Backlinks and “Steal” Them, Your this tip seems to be very intresting and useful . Thanks for sharing such an informative article.
Jordan August 20, 2015 at 2:39 pm / Reply Hi Felix, I just found your blog today. I’ve actually never tried the strategies you mentioned. One of the problems I find about guest posting is that it doesn’t work in ever single niche. For instance, one of the niches I am in people simply don’t guest post on other blogs. I also tried broken link method, didn’t work well for me. Probably need to try it once more. Another thing I’ve used to drive traffic to my websites is to write in relevant forums. A few of them allow you to had a signature. It’s quite old school I know but it still works. Thanks, Jordan
hey, niel do you think social networking sites likes Facebook , twiiter , google+ etc gives back links ? I’ve left many links on these sites and I also get traffic from such sites but when I check my back links it shows no backlinks from such sites. I these these social medias are only worth for traffic but not for back links . I hope you reply.
Hello Jason!Are these links still safe to use post-Penguin mayhem? I suggested this to my client, and he went nuts; saying he was penalized by Google before and I should just stick to the usual game plan. Honestly, I think sticking to his plan wouldn’t get us anywhere. Reply
One of its best features it the ability to queue your campaign in its reservoir and syndicate your content later. So, even if you’re catching a plane, your next piece of content will get to your audience.
Obtaining high-quality backlinks in 2016 is a task that takes time and effort, but it’s still possible to improve your backlinks profile. Backlinks remain an important component of how the search engines calculate your site’s position on SERPS. The more you can improve your backlink profile, the better.
Thanks Kaiser, especially for the Alexa tip. Probably best to spread these links out over a period of 2-3 months to avoid Googler getting too suspicious. By the way, it seems that is brojen – it just wont let me add a new link. Regards, Paul
Building high quality links involves grueling efforts most of the time, may it be through search and mainly in building it. The most effective ones are usually content based (tedious) and sometimes need approval from the owner of the site you’re trying to get a link from, such as guest blogging, article marketing, resource request, blog commenting and the list moves on.
Basically, links should only be posted alongside meaningful comments and on relevant topics. Google Alerts can help you identify good places to do this. Now, these links aren’t very helpful for improving your authority, but they do bring traffic, and especially appropriate links might even be edited into the main article.
If your website is featured by top popular galleries, you will gain exposure to thousands of visitors and pick up some high quality in-bound links. You get a chance to showcase your best works you have done for your clients. By submitting your website to CSS galleries, you get credibility for your portfolio.
Ketki March 14, 2016 at 12:33 am / Reply Wow amazing post .you have given detailed information about backlink.I will definately think about guest posting.looking for such more post. Regards,
Follow links are links that provide direct, tangible SEO link value. This means they offer a boost on Google's PageRank, they help a page's placement in the search engine results page (SERP), and they essentially count as a "point" in the sport of search results competition.
Building an email list is one of the single most effective ways to connect and build a relationship with your blog audience, promote blog posts, and increase sales. Quite simply an email subscriber list increases the chances of your blog being a success. In fact Direct Marketing Association reports it has a ROI of 4300%.
Hi Neil, I have been a long time reader of your blogs. (Yes, I follow them all! Lol) Thanks for always being thoroughly helpful and for writing in a way even for beginners in SEO like myself can understand. I will definitely try out these tips and hopefully, get great results. Thanks again.
Trust flow: This is a metric, analyzed by Majestic, that provides a much better measurement of perceived quality. Trust flow was specially designed to determine the quality of links pointing to a site. It ranges from 0 to 100. The higher the number, the better. In this example, Bing has a trust flow of 86, which is excellent.
Daniel, I really appreciate your comment about using IFTTT along with a back link checker. Would you mind providing the specific steps to make this work, including a back link checker you use (would love to use a free one), how you set up the RSS2feed, and set up the recipe to come to an email address? I’d really like to try this, but haven’t used IFTTT before. I’ve been looking at IFTTT, but I can’t figure out how to set up a recipe that will email you whenever backlinks are coming to my competitors’ sites. Thank you.
Step 2: Use a Broken Link Checker to search for broken links within the blog. These may or may not exist – due to the nature of the internet, it’s basically impossible to predict how many there will be, but most blogs that have been around for a long time have some broken links.
Still, it is possible to get high-quality backlinks. The following five tips will show you how to improve your backlink portfolio over time, and move your site’s position up in the bargain.
If you provide a comprehensive review about another author's content, there's a good chance they (and others) will link to it. Here's an example of a book review from InsightSquared's blog, which sums up The Challenger Sale in what they promise is an eight-minute read or less.
Hey Niel, great strategies. My favorite is #7. I always tart out by analyzing 3 competitors. As you stated there are many free and low cost SEO tools that will accomplish this part of the search engine optimization strategy. We provide one that is the best, but I digress. The best way to do it is to compile a list of these sites and categorize them by a metric of your choice. I recommend Domain or Page Authority. Then you just to go to work by visiting the individual sites and looking for opportunities to build backlinks. You will be absolutely amazed at how many your uncover.
There are infinite ways to build backlinks, but not all link building strategies are worth doing. Some strategies such as link farming are illegal and will get your website penalized by Google, and some strategies just don’t bring in traffic at all.
This amazing course will teach you, step by step, how to double if not triple your traffic over the next 30 days. Fill out the form below to start your FREE Course Email 100% Privacy. I will never spam you!
Madison September 3, 2015 at 11:10 pm / Reply Hi Felix, cant say thank you enough for this – from reading everything posted I am going to try your advice above in using the footprints in Google. This really has been a long journey and I am soaking up all the advice and help I can get on all this.. thanks for your blog! Madison
First, create a dedicated page about the story on your website for them to link to as a resource. Then, reach out to a handful of journalists and/or publications that you can see really valuing your story. Be sure you give context to your request, you follow their rules, you write a compelling subject line to your pitch email, and that you're helpful, not boastful. Read this blog post to learn more about pitching your story to journalists (which includes two email templates right in the post).
It's not just the number of the backlinks used, but the value of the links--link equity--that matters. The more connected your web page is to its integrated backlinks, the higher your page is viewed in the eyes of Google.
Aivar Magin March 7, 2015 at 5:19 pm / Reply Hi Felix, its 2015 but here I am reading your post. That’s very true what you said about trusting no one. I was once in a stagnated stage trying to adapt all the guides and tips that there is provided online. It is true that to be successful, one has to find his own way to find a strategy that works for you. Cheers, thank you for sharing this to us!
Tip 5: Pitch your best content to websites. Another strategy to obtain backlinks is to email the webmasters on your target list with a pitch to link into your content. If the content is good enough or relevant enough to their sites' target audience, they may consider your request. Provide them with anchor keyword phrases you’d like to have linking into your site, and be patient. They may take weeks to respond.
I recommend making a post with at least 50 experts. When emailing these experts, make sure you give them a deadline to respond by. In addition, make sure you email at least twice the number of experts you need to complete your post as about half of them will not respond.
A few months back, I started blogging, and I have been struggling to rank my posts. After few weeks I came to know about backlinks. How backlinks are important to get better rank in google search results. But then I was confused and worried about spam and penalty. But here, I came to know about some ways to get backlinks easily. Thanks Sir.
Our network comprises of real blogs and websites which are maintained by real people, and are strictly private. Each site has a unique design, and focuses exclusively on its own niche. We always post images with alt tags, and links to authority sites in order to strengthen the SEO value of all the pages we create within our network.
Hello friend, You forget to mentioned the forum posting in your points. I highly recommend forum posting. It give us traffic plus High Quality link. Regards, Anup
Find their backlinks –,, and are on this list – and then contact those sites and offer them your new, improved content to link to instead.
The downside of using citation flow as your benchmark is that it doesn’t measure the quality of inbound links, but their quantity. The more inbound links a site has, the better their citation flow. But this doesn’t necessarily mean a high PR. On its own, citation flow isn’t very useful, because quality is more important than quantity with link building.
When building links that scale, it’s all about providing relevant content, so that people will keep linking to it. Keyword targeting is an important aspect of that. By selecting a huge number of keywords across several ad groups, Alan Mitchell was able to increase a clients’ click-through rates by 461% and their return on investment (ROI) grew to 231% in 3 months.
Historically, links were how Google figured out which websites were good: a link was a recommendation, so websites with more links ranked higher. Google let the web decide how good each page was. Since then, Google updates have largely been about getting ahead of efforts to game this process by acquiring unearned links.
What is it with affiliate product reviews? They're so good for your site. But they're just so damn hard to write. And, it's frustrating. Because they should be so straightforward, shouldn't they? You're just giving your thoughts on a product. But then your inner marketer climbs out of the woodwork. Should you say this? Should
Hello Richard, Great article to read for creating quality backlinks for the website, all the tips are great specially the 6. Find Competitors’ Backlinks and “Steal” Them, Your this tip seems to be very intresting and useful . Thanks for sharing such an informative article.
Jordan August 20, 2015 at 2:39 pm / Reply Hi Felix, I just found your blog today. I’ve actually never tried the strategies you mentioned. One of the problems I find about guest posting is that it doesn’t work in ever single niche. For instance, one of the niches I am in people simply don’t guest post on other blogs. I also tried broken link method, didn’t work well for me. Probably need to try it once more. Another thing I’ve used to drive traffic to my websites is to write in relevant forums. A few of them allow you to had a signature. It’s quite old school I know but it still works. Thanks, Jordan
hey, niel do you think social networking sites likes Facebook , twiiter , google+ etc gives back links ? I’ve left many links on these sites and I also get traffic from such sites but when I check my back links it shows no backlinks from such sites. I these these social medias are only worth for traffic but not for back links . I hope you reply.
Hello Jason!Are these links still safe to use post-Penguin mayhem? I suggested this to my client, and he went nuts; saying he was penalized by Google before and I should just stick to the usual game plan. Honestly, I think sticking to his plan wouldn’t get us anywhere. Reply
One of its best features it the ability to queue your campaign in its reservoir and syndicate your content later. So, even if you’re catching a plane, your next piece of content will get to your audience.
Obtaining high-quality backlinks in 2016 is a task that takes time and effort, but it’s still possible to improve your backlinks profile. Backlinks remain an important component of how the search engines calculate your site’s position on SERPS. The more you can improve your backlink profile, the better.
Thanks Kaiser, especially for the Alexa tip. Probably best to spread these links out over a period of 2-3 months to avoid Googler getting too suspicious. By the way, it seems that is brojen – it just wont let me add a new link. Regards, Paul
Building high quality links involves grueling efforts most of the time, may it be through search and mainly in building it. The most effective ones are usually content based (tedious) and sometimes need approval from the owner of the site you’re trying to get a link from, such as guest blogging, article marketing, resource request, blog commenting and the list moves on.
Basically, links should only be posted alongside meaningful comments and on relevant topics. Google Alerts can help you identify good places to do this. Now, these links aren’t very helpful for improving your authority, but they do bring traffic, and especially appropriate links might even be edited into the main article.
If your website is featured by top popular galleries, you will gain exposure to thousands of visitors and pick up some high quality in-bound links. You get a chance to showcase your best works you have done for your clients. By submitting your website to CSS galleries, you get credibility for your portfolio.
Ketki March 14, 2016 at 12:33 am / Reply Wow amazing post .you have given detailed information about backlink.I will definately think about guest posting.looking for such more post. Regards,
Follow links are links that provide direct, tangible SEO link value. This means they offer a boost on Google's PageRank, they help a page's placement in the search engine results page (SERP), and they essentially count as a "point" in the sport of search results competition.
Building an email list is one of the single most effective ways to connect and build a relationship with your blog audience, promote blog posts, and increase sales. Quite simply an email subscriber list increases the chances of your blog being a success. In fact Direct Marketing Association reports it has a ROI of 4300%.
Hi Neil, I have been a long time reader of your blogs. (Yes, I follow them all! Lol) Thanks for always being thoroughly helpful and for writing in a way even for beginners in SEO like myself can understand. I will definitely try out these tips and hopefully, get great results. Thanks again.
Trust flow: This is a metric, analyzed by Majestic, that provides a much better measurement of perceived quality. Trust flow was specially designed to determine the quality of links pointing to a site. It ranges from 0 to 100. The higher the number, the better. In this example, Bing has a trust flow of 86, which is excellent.
Daniel, I really appreciate your comment about using IFTTT along with a back link checker. Would you mind providing the specific steps to make this work, including a back link checker you use (would love to use a free one), how you set up the RSS2feed, and set up the recipe to come to an email address? I’d really like to try this, but haven’t used IFTTT before. I’ve been looking at IFTTT, but I can’t figure out how to set up a recipe that will email you whenever backlinks are coming to my competitors’ sites. Thank you.
Step 2: Use a Broken Link Checker to search for broken links within the blog. These may or may not exist – due to the nature of the internet, it’s basically impossible to predict how many there will be, but most blogs that have been around for a long time have some broken links.
Still, it is possible to get high-quality backlinks. The following five tips will show you how to improve your backlink portfolio over time, and move your site’s position up in the bargain.
If you provide a comprehensive review about another author's content, there's a good chance they (and others) will link to it. Here's an example of a book review from InsightSquared's blog, which sums up The Challenger Sale in what they promise is an eight-minute read or less.
Hey Niel, great strategies. My favorite is #7. I always tart out by analyzing 3 competitors. As you stated there are many free and low cost SEO tools that will accomplish this part of the search engine optimization strategy. We provide one that is the best, but I digress. The best way to do it is to compile a list of these sites and categorize them by a metric of your choice. I recommend Domain or Page Authority. Then you just to go to work by visiting the individual sites and looking for opportunities to build backlinks. You will be absolutely amazed at how many your uncover.
There are infinite ways to build backlinks, but not all link building strategies are worth doing. Some strategies such as link farming are illegal and will get your website penalized by Google, and some strategies just don’t bring in traffic at all.
This amazing course will teach you, step by step, how to double if not triple your traffic over the next 30 days. Fill out the form below to start your FREE Course Email 100% Privacy. I will never spam you!
Madison September 3, 2015 at 11:10 pm / Reply Hi Felix, cant say thank you enough for this – from reading everything posted I am going to try your advice above in using the footprints in Google. This really has been a long journey and I am soaking up all the advice and help I can get on all this.. thanks for your blog! Madison
First, create a dedicated page about the story on your website for them to link to as a resource. Then, reach out to a handful of journalists and/or publications that you can see really valuing your story. Be sure you give context to your request, you follow their rules, you write a compelling subject line to your pitch email, and that you're helpful, not boastful. Read this blog post to learn more about pitching your story to journalists (which includes two email templates right in the post).
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