Every so often someone comes at me with a kind of obnoxious attitude. At that point I ask them to explain their perspective in more detail, like I do with polite dissenting responses. The obnoxious person either stops being obnoxious because they can’t back up their stance, or they appreciate having an opportunity express their thoughts more fully, which makes them soften their tone and be less obnoxious as a result.

Rocco Hi Ankit, As a newbie in this platform, I am trying make better of my work as much as I could. Unfortunately, was missing out with some important part you have mentioned on your post. Mostly, I go short with words when I write articles, making it up to 700 is hard it seemed. Though it was alright but got myself wrong on this. Another big help for me of yours is the idea of Standing out from the crowd. This post of yours certainly gonna help me and many others like me out there. Thanks a Lot for the experience and suggestions you have share.
Growing a mailing list is possibly the most efficient way we increased the reach of our blog. Without it, you’ll have to be meticulous about with whom to share your new articles in the hopes of getting retweets, +1’s and backlinks.

10. Build An Email List Before You Even Begin If you are reading blogging related articles for a while, you might already have heard about the importance of building an email list. If you ask any successful blogger or marketer to share their biggest blogging mistake, 90% of them will say “I did not start list building from day 1.” No, you shouldn’t build an email list from day one. But you should rather consider doing it even before you launch a new blog. Just imagine for a second, how great it would be to have at least 500 or 1000 email subscribers waiting for your first blog post? That’s why you should consider growing your email list even before you even launch. Here are few ways to do just that. Email all your friends, blogging buddies, relatives about the launch of your new blog. Tell them, what you are going to blog about and ask them to subscribe to your email updates.Conduct giveaways. They help you quickly boost your email subscribers. Use social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Spread your message. Ask people to subscribe to your new blog. Tell them you will offer freebie once the blog goes live. Meanwhile, you can create an eBook, video or something else to offer it for free. Quick Note: You can use GetResponse, MailChimp, etc. to start growing your email list. They both offer free trials and if you want to know which is the best email autoresponder to start building your email list, read this article. #BloggingTips - Build An Email List Before You Even Begin Click to Tweet
David Ha! straight to the point. Monetizing always plays a key role in structuring a plan for a blog, that’s what keeps us motivated. Just to add up, write content, keeping in mind people’s problems that you solve, rather than wholly focusing on SEO and keywords. Reply
I’m one of those people who check my stats daily so I’m going to switch to a monthly review for sanity sake. I also need to find a way to organize my day so I have a scheduled thirty minutes daily for blogging. I have a section in my customized day planner for blogging (ideas, my Ideal Reader, and now my 5 goals for the year) so I can review it daily and jot notes anywhere. Thank you for your tips! Andrea Anderson recently posted..A Laundry Room for MomTwitter: projectsimplehm
By now, you've probably heard that the more often you blog, the more traffic you'll get to your website -- and the more subscribers and leads you'll generate from your posts. But as important as volume is, it's actually more important that you're blogging consistently when you're just getting started. If you publish five posts in one week and then only one or two in the next few weeks, it'll be hard to form a consistent habit. And inconsistency could really confuse your subscribers.

So when you are just starting out, instead of writing 10 short articles in a month, write just 2 in-depth articles. It can really help you in the long run.
In Google Trends, type your keyword in the search bar. On the bottom right side, you will see the Top Queries, and a tab for the Rising Queries. Click on the Rising Queries. These are golden nuggets of information. You’ll see which keywords are increasing in keyword search ranking. Write these keywords on your list and write content pieces around them.
I really want to start my own blog and earn money from it. And everyone I know just recommended me to use WordPress. I know WordPress is a good one, but I heard Google Adsense wont work with it. Is it true? And if it’s true, is there any platform that as good as WordPress that’ll work with Google Adsense? Thank you.
First of all, I want to say great blog! I had a quick question in which I’d like to ask if you don’t mind. I am using Reddit and hubpages to drive traffic but unfortunately, I got banned from hubpages. do you have any idea to get unbanned from hubpages.?
I would like an response anyone, preferably from the author. I used to write a Blog and would like to start again. My previous Blog was hosted by WordPress. I was paying about 29.00 dollars a year for many years, but all of a sudden it jumped to about 150.00 a year. I tried contacting WordPress about this unexplained huge increase, but they chose not to respond. Since you recommend using WordPress, how can you assure me they will honour their promises, and when they don’t, what can I do?
That's when I roll my eyes. See, people are quick to deem blogging as a no-brainer job. But when they actually sit down to write their first couple of posts, it hits them: This is way harder than I thought. Like any person starting a new job, they mess things up.
To help drive this long-term traffic, make sure you're writing blog posts that have durable relevance on a consistent basis. These posts are called "evergreen" blog posts: They're relevant year after year with little or no upkeep, valuable, and high quality.
It sounds like a bit of a cop-out, but I think that the most important blogging tactic for business is content that shines. Readability is key, research has shown that people read differently online and while it’s often tempting for writers to use long, convoluted words, it’s not advisable.
Writing isn’t about picking the right topic; it’s about finding the right voice. What matters, what readers really resonate with, isn’t so much what you say, but how.
Tauqir Hussain Hi Ankit, Thanks for sharing such an informative list. I agree completely that monetizing website or blog should be the first step while creating good informative content. If your content and strategy are top notch, you would eventually end up getting meaningful traffic. Few bloggers with 5000 visitors in a month are able to earn decent income due to monetization. Also building an e-mail list should be number one goal as you also stated above. This will eventually be the Bread and Butter of your business, bring most of the sales and building loyal customers. Reply
Here at HubSpot, we typically use good ol' Google Calendar as our blog editorial calendar, which you can learn how to set up step-by-step here. Or, you can click here to download our free editorial calendar templates for Excel, Google Sheets, and Google Calendar, along with instructions on how to set them up.
I agree with her, but also with Rebecca. Sometimes great info would require working too much and seek and almost perfect level. We should find a balance between the ‘great info’ and the ‘not perfect, but go for it’.
Jeni, your advice is always so great and this post is no exception. I love that you speak from experience and are realistic about balance between blog and life. My question about scheduling is one I have completed a post and have it scheduled to go live, how can I use HootSuite to schedule a tweet or FB link to a page that isn’t active yet? Is there a way to schedule a pin in this instance too? Brenda recently posted..Be Organized for the Best Fitness PlanTwitter: DeliciouslyWell
Now what? Go and do what you are told (I mean this in the nicest possible way of course!). These tips have helped to grow my blog and they can help to grow yours too – no matter what niche you are in, whether you are a product-based business, tourism operator, restaurant, health professional or marketer. The principles of blogging remain the same and these tips will work for any industry and for any blog. So, jump to it!
I’ve been blogging about design for years, and though it’s still not a piece of cake, it’s definitely gotten easier. People often ask me for blogging advice, so I compiled this quick list of tips I’ve learned from others.
Some of the links I drop on this website are affiliate links, and that means I earn some commission if you purchase through my links. No worries, I only recommend products that I like, and feel that you find useful.
If your budget is not an issue, you should opt for more professional and SEO theme. Here at ShoutMeLoud, we are using Thesis theme from last 2 years, and its been a rock-solid SEO theme for WordPress. The only down-side is, it’s costly but considering the scope of money via blogging, you might not like to task a risk. With an investment of $87, it’s worth a buy. Get Thesis Theme.
9. Monetize Your Blog From Day 1 The best way to monetize your blog is to create content, drive traffic and then monetize that traffic, right? Wrong! Although blog monetization strategy differs from niche to niche, monetizing your blog from the beginning is often the most effective way to best define your target audience. Once you clearly know what your target audience wants, you can create more laser focused content, drive more targeted visitors and attract more sales to your sites. On the other hand, if you wait until you get a certain amount of traffic and then monetize, you may fail to grab the attention of right people.What happens if you attract random website traffic? You will struggle to make sales! So think about how to monetize your blog’s traffic from day one. ➜ Read these guides:7 Best Ways To Monetize Your Blog EffectivelyEarn More From Your Blog With Infolinks Referral ProgramEarn Affiliate Income Through ShareAsale Affiliate Program #BloggingTips - Monetize Your Blog From Day 1 Click to Tweet
03 of 10 Be Consistent Your blog is a brand. Just like popular brands such as Coke or Nike, your blog represents a specific message and image to your audience, which is your brand. Your blog's design and content should consistently communicate your blog's overall brand image and message. Being consistent allows you to meet your audience's expectations and create a secure place for them to visit again and again. That consistency will be rewarded with reader loyalty.
You probably know measuring the success of your content is important, but it really doesn’t do any good to look at the statistics and then do nothing else. Instead, measure the success of individual blog posts and decide whether you need to make improvements.
Ah, such a rarity to find a fellow blogger that throws all the “rules” to the wind and just does what they please. What a refreshing read – and encouraging, too, considering that you’re a prime example of success. Thank you for this, Erin. XO
Rocco Hi Ankit, As a newbie in this platform, I am trying make better of my work as much as I could. Unfortunately, was missing out with some important part you have mentioned on your post. Mostly, I go short with words when I write articles, making it up to 700 is hard it seemed. Though it was alright but got myself wrong on this. Another big help for me of yours is the idea of Standing out from the crowd. This post of yours certainly gonna help me and many others like me out there. Thanks a Lot for the experience and suggestions you have share.
Growing a mailing list is possibly the most efficient way we increased the reach of our blog. Without it, you’ll have to be meticulous about with whom to share your new articles in the hopes of getting retweets, +1’s and backlinks.

10. Build An Email List Before You Even Begin If you are reading blogging related articles for a while, you might already have heard about the importance of building an email list. If you ask any successful blogger or marketer to share their biggest blogging mistake, 90% of them will say “I did not start list building from day 1.” No, you shouldn’t build an email list from day one. But you should rather consider doing it even before you launch a new blog. Just imagine for a second, how great it would be to have at least 500 or 1000 email subscribers waiting for your first blog post? That’s why you should consider growing your email list even before you even launch. Here are few ways to do just that. Email all your friends, blogging buddies, relatives about the launch of your new blog. Tell them, what you are going to blog about and ask them to subscribe to your email updates.Conduct giveaways. They help you quickly boost your email subscribers. Use social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Spread your message. Ask people to subscribe to your new blog. Tell them you will offer freebie once the blog goes live. Meanwhile, you can create an eBook, video or something else to offer it for free. Quick Note: You can use GetResponse, MailChimp, etc. to start growing your email list. They both offer free trials and if you want to know which is the best email autoresponder to start building your email list, read this article. #BloggingTips - Build An Email List Before You Even Begin Click to Tweet
David Ha! straight to the point. Monetizing always plays a key role in structuring a plan for a blog, that’s what keeps us motivated. Just to add up, write content, keeping in mind people’s problems that you solve, rather than wholly focusing on SEO and keywords. Reply
I’m one of those people who check my stats daily so I’m going to switch to a monthly review for sanity sake. I also need to find a way to organize my day so I have a scheduled thirty minutes daily for blogging. I have a section in my customized day planner for blogging (ideas, my Ideal Reader, and now my 5 goals for the year) so I can review it daily and jot notes anywhere. Thank you for your tips! Andrea Anderson recently posted..A Laundry Room for MomTwitter: projectsimplehm
By now, you've probably heard that the more often you blog, the more traffic you'll get to your website -- and the more subscribers and leads you'll generate from your posts. But as important as volume is, it's actually more important that you're blogging consistently when you're just getting started. If you publish five posts in one week and then only one or two in the next few weeks, it'll be hard to form a consistent habit. And inconsistency could really confuse your subscribers.
So when you are just starting out, instead of writing 10 short articles in a month, write just 2 in-depth articles. It can really help you in the long run.
In Google Trends, type your keyword in the search bar. On the bottom right side, you will see the Top Queries, and a tab for the Rising Queries. Click on the Rising Queries. These are golden nuggets of information. You’ll see which keywords are increasing in keyword search ranking. Write these keywords on your list and write content pieces around them.
I really want to start my own blog and earn money from it. And everyone I know just recommended me to use WordPress. I know WordPress is a good one, but I heard Google Adsense wont work with it. Is it true? And if it’s true, is there any platform that as good as WordPress that’ll work with Google Adsense? Thank you.
First of all, I want to say great blog! I had a quick question in which I’d like to ask if you don’t mind. I am using Reddit and hubpages to drive traffic but unfortunately, I got banned from hubpages. do you have any idea to get unbanned from hubpages.?
I would like an response anyone, preferably from the author. I used to write a Blog and would like to start again. My previous Blog was hosted by WordPress. I was paying about 29.00 dollars a year for many years, but all of a sudden it jumped to about 150.00 a year. I tried contacting WordPress about this unexplained huge increase, but they chose not to respond. Since you recommend using WordPress, how can you assure me they will honour their promises, and when they don’t, what can I do?
That's when I roll my eyes. See, people are quick to deem blogging as a no-brainer job. But when they actually sit down to write their first couple of posts, it hits them: This is way harder than I thought. Like any person starting a new job, they mess things up.
To help drive this long-term traffic, make sure you're writing blog posts that have durable relevance on a consistent basis. These posts are called "evergreen" blog posts: They're relevant year after year with little or no upkeep, valuable, and high quality.
It sounds like a bit of a cop-out, but I think that the most important blogging tactic for business is content that shines. Readability is key, research has shown that people read differently online and while it’s often tempting for writers to use long, convoluted words, it’s not advisable.
Writing isn’t about picking the right topic; it’s about finding the right voice. What matters, what readers really resonate with, isn’t so much what you say, but how.
Tauqir Hussain Hi Ankit, Thanks for sharing such an informative list. I agree completely that monetizing website or blog should be the first step while creating good informative content. If your content and strategy are top notch, you would eventually end up getting meaningful traffic. Few bloggers with 5000 visitors in a month are able to earn decent income due to monetization. Also building an e-mail list should be number one goal as you also stated above. This will eventually be the Bread and Butter of your business, bring most of the sales and building loyal customers. Reply
Here at HubSpot, we typically use good ol' Google Calendar as our blog editorial calendar, which you can learn how to set up step-by-step here. Or, you can click here to download our free editorial calendar templates for Excel, Google Sheets, and Google Calendar, along with instructions on how to set them up.
I agree with her, but also with Rebecca. Sometimes great info would require working too much and seek and almost perfect level. We should find a balance between the ‘great info’ and the ‘not perfect, but go for it’.
Jeni, your advice is always so great and this post is no exception. I love that you speak from experience and are realistic about balance between blog and life. My question about scheduling is one I have completed a post and have it scheduled to go live, how can I use HootSuite to schedule a tweet or FB link to a page that isn’t active yet? Is there a way to schedule a pin in this instance too? Brenda recently posted..Be Organized for the Best Fitness PlanTwitter: DeliciouslyWell
Now what? Go and do what you are told (I mean this in the nicest possible way of course!). These tips have helped to grow my blog and they can help to grow yours too – no matter what niche you are in, whether you are a product-based business, tourism operator, restaurant, health professional or marketer. The principles of blogging remain the same and these tips will work for any industry and for any blog. So, jump to it!
I’ve been blogging about design for years, and though it’s still not a piece of cake, it’s definitely gotten easier. People often ask me for blogging advice, so I compiled this quick list of tips I’ve learned from others.
Some of the links I drop on this website are affiliate links, and that means I earn some commission if you purchase through my links. No worries, I only recommend products that I like, and feel that you find useful.
If your budget is not an issue, you should opt for more professional and SEO theme. Here at ShoutMeLoud, we are using Thesis theme from last 2 years, and its been a rock-solid SEO theme for WordPress. The only down-side is, it’s costly but considering the scope of money via blogging, you might not like to task a risk. With an investment of $87, it’s worth a buy. Get Thesis Theme.
9. Monetize Your Blog From Day 1 The best way to monetize your blog is to create content, drive traffic and then monetize that traffic, right? Wrong! Although blog monetization strategy differs from niche to niche, monetizing your blog from the beginning is often the most effective way to best define your target audience. Once you clearly know what your target audience wants, you can create more laser focused content, drive more targeted visitors and attract more sales to your sites. On the other hand, if you wait until you get a certain amount of traffic and then monetize, you may fail to grab the attention of right people.What happens if you attract random website traffic? You will struggle to make sales! So think about how to monetize your blog’s traffic from day one. ➜ Read these guides:7 Best Ways To Monetize Your Blog EffectivelyEarn More From Your Blog With Infolinks Referral ProgramEarn Affiliate Income Through ShareAsale Affiliate Program #BloggingTips - Monetize Your Blog From Day 1 Click to Tweet
03 of 10 Be Consistent Your blog is a brand. Just like popular brands such as Coke or Nike, your blog represents a specific message and image to your audience, which is your brand. Your blog's design and content should consistently communicate your blog's overall brand image and message. Being consistent allows you to meet your audience's expectations and create a secure place for them to visit again and again. That consistency will be rewarded with reader loyalty.
You probably know measuring the success of your content is important, but it really doesn’t do any good to look at the statistics and then do nothing else. Instead, measure the success of individual blog posts and decide whether you need to make improvements.
Ah, such a rarity to find a fellow blogger that throws all the “rules” to the wind and just does what they please. What a refreshing read – and encouraging, too, considering that you’re a prime example of success. Thank you for this, Erin. XO
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