The majority of Pakistanis in the UK (over 90%) are Muslims. The largest proportion of these belong to the Sunni branch of Islam, with a significant minority belonging to the Shia branch. Other notable sects include Ahmadiyya (whose spiritual leader, Mirza Masroor Ahmad, is based in London) and Sufism. Mosques, community centres and religious youth organisations play an integral part in British Pakistani social life. Pakistanis account for 38 per cent of all Muslims in England and Wales. This figure varies from a high of 71 per cent in Yorkshire and The Humber to a low of 21.5 per cent in Greater London. In England and Wales, there are around 17,000 Pakistani Christians, and slightly fewer Hindus, Sikhs, Zoroastrians (mainly Parsis) and others. The overall religious breakdown of British Pakistanis living in England and Wales in 2011 can be seen below:
Termination of employment can involve resignation, dismissal or redundancy. The main law governing termination of employment in Pakistan is the Industrial and Commercial Employment (Standing Orders), 1968. Other relevant legislation in the field includes the Industrial Relations Act, 2012; Provincial Industrial Relations Acts; and the Shops and Establishments Ordinance, 1969. The Standing Orders Ordinance is applicable to all industrial and commercial establishments employing 20 or more workers now or on any day during the preceding 12 months. This ordinance may be extended to other classes of establishments (employing even less than 20 workers) by provincial governments through notification. An exemption to the above rule is granted in the case of smaller industrial establishments (employing between 20–49 workers) in the following four provisions. As discussed liberally under ‘General labour market and litigation trends’ above, a frequent issue of litigation is whether a person comes under the ambit of the ordinance to be able to benefit from these provisions. This has generated interesting case law reflecting on the nature of temporary and ad hoc workers and their rights. As per the law, for termination simplicity, a notice of termination is mandatory for permanent employees. A notice of one month must be served before severing the employment relationship, or payment of one month’s wages in lieu of notice may be provided (Section 12.1).

Pakistani biggest export industry is intact. And believe you me, their fame precedes them owing to their high calibre proficiency, as good as German for for their engineering, Japanese for their cars, Americas for their innovations. Is there any need to mention export industry?Recommend
The chances of a Pakistani being racially attacked in a year is more than 4 per cent – the highest rate in the country, along with British Bangladeshis – though this has come down from 8 per cent a year in 1996. The term "Paki" is often used as a racist slur to describe Pakistanis and can also be directed towards non-Pakistani South Asians. There have been some attempts by the youngest generation of British Pakistanis to reclaim the word and use it in a non-offensive way to refer to themselves, though this remains controversial.

The United Nations (UN) works to help the countries of the world cooperate in matters ranging from law and security to social progress and human rights. In Pakistan, 19 organisations affiliated with the UN work together for the most vulnerable people of Pakistan, supporting development and humanitarian assistance under the umbrella of the One UN - Delivering as One.

Last year, a total of 947,718 workers landed jobs abroad out of which a little more than half, or 522,932, secured jobs in Saudi Arabia which amounts to 55.17 per cent of the total workforce sent abroad, according to statistics submitted in the Senate by Minister for Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resources Pir Syed Sadaruddin Shah Rashidi.
In an age of de-globalization the first world is no longer willing to absorb the heaving masses of the third world. That being said the policy of our country to just keep exporting manpower across the planet will face diminishing yield. It is essential that our business sector promotes homegrown innovation, supporting small and medium enterprises, and small scale industrial growth. Importing everything is not in our interests. I'd like to see a Pakistani Trump who says Pakistan First.
Amongst the Pakistani self-employed, the predominance of the transport sector is evident with 53% of workers classified in this industry. A more detailed look at the data suggests that this is nearly all taxi driving. Most taxi drivers in the UK are nominally self-employed and essentially offer their services to taxi companies as sub-contractors paying a fee to rent equipment, including radios and sometimes cars, from the company. Long hours of work are common and pensions, sick pay and paid holidays rare. While the nature of the work may offer some flexibility, this is nothing like entrepreneurship in the classic sense.
Homelessness is further disproportionally experienced by migrant groups. The Combined Homelessness and Information Network (Chain), in its annual bulletin for 2014/15, said that 57 per cent of those rough-sleeping in London were not from the UK. 36 per cent of those rough-sleeping were from Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries, with Romanians making up 19 per cent of this figure. Five per cent were from African countries, and 4 per cent were of Asian nationality.
my Comments Feb 13, 2017 07:43pm Lacking industrial growth and commerce. Manpower is there but lacking skills to keep up with required trades and professional ability. Planners responsible for economic growth need to pay attention to public needs, rather keeping busy making money all the time. Recommend0
A considerable number of Pakistanis have set up their own businesses, often employing family members. Today, a fifth of Pakistani Londoners are self-employed. Businesses such as grocery stores and newsagents are common, while later arrivers commonly work as taxi drivers or chauffeurs. Well-known British Pakistanis from London include Anwar Pervez, whose Earl's Court grocery store expanded into the Bestway chain with a turnover of £2 billion, and the playwright and author Hanif Kureishi.
There is economic vibrancy in Asian-dominated areas of the UK, driven by the entrepreneurial spirit of the self-employed, according to some reports. But, says Ken Clark, analysis of official statistics reveals a rather less rosy picture.
In Pakistan, workers are entitled to join a union without previous authorisation; however, they can become members of only one union at a time. If a worker joins more than one union at a time, his earlier membership will get cancelled. Trade unions and their involvement have also produced interesting case law. A recent case18 in this regard shows that courts are willing to recognise trade union membership as a right, which could also be formed in a non-profit organisation.
Arts. 25 & 27 of the Constitution are an oft-pleaded provision of the constitution in discrimination cases and is often used when pay scales are discriminatory or unfair (see 2013 PLC 262). Equal pay is governed by s15 of the West Pakistan Minimum Wage Rules, 1962, which requires employers to give regard to the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value between men and women when it comes to fixing wages. However, there is no specific law in the country to deal with equal remuneration. The Pakistan Regulations on Fair Treatment involve the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973 (as amended in 2012), the West Pakistan Minimum Wage Rules, 1962, and the Protection Against Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2010.
Pakistani Pashtuns (Pathans) in the United Kingdom originate from the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA regions of northwestern Pakistan. A number of estimates exist on the Pashtun population in the UK. Ethnologue estimates that there are up to 87,000 native Pashto speakers in the UK; this figure also includes Afghan immigrants belonging to the Pashtun ethnicity. Another report shows that there are over 100,000 Pashtuns in Britain, making them the largest Pashtun community in Europe. Major Pashtun settlement in the United Kingdom can be dated over the course of the past five decades. There is a British Pashtun Council which has been formed by the Pashtun community in the UK. British Pashtuns have continued to maintain ties with Pakistan over the years, taking keen interest in political and socioeconomic developments in northwestern Pakistan. A large number of Pashtun families came from urban cities such as Peshawar, Mardan, Swat, Kohat and Nowshera. There are also smaller communities from other parts of Pakistan, such as Punjabi Pathans from Attock.
Another 326,995 persons were sent to the UAE for employment purposes — forming 34.50 per cent of the total workforce. Statistically, Saudi Arabia and UAE together hosted around 90 per cent of the total Pakistani workforce sent overseas.
The Mirpuri community has made significant economic progress over the years. In almost all the major UK cities there is a sizeable Mirpuri business community which owns take aways, restaurants, shops and taxi bases to small and medium-sized manufacturing units, legal and financial firms. On the other hand, after the economic hardships faced by the first generation Mirpuri immigrants, their third and fourth generations are moving fast in the new fields of science, technology, arts and social sciences with higher number of youth taking admissions in different universities. The Mirpuri expatriate community has made notable progress in UK politics and a sizeable number of MPs, councillors, lord mayors and deputy mayors are representing the community in different constituencies. The 2005 Kashmir earthquake caused widespread losses in Azad Kashmir, affecting many British Pakistanis.
The situation, if allowed to persist, would compromise efforts directed to promote efficiency and fairness in the economic system. It would retard the pace of wealth generation and perpetuate income disparities in a society already divided beyond all perceivable ways.
In 2001, around 3,500 British Pakistanis were in the highest ranking business and professional occupations, compared to 1,000 Bangladeshis and 10,000 Indians. Keeping in mind the lower class resources of Mirpuris, the rates of entry of non-Mirpuri Pakistanis into managerial or professional occupations turns out to be similar to that of British Indians. As per General Medical Council statistics for February 2015, 11,200 doctors of Pakistani ethnicity were registered in the UK. A further 8,000 dentists currently work for the NHS. Pakistani-origin doctors make up 4.2 percent of all doctors in the UK and Pakistan is one of the largest source countries of foreign young doctors in the UK.
Throughout the UK, people from BAME groups are much more likely to be in poverty (ie an income of less than 60 per cent of the median household income) than white British people. In 2015, Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities were the most likely to be in ‘persistent poverty’, followed by Black African and Black Caribbean communities.
Of those in employment, men from the Pakistani (57%), Black African (54%) and Bangladeshi (53%) ethnic groups were most likely to work in low skilled jobs. For women the most likely were Gypsy or Irish Traveller (71%), Bangladeshi (67%) and White and Black Caribbean (66%).
Recent case law like Zainul Abedin vs. Al Abid Silk Mills17 shows that the courts are more likely to set aside notice entitlements when the employee shows gross misconduct and a blatant disregard for cooperating in the office enquiry following a dismissal. Holidays, maternity leave and whistleblowing policies are governed by contractual agreements between employers and employees. However, precedent shows that maternity leave is an issue employers tend to skip upon, until the matter is pushed in the courts. There is no specific law on whistleblowing, although it would seem that if such a matter were brought in front of a court, appropriate relief would be provided. The following laws govern the area of holidays, gratuity, maternity leave and other rights/entitlements:
How to Nail a Job Interview Your job interview is a major factor determining whether you will get the job or not, so bring your A-game. In fact, why don't you let our CEO Monis Rahman tell you exactly what constitutes A-game. That man knows a thing or two about interviews, people (maybe more). Watch and learn from the best and get your next interview spot on!
After completion of your (undergrad or grad) studies, you must be looking for employment. While you may have already received advice on interviewing, during your studies, you must also know how to examine your employment contract or appointment letter. Do labour laws in Pakistan require an employer to provide employment contract at the start of employment? After you have applied for a job and in response to written test, interview, whatever the case may be, you may be offered employment in an organization. You must know that Constitution of Pakistan affords every one of us with the right to enter upon any lawful profession or occupation (Article 18). The Standing Orders Ordinance, promulgated in 1968, also requires every employer to provide every worker an employment contract, showing terms and conditions of his/her service. Your employer is responsible to provide this contract at the time of your appointment, transfer or promotion. Your appointment letter (employment contract) must state the nature of your employment (permanent or temporary, nature of duties i.e. job description, terms and conditions of service etc. What are different types of employment contract, as specified under the labor laws? If you are working in an establishment, you will be classified in one of the following six categories. Permanent Probationers Badlis (Alternate) Temporary Apprentices Contract worker You become permanent worker if you have been on work of permanent nature for the last 9 months and have satisfactorily completed the probationary period of three months.You will be a probationer for the first three months of service, after provisionally employed for a permanent position.You will be considered a “Badli” if you are appointed in the post of a permanent or probationer employee who is temporarily absent.You should consider yourself a temporary employee if you are hired for a project ending within 9 monthsAn apprentice is a person undergoing training through the system of apprenticeship.Lastly, you will be a contract worker if you are employed to work on piece rate basis for a specific period of time. You will not be given overtime for hours worked above the normal working hours. What should I look for in my employment contract? While examining your appointment letter, you must consider following factors. Job Description/ responsibilities - are these the same as were advertised and talked about during the interviews or job description has been expanded to include some other responsibilities Salary- what is your basic and gross salary? Your consolidated or gross salary must be equal or greater than Rs. 9,000 per month (in Punjab, KPK and Balochistan) or Rs. 8,000 ( in Sindh province). Your gross salary will include certain allowances like house rent allowance, conveyance/utility allowance. Probationary Period - what is the required probation period before your service is confirmed. In private sector, this probationary period is usually three to six months. While in public sector, the probationary period is one to two years. Another things to look for is that whether the probationary period is extendable or not. You must know that your services can be terminated during this time without any notice or without giving any reason. Termination of service - after confirmation of your service, on expiry of probation period, your services can be terminated by your employer at any time by giving you a 30-day notice or providing 30-day pay in lieu of that notice. You also have the right to resign from your service after giving 30-day notice or surrendering 30-day pay to your company. Transferability of services - whether your services can be transferred to other sections/departments of your organization. This can be both good and bad depending on your experience. Transferability of your services will give you diversified experience however you may not be able to specialize in your desired field. Confidentiality agreement - Your employer may require you not to associate, directly or indirectly, with a similar business during the course of your employment with the organization and that you would not divulge any information relating to the organization to its competitors (even after termination of your employment) Leaves, retirement benefits, medical facilities - you must check whether these provisions are in accordance with labor laws or company policy. Other than the above mentioned factors, your employment contract/appointment letter must also clearly indicate whether your employment will be governed by general or some specific labor laws like mining labor code, newspaper employees act or road transport employees act. Moreover, if your employment contract is negotiated on terms different than those provided in labor laws, this will take precedence over the labor law. So, you must examine whether your employment contract is in accordance with the provisions in the labor laws or is different.
Termination of employment can involve resignation, dismissal or redundancy. The main law governing termination of employment in Pakistan is the Industrial and Commercial Employment (Standing Orders), 1968. Other relevant legislation in the field includes the Industrial Relations Act, 2012; Provincial Industrial Relations Acts; and the Shops and Establishments Ordinance, 1969. The Standing Orders Ordinance is applicable to all industrial and commercial establishments employing 20 or more workers now or on any day during the preceding 12 months. This ordinance may be extended to other classes of establishments (employing even less than 20 workers) by provincial governments through notification. An exemption to the above rule is granted in the case of smaller industrial establishments (employing between 20–49 workers) in the following four provisions. As discussed liberally under ‘General labour market and litigation trends’ above, a frequent issue of litigation is whether a person comes under the ambit of the ordinance to be able to benefit from these provisions. This has generated interesting case law reflecting on the nature of temporary and ad hoc workers and their rights. As per the law, for termination simplicity, a notice of termination is mandatory for permanent employees. A notice of one month must be served before severing the employment relationship, or payment of one month’s wages in lieu of notice may be provided (Section 12.1).

Pakistani biggest export industry is intact. And believe you me, their fame precedes them owing to their high calibre proficiency, as good as German for for their engineering, Japanese for their cars, Americas for their innovations. Is there any need to mention export industry?Recommend
The chances of a Pakistani being racially attacked in a year is more than 4 per cent – the highest rate in the country, along with British Bangladeshis – though this has come down from 8 per cent a year in 1996. The term "Paki" is often used as a racist slur to describe Pakistanis and can also be directed towards non-Pakistani South Asians. There have been some attempts by the youngest generation of British Pakistanis to reclaim the word and use it in a non-offensive way to refer to themselves, though this remains controversial.

The United Nations (UN) works to help the countries of the world cooperate in matters ranging from law and security to social progress and human rights. In Pakistan, 19 organisations affiliated with the UN work together for the most vulnerable people of Pakistan, supporting development and humanitarian assistance under the umbrella of the One UN - Delivering as One.

Last year, a total of 947,718 workers landed jobs abroad out of which a little more than half, or 522,932, secured jobs in Saudi Arabia which amounts to 55.17 per cent of the total workforce sent abroad, according to statistics submitted in the Senate by Minister for Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resources Pir Syed Sadaruddin Shah Rashidi.
In an age of de-globalization the first world is no longer willing to absorb the heaving masses of the third world. That being said the policy of our country to just keep exporting manpower across the planet will face diminishing yield. It is essential that our business sector promotes homegrown innovation, supporting small and medium enterprises, and small scale industrial growth. Importing everything is not in our interests. I'd like to see a Pakistani Trump who says Pakistan First.
Amongst the Pakistani self-employed, the predominance of the transport sector is evident with 53% of workers classified in this industry. A more detailed look at the data suggests that this is nearly all taxi driving. Most taxi drivers in the UK are nominally self-employed and essentially offer their services to taxi companies as sub-contractors paying a fee to rent equipment, including radios and sometimes cars, from the company. Long hours of work are common and pensions, sick pay and paid holidays rare. While the nature of the work may offer some flexibility, this is nothing like entrepreneurship in the classic sense.
Homelessness is further disproportionally experienced by migrant groups. The Combined Homelessness and Information Network (Chain), in its annual bulletin for 2014/15, said that 57 per cent of those rough-sleeping in London were not from the UK. 36 per cent of those rough-sleeping were from Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries, with Romanians making up 19 per cent of this figure. Five per cent were from African countries, and 4 per cent were of Asian nationality.
my Comments Feb 13, 2017 07:43pm Lacking industrial growth and commerce. Manpower is there but lacking skills to keep up with required trades and professional ability. Planners responsible for economic growth need to pay attention to public needs, rather keeping busy making money all the time. Recommend0
A considerable number of Pakistanis have set up their own businesses, often employing family members. Today, a fifth of Pakistani Londoners are self-employed. Businesses such as grocery stores and newsagents are common, while later arrivers commonly work as taxi drivers or chauffeurs. Well-known British Pakistanis from London include Anwar Pervez, whose Earl's Court grocery store expanded into the Bestway chain with a turnover of £2 billion, and the playwright and author Hanif Kureishi.
There is economic vibrancy in Asian-dominated areas of the UK, driven by the entrepreneurial spirit of the self-employed, according to some reports. But, says Ken Clark, analysis of official statistics reveals a rather less rosy picture.
In Pakistan, workers are entitled to join a union without previous authorisation; however, they can become members of only one union at a time. If a worker joins more than one union at a time, his earlier membership will get cancelled. Trade unions and their involvement have also produced interesting case law. A recent case18 in this regard shows that courts are willing to recognise trade union membership as a right, which could also be formed in a non-profit organisation.
Arts. 25 & 27 of the Constitution are an oft-pleaded provision of the constitution in discrimination cases and is often used when pay scales are discriminatory or unfair (see 2013 PLC 262). Equal pay is governed by s15 of the West Pakistan Minimum Wage Rules, 1962, which requires employers to give regard to the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value between men and women when it comes to fixing wages. However, there is no specific law in the country to deal with equal remuneration. The Pakistan Regulations on Fair Treatment involve the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973 (as amended in 2012), the West Pakistan Minimum Wage Rules, 1962, and the Protection Against Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2010.
Pakistani Pashtuns (Pathans) in the United Kingdom originate from the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA regions of northwestern Pakistan. A number of estimates exist on the Pashtun population in the UK. Ethnologue estimates that there are up to 87,000 native Pashto speakers in the UK; this figure also includes Afghan immigrants belonging to the Pashtun ethnicity. Another report shows that there are over 100,000 Pashtuns in Britain, making them the largest Pashtun community in Europe. Major Pashtun settlement in the United Kingdom can be dated over the course of the past five decades. There is a British Pashtun Council which has been formed by the Pashtun community in the UK. British Pashtuns have continued to maintain ties with Pakistan over the years, taking keen interest in political and socioeconomic developments in northwestern Pakistan. A large number of Pashtun families came from urban cities such as Peshawar, Mardan, Swat, Kohat and Nowshera. There are also smaller communities from other parts of Pakistan, such as Punjabi Pathans from Attock.
Another 326,995 persons were sent to the UAE for employment purposes — forming 34.50 per cent of the total workforce. Statistically, Saudi Arabia and UAE together hosted around 90 per cent of the total Pakistani workforce sent overseas.
The Mirpuri community has made significant economic progress over the years. In almost all the major UK cities there is a sizeable Mirpuri business community which owns take aways, restaurants, shops and taxi bases to small and medium-sized manufacturing units, legal and financial firms. On the other hand, after the economic hardships faced by the first generation Mirpuri immigrants, their third and fourth generations are moving fast in the new fields of science, technology, arts and social sciences with higher number of youth taking admissions in different universities. The Mirpuri expatriate community has made notable progress in UK politics and a sizeable number of MPs, councillors, lord mayors and deputy mayors are representing the community in different constituencies. The 2005 Kashmir earthquake caused widespread losses in Azad Kashmir, affecting many British Pakistanis.
The situation, if allowed to persist, would compromise efforts directed to promote efficiency and fairness in the economic system. It would retard the pace of wealth generation and perpetuate income disparities in a society already divided beyond all perceivable ways.
In 2001, around 3,500 British Pakistanis were in the highest ranking business and professional occupations, compared to 1,000 Bangladeshis and 10,000 Indians. Keeping in mind the lower class resources of Mirpuris, the rates of entry of non-Mirpuri Pakistanis into managerial or professional occupations turns out to be similar to that of British Indians. As per General Medical Council statistics for February 2015, 11,200 doctors of Pakistani ethnicity were registered in the UK. A further 8,000 dentists currently work for the NHS. Pakistani-origin doctors make up 4.2 percent of all doctors in the UK and Pakistan is one of the largest source countries of foreign young doctors in the UK.
Throughout the UK, people from BAME groups are much more likely to be in poverty (ie an income of less than 60 per cent of the median household income) than white British people. In 2015, Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities were the most likely to be in ‘persistent poverty’, followed by Black African and Black Caribbean communities.
Of those in employment, men from the Pakistani (57%), Black African (54%) and Bangladeshi (53%) ethnic groups were most likely to work in low skilled jobs. For women the most likely were Gypsy or Irish Traveller (71%), Bangladeshi (67%) and White and Black Caribbean (66%).
Recent case law like Zainul Abedin vs. Al Abid Silk Mills17 shows that the courts are more likely to set aside notice entitlements when the employee shows gross misconduct and a blatant disregard for cooperating in the office enquiry following a dismissal. Holidays, maternity leave and whistleblowing policies are governed by contractual agreements between employers and employees. However, precedent shows that maternity leave is an issue employers tend to skip upon, until the matter is pushed in the courts. There is no specific law on whistleblowing, although it would seem that if such a matter were brought in front of a court, appropriate relief would be provided. The following laws govern the area of holidays, gratuity, maternity leave and other rights/entitlements:
How to Nail a Job Interview Your job interview is a major factor determining whether you will get the job or not, so bring your A-game. In fact, why don't you let our CEO Monis Rahman tell you exactly what constitutes A-game. That man knows a thing or two about interviews, people (maybe more). Watch and learn from the best and get your next interview spot on!
After completion of your (undergrad or grad) studies, you must be looking for employment. While you may have already received advice on interviewing, during your studies, you must also know how to examine your employment contract or appointment letter. Do labour laws in Pakistan require an employer to provide employment contract at the start of employment? After you have applied for a job and in response to written test, interview, whatever the case may be, you may be offered employment in an organization. You must know that Constitution of Pakistan affords every one of us with the right to enter upon any lawful profession or occupation (Article 18). The Standing Orders Ordinance, promulgated in 1968, also requires every employer to provide every worker an employment contract, showing terms and conditions of his/her service. Your employer is responsible to provide this contract at the time of your appointment, transfer or promotion. Your appointment letter (employment contract) must state the nature of your employment (permanent or temporary, nature of duties i.e. job description, terms and conditions of service etc. What are different types of employment contract, as specified under the labor laws? If you are working in an establishment, you will be classified in one of the following six categories. Permanent Probationers Badlis (Alternate) Temporary Apprentices Contract worker You become permanent worker if you have been on work of permanent nature for the last 9 months and have satisfactorily completed the probationary period of three months.You will be a probationer for the first three months of service, after provisionally employed for a permanent position.You will be considered a “Badli” if you are appointed in the post of a permanent or probationer employee who is temporarily absent.You should consider yourself a temporary employee if you are hired for a project ending within 9 monthsAn apprentice is a person undergoing training through the system of apprenticeship.Lastly, you will be a contract worker if you are employed to work on piece rate basis for a specific period of time. You will not be given overtime for hours worked above the normal working hours. What should I look for in my employment contract? While examining your appointment letter, you must consider following factors. Job Description/ responsibilities - are these the same as were advertised and talked about during the interviews or job description has been expanded to include some other responsibilities Salary- what is your basic and gross salary? Your consolidated or gross salary must be equal or greater than Rs. 9,000 per month (in Punjab, KPK and Balochistan) or Rs. 8,000 ( in Sindh province). Your gross salary will include certain allowances like house rent allowance, conveyance/utility allowance. Probationary Period - what is the required probation period before your service is confirmed. In private sector, this probationary period is usually three to six months. While in public sector, the probationary period is one to two years. Another things to look for is that whether the probationary period is extendable or not. You must know that your services can be terminated during this time without any notice or without giving any reason. Termination of service - after confirmation of your service, on expiry of probation period, your services can be terminated by your employer at any time by giving you a 30-day notice or providing 30-day pay in lieu of that notice. You also have the right to resign from your service after giving 30-day notice or surrendering 30-day pay to your company. Transferability of services - whether your services can be transferred to other sections/departments of your organization. This can be both good and bad depending on your experience. Transferability of your services will give you diversified experience however you may not be able to specialize in your desired field. Confidentiality agreement - Your employer may require you not to associate, directly or indirectly, with a similar business during the course of your employment with the organization and that you would not divulge any information relating to the organization to its competitors (even after termination of your employment) Leaves, retirement benefits, medical facilities - you must check whether these provisions are in accordance with labor laws or company policy. Other than the above mentioned factors, your employment contract/appointment letter must also clearly indicate whether your employment will be governed by general or some specific labor laws like mining labor code, newspaper employees act or road transport employees act. Moreover, if your employment contract is negotiated on terms different than those provided in labor laws, this will take precedence over the labor law. So, you must examine whether your employment contract is in accordance with the provisions in the labor laws or is different.
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